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An earlier version of this paper was was presented in 1974 before the Bibliography Section of the Midwest Modern Language Association.


C. H. Herford, Percy and Evelyn Simpson, eds., Ben Jonson (1925-1952), IX, 101.


Ben Jonson, VI, 145-154; IX, 13-122 and W. W. Greg, A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration (1939-1959), III, 1070-1084. For a recent and somewhat adverse view of Herford and Simpson's edition see T. H. Howard-Hill, "Toward a Jonson Concordance," RORD, 15-16 (1972-1973), 17-32.


Greg, III, 1070-1073. For a description of the copyrights and contents of I F1 see Ben Jonson, IX, 13-15.


R. B. McKerrow, A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers . . . 1557-1640 (1910), pp. 7-8.


D. F. McKenzie, Stationers' Company Apprentices 1605-1640 (1961), p. 34.


William A. Jackson, ed., Records of the Court of the Stationers' Company 1602-1640 (1957), pp. 286-287.


These figures have been obtained by using Paul G. Morrison, Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in STC (1950) and Index of Printers . . . in Wing (1955). Also used was William P. Williams, "An Index to the Stationers' Register 1640-1708" (to be published by The Nether Press, London).


Harry Farr, "Philip Chetwind and the Allott Copyrights," The Library, 4th series, 15 (1934), 129-160.


S. G. Dunn, "A Jonson Copyright," TLS, 28 July 1921, p. 484.


McKenzie, p. 34. For a study of other of Benson's activities see Josephine Waters Bennett, "Benson's Alleged Piracy of Shake-Speares Sonnets and Some of Jonson's Works," SB, 21 (1968), 235-248.


Allan Griffith Chester, "Thomas Walkley and the 1640 'Works' of Ben Jonson," TLS, 14 March 1935, p. 160, and Dunn, Greg, and Ben Jonson.


Court Book C 1602-1654, 4 Dec. 1643, Stationers' Company Manuscripts. I wish to thank the Master and Wardens of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers for the use of their unpublished records.


No trace of Henry Herbert's warrant can be discovered in his known records.


Frank Marcham, "Thomas Walkley and the Ben Jonson 'Works' of 1640," The Library, 4th ser., 11 (1930-1931), 225-265. See also Chester above.