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Thomas Carlyle's Libraries at Chelsea and Ecclefechan by Rodger L. Tarr
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Thomas Carlyle's Libraries at Chelsea and Ecclefechan
Rodger L. Tarr

In assembling a bibliography of an author's library one is immediately confronted with the expected problems in compilation, but in the case of Carlyle these issues are compounded by an awareness that a large portion of his once extensive library is, for a variety of reasons, no longer centrally housed. A voracious reader, Carlyle began to gather books in earnest during his student days at the University of Edinburgh, and his endless confrontations with booksellers, then and after, and his continual requests for books from friends attest to his often stated conviction that within a well-defined library is posited the history of man. When this evidence is considered, the obvious question arises—what then became of a substantial part of his library? The enigma surrouding this question is further illustrated when what remains of Carlyle's library is compared to Emerson's (see Walter Harding, Emerson's Library, Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1967), which is approximately ten times the size. And since little of a factual nature is known about the ultimate disposition of many of his books, any answer to the question is as complex as it is diffuse.

The only attempt to list the books in Carlyle's library, and notably exclusive of Ecclefechan, is to be found in the Carlyle House Catalogue (London, 1896), which has been reprinted several times, but which is inaccurate and incomplete. However, in spite of its irregularities the catalogue, which was intended for public rather than scholarly use, does provide a key to the disposition of Carlyle's books between his death in 1881 and its initial publications in 1896. Apart from the books related to Oliver Cromwell and Frederick the Great that Carlyle willed to Harvard (see William C. Lane, Bibliographical Contributions: The Carlyle Collection, Cambridge, 1888), his library, or at least the greater part of it, went to his niece Mary Carlyle Aitken and, thus, finally in the hands of his nephew Alexander Carlyle. It is at this point that the history of his library becomes somewhat shrouded in mystery, because the Carlyle House Catalogue records none of the items subsequently sold by the Alexander Carlyle estate in the famous sale at Sotheby's in 1932. The sale itself, of course, provides an additional impasse, for it is now virtually impossible to trace the relocation of the books sold, even though the catalogue does provide a permanent record of what was auctioned (see Catalogue of Printed Books . . . Formerly the Property of Thomas Carlyle, London, 1932).


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In fairness to Alexander Carlyle, however, it should be noted that the books presently at Chelsea, except in a few instances, are there as a result of his bequest. Yet the question still remains—why did he choose not to leave all the books, or at least the bulk sold at Sotheby's, in the possession of the Carlyle House, Chelsea, where they could be preserved as were Emerson's at Concord? Any attempt to answer this question would be purely speculative, but the question itself provides in part an answer to the regrettable dissemination of a large portion of Carlyle's library. Compounding this fact is Carlyle's known proclivity in old age to give away his books to friends, which in turn has resulted in a plethora of autographed and annotated items finding their way into the hands of private collectors and individual library collections.

With this tenuous history in mind, it is all the more amazing that a part of Carlyle's library, however depleted, can now be found at his homes in Chelsea and Ecclefechan. And what remains should prove of particular interest to those concerned with his reading and reading habits. The large number of non-English books reflects his early and continued interest in foreign literature, especially German belles-lettres, which provided the impetus for his major work as a biographer, historian, and social critic. The numerous atlases, dictionaries, and linguistically oriented books testify to his synergistic spirit and confirm the eclectic range of his pursuits. Yet one cannot help being dismayed at the absence of works by his contemporaries, who we know presented him with copies of their books, not only out of appreciation and indebtedness, but with the hope that they would meet with his critical favor. Thus, the absence of a significant body of material by Emerson, Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot, Mill, and Ruskin— to name only a few—is especially perplexing and regrettable. On the other hand, annotated material, like the edition of Voltaire, does provide certain compensation.

Each entry in the bibliography has been checked against the standard library catalogues to insure accuracy and to verify author and title, although in a few cases place of publication and date of issue vary with respect to individual library holdings. As for the annotated portion of each entry, complexity has been avoided by adopting a system of symbols to identify the special characteristics of each item.

