University of Virginia Library


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  • President, G. Thomas Tanselle, 420 East 51st Street, New York, New York 10022
  • Vice President, David L. Vander Meulen, University of Virginia, English Depart-
    ment, 219 Bryan Hall, PO Box 400121, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4121
  • Secretary-Treasurer, Anne G. Ribble, Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia
    Library, PO Box 400152, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4152
  • Editor, David L. Vander Meulen, University of Virginia, English Department, 219
    Bryan Hall, PO Box 400121, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4121
  • Executive Secretary, Anne G. Ribble, Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia
    Library, PO Box 400152, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4152
  • Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, R. J. Goulden, 156 Addiscombe Road,
    Croydon, Surrey CRo 7LA, England
  • Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Japan, Hiroshi Yamashita, Graduate School of Humani-
    ties and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba-shi 305-8571, Japan


Christian Dupont   (2009) 
Karin Wittenborg   (2010) 
G. Thomas Tanselle   (2011) 
David Seaman   (2012) 
David Vander Meulen   (2013) 
Terry Belanger   (2014) 
Ruthe Battestin   (2015) 


Chalmers L. Gemmill, Atcheson L. Hench, Linton R. Massey, Kendon L. Stubbs,
I. B. Cauthen Jr

Studies in Bibliography is issued annually by the Society in addition to various bibliographi-
cal pamphlets and monographs.
Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:
  • Subscribing Members ($55.00 per year)
  • Student Members ($27.50 per year)
  • Contributing Members ($150.00 or more per year)
  • Patrons ($250.00 or more per year)
  • Benefactors ($500.00 or more per year)
Contributing Members, Patrons, and Benefactors receive all publications of the Society and
by their contributions assist in furthering the Society's work. The names of individual and
institutional members are listed in Studies in Bibliography.
Articles and notes are invited by the Editor. Preferably these should conform to the rec-
ommendations of the Modern Language Association of America. All copy, including quotations
and notes,
should be double-spaced. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical
monographs for separate issue.
All correspondence concerning business affairs, including subscriptions and memberships,
should be sent to the Executive Secretary, Anne G. Ribble, Bibliographical Society, University
of Virginia Library, PO Box 400152, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4152