University of Virginia Library

Jesus verses (c)

[fol. 86v] 2o. et principaliter dixi quod Cristus mortuus est ut nos fortificaret in
bello, ut enim tetigi prius: dyabolus ante mortem Cristi hominem impugnabat
7ci. hoste, scilicet a peccatis. Contra que ad roborandum hominem Cristus sus-
tinuit penitenciam in 7. locis. Et ideo quidam deuotus loquens humano generi
in persona Cristi sic dicit:

wyth the garlond of thornes kene
myn heed was bowonden that was wyl sene
the streem of blod [r]an[38] be my cheke
4 thou proud man therfore be meke

Contra iram sustinuit clauum in manu dextera, et ideo sic dicit:

whan thou art wroth & wylt ha[n][39] wreche
beholde the l[oo]re[40] yat I the teche
th[row3]gh[41] myn ryth hand the nayl yt good
8 for3eef therfore & be nowht wroth

Contra auariciam sustinuit clauum in manu sinistra, et ideo dicit sic:


Page 78
th[row3]gh my left hand [þ]e[42] nayl is dreue
thenk therof 3yf thou wylt leue
& help the powre with almesdede
12 & Good of heuene schal 3eld thi mede

Contra accidiam sustinuit clauos in pedibus, vnde dicit sic:

rys vp slaw man out of thy byd
behold my feeth how yt am bled
qwow yt be nayled onto the tre
16 thank me therof yt was for the

Contra inuidiam que radicatur in corde sustinuit lanceam que cor apperuit,
vnde sic:

Wyt thys spere that was so gryl
myn herte was stongge so was my wyl
for loue of man [t]hat[44] was me dere
20 enviows man of loue to lere

Contra luxuriam sustinuit in toto corpore flagellacionem, vnde dicit sic:

beholde you man with reuful herte
thys scharpe scorges knottys smerte
my blodi bak qwow y[t][44] ys betun
24 & lee [r][45] at me thy lust to letyn

Contra gulam sustinuit sitim, vnde dicit sic:

In al my thyrst vpon the rode
the Iewys me goue to thynggis vngoode
esyl & galle for | [fol. 87] thyrst to drynke
28 glotun therof I rede the thynke

Ita quod Deus plenarie vicit exercitum dyaboli per istas septem sanguinis ef-
fusiones, quarum si homo bellum reminisci[46] nunquam peccaret in aliquo 7.


MS I an.


MS ham.


MS leer'.


MS thowygh (as also in line 9). I have deliberately emended to a non-provocative form of THROUGH. But the scribe may again have failed to understand anglicana long r—and another distinctively East Anglian form: 'thour(gh)'; see LALME 4:97.


MS ne.


MS & hat.


MS y.


MS leet.


Presumably in error for 'reminisceret'.