  • BP — Carlyle Bookplate.
  • S — Carlyle Signature, unless otherwise noted, with date in parenthesis if given.
  • PC — Presentation Copy, from author or translator, unless otherwise noted.
  • SA — Slightly Annotated, less than ten marginal remarks and/or slashes.
  • A — Annotated, more than ten marginal notations.
  • PA — Profusely Annotated, significant and extensive marginalia.
  • LL — London Library, those books on permanent loan that were once the property of Professor Newberry.
  • E — Ecclefechan, those items now in Scotland; all others are at Chelsea.
By way of precaution, final comment should be made regarding the


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annotated works that are identified by the symbols SA, A, and PA. It would have been desirable, although at once infeasible to record Carlyle's marginalia. Thus, the system of identification of slightly annotated, annotated, and profusely annotated books was adopted to give, as much as possible, an idea of the extent and degree of the marginal comments in any given item. The symbols, however, should be considered as indicative rather than decisive and are not meant as a final evaluation of the importance of Carlyle's marginalia.

It goes without saying that a work of this kind owes a great deal to numerous individuals, but I would especially like to extend my appreciation to the National Trust of Great Britain and to Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Swan, executors of Carlyle's homes at Chelsea and Ecclefechan, for their kind cooperation. To Illinois State University my acknowledgment for the grants that aided the initial compilation of the bibliography.


  • Adam, Alexander. Roman Antiquities: or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 7th ed. London, 1814. BP, S (Jane Baillie Welsh)
  • Aeschylus. The Seven Tragedies of Aeschylus. Oxford, 1829. BP, S (1848), LL
  • _______. Agamemnon. Ed. John Connington. London, 1848. BP, LL
  • Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. Vol. I. Philadelphia, 1859. BP, PC (1858)
  • Amelia, Princess of Saxony. Social Life in Germany. Trans. Anna B. Jameson. 2 vols. London, 1840. BP, PC
  • Annual Register. 70 vols. London, 1759-1829. BP, S (1850), A
  • Arrowsmith, A. A New General Atlas. Edinburgh, 1817. BP
  • Bailey, Nathan. An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. 6th ed., 2 vols. London, 1731-1733. BP
  • Baker, Richard. A Chronicle of the Kings of England. London, 1684. BP
  • Bancroft, George. History of the United States. 2nd ed., vols. I-II. Boston, 1834-1837. BP, PC
  • Bannatyne, Richard. Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, During the Contest Between the Adherents of Queen Mary, and Those of Her Son, 1570-1573. Edinburgh, 1806. BP, SA
  • Barclay, John, ed. A Select Series, Biographical, Narrative, Epistolary, and Miscellaneous: Chiefly the Productions of the Society of Friends. Vol. VII. London, 1841. BP
  • Baretti, Joseph. A Journey from London to Genoa, Through England, Portugual, Spain and France. 3rd ed., 4 vols. London, 1770.
  • Baxter, Richard. Reliquiœ Baxterianœ; or, Mr. Richard Baxter's Narrative of the Most Memorable Passages of His Life and Times. London, 1696.
  • Beard, Thomas. The Theatre of God's Judgement. London, 1631. BP
  • Beatson, Robert. A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh, 1786. BP
  • Beggs, Thomas. An Inquiry into the Extent and Causes of Juvenile Depravity. London, 1849. BP

