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Page 162

I would like to thank Jim Harner, Maura Ives, John Manning, Larry Mitchell, David Vander Meulen, William P. Williams, and the readers for Studies in Bibliography for their help in bringing this essay to fruition. Their careful and thorough comments on the various manuscript versions of this essay have greatly improved the finished product. I especially appreciate John Manning, who in addition to reading and commenting on the manuscript provided invaluable help in clarifying some of the history of the Hinman at Ohio State University. Many other people have also offered assistance and insight, as the footnotes and the list of works cited amply attest. I thank them. Mistakes, of course, should be attributed only to me.


The number fifty-nine is based on my research for a complete census of Hinman Collators. The census is not yet ready for publication. However, I provide a list of current locations of surviving machines as an appendix to this essay.


The descendants and alternatives will be discussed at length in a future portion of this study. The most important are referred to or described in the following publications: Vinton A. Dearing, Methods of Textual Editing; Vinton A. Dearing, “The Poor Man's Mark IV or Ersatz Hinman Collator”; Richard Levin, “A Poor Man's Collating Machine”; Gerald A. Smith, “Collating Machine, Poor Man's, Mark VII”; Johann Gerristen, “A Portable Collator Comes Cheaper”; Gordon Lindstrand, “Mechanized Textual Collation and Recent Designs”; John Horden, “The Institute of Bibliography and Textual Criticism”; Miriam Shillingsburg, “Computer Assistance to Scholarly Editing”; Irving N. Rothman, “The Houston Editing Desk and Editing Frame”; Randall McLeod, “A New Technique of Headline Analysis, with Application to Shakespeares Sonnets, 1609”; Paul R. Sternberg and John M. Brayer, “Composite Imaging: A New Technique in Bibliographic Research”; Random Cloud [i.e. Randall McLeod], “from [sic] Tranceformations in the Text of `Orlando Furioso'”; Daniel Zalewski, “Through the Looking Glass [the McLeod Collator]”; “Bibliographical Mirrors [the Carter Hailey Collator].” (Full publication details for these items appear in the list of Works Cited, below.)