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2. Historical methods in open traditions
2.1. The genealogy, if known, would make evaluation easy even in a contaminated tradition. Suppose that the manuscripts disagree. If we can find a common ancestor for the group that attest one reading, and at the same time a path bypassing that ancestor can be traced from each member of the (or a) rival group back to the original, the former reading is attributable to error in that ancestor. Every group can be tested thus against every other, and unless every reading is found attributable to error, the original (or rather the oldest recoverable) reading will be identified.
Now the only way to know that a group of manuscripts share an ancestor on which the remaining manuscripts are not wholly dependent is to have caught that group in an exclusive error elsewhere. Open traditions, however, exhibit a multitude of two-way splits (to go no farther), mostly rare or even unique. Over Cyprian's De Unitate, for example, there are 346 passages where the eighteen manuscripts collated by M. Bévenot survive and divide into two groups; these show no less than 198 different agreement patterns, of which 164 occur just once.[15] Many agreement patterns among the indeterminate passages occur in no determinate passage; none of their constituent groups, therefore, will have been observed in exclusive error. Such patterns cannot be illuminated by the partial genealogy derivable from the determinate passages. Among four manuscripts ABCD, for example, suppose that we detect unique errors in each, as well as some common errors in AB and some in CD. The stemma of fig. 4a results. Suppose in addition an indeterminate split AD:BC. According to fig. 4a, AD have no common source but the original, nor do BC; but in fact either AD or BC must have a common source, as one of the readings must be wrong.[16] The existing genealogy does not

It may be noted that the same apparatus criticus admits more than one genealogy in an open tradition (§1.2). Suppose four manuscripts EFGH, each bearing unique errors, and suppose further some common errors in EF, some in GH, some in EH, some in FG. We might infer fig. 5a. However, the links E-H and F-G could be differently orientated (fig. 5b). Or, instead of ascribing common error to "intrastemmatic" contamination, we should perhaps ascribe common freedom from error to an "extrastemmatic" source (i.e. a lost source not derived from the latest common ancestor of the extant manuscripts);[17] in fig. 5c, μ accounts for the shared errors both of GH and of EF (which had no access to μ to correct λ's errors). In an open tradition it is not always obvious which of the alternative pedigrees has the dubious advantage of being the simplest.
2.2. For a genealogical approach to evaluation, then, one determinate specimen of every attested two-way split is prerequisite. Dom H. Quentin, however, claimed that a full genealogy could be constructed with far less information. He argued that if three manuscripts were related in any of the ways shown in fig. 6, the outer pair (AC) would never agree against

Now in all six cases in fig. 6, at least one of the three manuscripts derives directly from another. It follows that if, after standard practice,[19] every manuscript which derives from another extant manuscript is eliminated, the remaining manuscripts will exhibit no zeros at all. Yet Quentin did obtain zeros, by restricting the field of variants. Suppose three independent descendants of one ancestor. Before the count begins, the number of agreements of any pair against the remaining manuscript is of course zero. If the text is long enough, all three manuscripts will eventually err and all three zeros will be breached. However, if the text is so short that one of the manuscripts did not err, a spurious zero will remain. Quentin used short texts, and further increased the likelihood of the survival of a zero by eliminating readings which "attirent l'attention des copistes".[20] He also regarded a low figure as a quasi-zero, equivalent to zero; but in fact a quasi-zero may result not only from intermediacy (e.g. if the two outer manuscripts occasionally agree by coincidence) but also from wholly different relationships.[21]
Quentin also eliminated unique readings. Any manuscript standing at the end of a branch was thereby replaced by the nearest extant manuscript

The variants therefore had to be kept few. One of Quentin's genealogies rested on a passage of under 250 words—hardly long enough for every copyist to have committed an error meeting Quentin's conditions. All his analyses involve fewer than 100 variants and he considered twenty sometime sufficient (Essais, pp. 124, 65). Those who took larger samples of the same works found no zeros. For example, whereas Quentin used 91 variants from the Vulgate Octateuch (Mémoire, p. 328), Dom J. Chapman found, on the basis of some two thousand from Genesis and Exodus alone, that "comparison by threes will no longer produce zeros".[22] Again, the zeros which Quentin found on the basis of a sample from the Lai de l'Ombre were breached elsewhere, as Bédier noted (Romania, LIV [1928], 328). Similarly a test on hundreds of variants in Mark yielded "but one zero line among eighty-four groups of three manuscripts".[23]
Quentin's approach has been continued by G. P. Zarri, who uses even fewer variants. In a section of some one hundred lines of the Chanson de Roland he reduced the field to just thirteen, by eliminating on the suspicion of polygenesis the variants that prevented the appearance of the requisite zeros.[24] Another study concerned a text so tiny that Zarri found

2.3. Instead of a contaminated genealogy, some are content to reconstruct an outline stemma on which every manuscript is derived from its main source alone. One method is to list the two-way splits in decreasing order of frequency until we meet one that is inconsistent (§1.1) with some predecessor.[27] If contamination is slight, this selection will include most passages, and a stemma accounting for them follows through the methods of Maas and Froger. Where contamination is more extensive, different procedures are proposed by P. Buneman,[28] V.A. Dearing,[29] D. Najock[30] and E. Poole[31] for selecting variants on which to base a tree that traces

In open traditions, it may be impossible to identify any genealogy of
main sources as the correct one. A single apparatus
admits many equally plausible histories, which may differ even if secondary
sources are overlooked. For illustration, suppose three manuscripts ABC
which err together five times; let each manuscript also bear ten unique
errors; in five more places, A alone is correct, and, in seven more places,
alone. One possible genealogy is fig. 9a:ω committed five errors, and
on, while B adopted seven of a's errors and five of β's
and added
ten of its own. B thus departed from α in 15-7+5+10=23 places, and
β in 8-5+7+10=20 places. Hence its main source is β, and the
genealogy of main sources is fig. 9b. However, the genealogy of fig. 9c
equally fits the
Evaluation can be falsified by disregard of subsidiary sources. Fig. 9b implies that AB's agreements are correct, but they may in fact be errors inherited from the neglected a; similarly fig. 9d gives unwarranted priority to BC's shared readings. Again, as shown in §2.1, contradictions result if the stemma is applied to evaluate variants discarded in its construction as inconsistent. If fig. 4b were the true genealogy, with C following β more often than B, and the stemma of fig. 4a were recovered, then in the splits AD:BC, resulting from C's secondary use of B, the stemma could not decide priority. Such discarded variants would abound, in open traditions. The first chapter (about 160 words) of Cyprian's

- 1. DHJkP: rell. (induimur)
- 2. bhHmpRT: rell. (subruendis)
- 3. GhHJmpRT: rell. (grassatur)
- 4. DhJmT:GY: rell. (crudelitate)
- 5. aJHT: rell. (conatus)

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