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  • Belsham, W. Memoirs of the Reign of George III. 2nd ed., 4 vols. London, 1795. BP, S (1857), A
  • Bingham, Joseph. The Antiquities of the Christian Church. 2 vols. London, 1845. BP, E
  • Bingham, Nathaniel. Observations on the Religious Delusions of Insane Persons. London, 1841. BP
  • Biographia Brittannica; or, The Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. 7 vols. London, 1747-1766. BP, E
  • Biographia Brittannica; or, The Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd ed., 5 vols. London, 1778-1793. BP, E
  • Biographica Classica: The Lives and Characters of All the Classic Authors. 2 vols. London, 1790. BP
  • Bismark, Otto von. Letters. Trans. Fritz Maxse. 2nd ed. London, 1879. BP
  • Blackie, John Stuart. Musa Burschicosa: A Book of Songs for Students and University Men. Edinburgh, 1869. BP, PC
  • Blackwood's County Atlas of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1839. BP
  • Bossut, John. A General History of Mathematics. Trans. John Bonnycastle. London, 1803. BP, S (1816)
  • Boyer, Abel. French-English and English-French Dictionary. Title-page missing. BP
  • Bromley, George. A Collection of Original Royal Letters, Written by Kings Charles the First and Second. London, 1787. BP, S (1855), SA
  • Brookes, R. The General Gazetter: or, Compendius Geographical Dictionary. 3rd ed. London, 1773. BP, S (1818), SA
  • Brookfield, William H. Sermons. Ed. Mrs. Brookfield. London, 1875. BP, PC
  • Brown, James. The Life of a Scottish Probationer. Glasgow, 1877. BP (John A. Carlyle)
  • Brownlow, Earl. In Memory of John William Spencer. Privately printed, n.d. BP, E
  • Brun, John A. "General Results of the Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology Made at Makertoun in Scotland," Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. XIX. Edinburgh, 1850.
  • Brunnmark, Gustavus. A Short Introduction to Swedish Grammar, Adapted for the Use of Englishmen. London, 1805. BP
  • Bryan, Michael. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. London, 1849. BP, S (1850), SA
  • Bulwer-Lytton, Rosina. Miriam Sedley. 3 vols. London, 1851. BP, PC
  • Burghley, Feltham. England Subsists by Miracle. London, 1859. PC, SA
  • Burke, Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 19th ed. London, 1857. BP
  • _______. A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerage of the British Empire. New ed. London, 1866. BP, S (1866)
  • Burney, Charles. The Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces. 2nd ed., 2 vols. London, 1775. BP, A
  • Byron, George Gordon, Lord. The Works. 5 vols. London, 1821. BP, S (Jane Baillie Welsh), LL
  • Caldéron de la Barca, Pedro. Dramas. Trans. D. F. MacCarthy. London, 1873. PC
  • Calhoun, John C. "A Disquisition on Government," The Works of John C.


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    Calhoun. Vol. I, ed. Richard K. Cralle. Columbia, S. C., 1851. BP, PC (Legislature of S. C.), E
  • Camden, William. Britannia; or, A Chorographical Description of the Flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 3 vols. London, 1789. BP, SA
  • Campbell, John, ed. The Farewell Services of Robert Moffat. London, 1843.
  • Carlile, Alexander. Poems. London, 1855. BP
  • Carlisle, Nicholas. A Topographical Dictionary of England. 2 vols. London, 1808. BP
  • _______. A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. London, 1810. BP
  • Catalogue of the Second Special Exhibition of National Portraits Commencing with the Reign of William and Mary and Ending with the Year MDCCC. London, n.d. BP, A
  • Chambaud, Louis. A Grammar of the French Tongue. 12th ed. London, 1797. S (Jane Welsh)
  • Chevrier, Francois A. de. Political Testament of the Marshall Duke of Belleisle. London, 1762. BP, A
  • Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 3 vols. Oxford, 1819. BP, S (1850), PC (Erasmus Darwin), SA
  • Clough, Arthur H., ed. Plutarch's Lives. 5 vols. London, 1859. BP, PC (Gerald Allingham)
  • Cobbett, William. Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials. Vols. I-V. London, 1809-1810. BP, E
  • _______. A Geographical Dictionary of England and Wales. London, 1832. BP
  • Considerations on the Present State of Affairs in Europe. London, 1730. The Case of the Hessian Forces in the Pay of Great-Britain. London, 1731. A Defense of the Measures of the Present Administration. London, 1731. The Lords Protest. London, 1744. Four pamphlets bound in one vol. E
  • Conway, James. Forays Among Salmon and Deer. London, 1861. PC (JWC to Walter Welsh)
  • Conybeare, W. D., and William Phillips. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales. Part I. London, 1822. BP, A
  • Cowley, Abraham. The Works. 8th ed. London, 1684. BP, S (J. A. Carlyle)
  • Coxe, William, ed. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. Rev. ed. John Wade. 3 vols. London, 1847-1848. BP
  • _______. History of the House of Austria. 3rd ed., 3 vols. London, 1854. BP, S (1855), A
  • Craik, George L. Outlines of the History of the English Language. London, 1851. BP, PC
  • _______. The English of Shakespeare. 2nd ed. London, 1859. BP, PC
  • Curtis, G., and T. L. Aldridge. Fear-Nac-Flu, a Combat; and Other Poems. London, 1857. BP
  • Darley, George. Nepenthe. London, 1835. BP, PC
  • Debrett's Baronetage of England. 5th ed., 2 vols. London, 1824. BP, SA
  • Dell, William. Several Sermons and Discourses. London, 1709. BP, SA
  • [Digby, Kenelm H.]. Mores, Catholici; or, Ages of Faith. Book X. London, 1840. BP, S, SA
  • Donaldson, John W. The New Cratylus, or Contributions Towards a More Accurate Knowledge of the Greek Language. Cambridge, 1839. BP, E
  • Dorsey, Sarah A. Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen. New York, 1866. BP, PC

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  • Douglas, Robert. The Peerage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1764. BP, S (1866)
  • Dryden, John. Poetical Works. Ed. Robert Bell. Vol. I. London, 1854. BP
  • Du Deffand. Letters of the Marquise Du Deffand to the Hon. Horace Walpole, to Which Are Added Letters of Madame Deffand to Voltaire. 4 vols. London, 1810. BP, SA
  • Edinburgh Review. XLII. Edinburgh, 1825.
  • Elder, William. A Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia, 1858. PC, S (John Welsh)
  • Elmes, James A. Topographical Dictionary of London and Its Environs. London, 1831. BP
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays. London, 1841.
  • England's Gazetteer. 3 vols. London, 1751. BP
  • Fichte, Johann G. On the Nature of the Scholar and Its Manifestations. Trans. William Smith. London, 1845. BP
  • _______. The Popular Works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Trans. William Smith. 2 vols. in 1. London, 1848. BP
  • Fisheries of New South Wales. Sydney, 1880.
  • Fleming, Sandford. Report on Surveys and Preliminary Operations of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Ottawa, 1877 PC
  • Forester, Edward, trans. Arabian Nights. 5 vols. London, 1802. BP, S (A. Thackeray), LL
  • Forster, John. The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. 5 vols. London, 1840. PC
  • _______. Historical and Biographical Essays. 2 vols. London, 1858. BP, PC
  • Foxton, Frederick. Popular Christianity. London, 1849. BP
  • Fraser, James. The History of Nadir Shah. London, 1742. A
  • Fraser, James. A Hand Book for Travellers in Ireland. Dublin, 1844. BP
  • Froude, James A. History of England. Vols. III-IV, VII-XII. London, 1858-1870.
  • Geisler, F. A Collection of the Most Beautiful German Ballads and Poems. London, 1854. BP
  • Gentleman [John Banks]. A Short Critical Review of the Political Life of Oliver Cromwell. London, 1739.
  • Gentleman [Daniel Defoe]. A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain. Vol. IV. n.p., n.d.
  • George, Henry. Progress and Poverty: A Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions, and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth — The Remedy. San Francisco, 1879. PC, E
  • Gibbon, Edward. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Edward Gibbon. Ed. John Sheffield. 2 vols. London, 1827. BP, S
  • Gill, John. Notices of the Jews, by the Classic Writers of Antiquity. Rev. ed. London, 1872. BP
  • Godwin, William. History of the Commonwealth of England. 4 vols. London, 1824. BP, A
  • Goethe, Johann W. von. Dramatic Works. Trans. Anna Swanwick. London, 1850. BP, PC, SA
  • _______. Novels and Tales. London, 1854. S (Mrs. James Aitken, 1854)
  • _______. Faust. Trans. Charles T. Brooks. 2nd ed. Boston, 1857. BP, PC

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  • [Gordon, Thomas]. The Humourist: Being an Essay on Several Subjects. 3rd. ed. London, 1794. BP
  • Graham. William. Idealism: An Essay, Metaphysical and Critical. London, 1872. BP, PC
  • Grahame, Agnes V. Sabbath in Paradise, Sabbath in the Wilderness, and the Christian Sabbath. Edinburgh, 1859. PC (Jane Welsh Carlyle)
  • Green, William. A Chronological History of the Reign of George III. New ed. London, 1823. BP, SA
  • Guernsey, Alfred H. Thomas Carlyle. New York, 1879.
  • Guizot, François-Pierre. On the Causes of the Success of the English Revolution of 1640-1688. London, 1850. BP
  • Hamilton, Nicholas E. An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakespeare, Folio 1632. London, 1860. BP
  • Hawkins, John. The Life of Samuel Johnson. 2nd ed. London, 1787. BP
  • Henry, Robert. The History of Great Britain. 2nd ed., 6 vols. Dublin, 1789-1794. BP
  • Herodotus. History of Herodotus. Trans. Issac Littlebury. Oxford, 1818.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. London, 1651. BP, SA
  • Holy Bible, Contains The Old and New Testaments. Berwick, n.d. James Carlyle's Bible, family tree added by Carlyle (May, 1823), E
  • [Home, Henry]. Loose Hints upon Education, Chiefly Concerning the Culture of the Heart. Edinburgh, 1781. BP, S (Grace Welsh's book, 1865)
  • Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Alexander Pope. Edinburgh, 1761. BP, S (Mrs. Welsh)
  • _______. Iliad. Trans. M. P. W. Boulton. London, 1875. BP, LL
  • Hood, Edwin P. Thomas Carlyle. London, 1875.
  • [Hutcheson, Francis]. An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections. 3rd ed. London, 1742. BP, S, SA
  • Hutchinson, William. An Excursion to the Lakes. London, 1776. BP (2 copies)
  • Hyde, Edward. Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon. 3rd ed., 3 vols. Oxford, 1761. BP, SA
  • Industrial Progress of New South Wales. Sydney, 1871.
  • Invalid [Harriet Martineau]. Life in the Sick-Room. London, 1844. BP, PC
  • Irving, David. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of George Buchanan. Edinburgh, 1807. BP, S (1833), SA
  • Irving, Edward. The Collected Writings. Ed. G. Carlyle. Vols. I-IV. London, 1864-1865. BP, PC, E
  • Jaffray, Alexander. Diary. Ed. John Barclay. 2nd ed. London, 1834. BP, SA
  • James, Charles. New and Enlarged Military Dictionary. 2nd ed. London, 1805. BP, E
  • Johnson, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. London, 1820. BP, S (Jane Baillie Welsh)
  • Jones, John. Etymologia Grœca; or, A Grammar of the Greek Tongue. 4th ed. London, 1826. BP, LL
  • Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Vol. XII. Sydney, 1879.
  • Kavanagh, Morgan. Origin of Language and Myths. 2 vols. London, 1871. BP, PC, E

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  • Kennet, W. A Complete History of England. Vols. I & III. London, 1706. BP
  • [Kerr, William S.]. Fragment of a Parallel Between the History, Literature, and Art of Italy in the Middle Ages. Edinburgh, 1863. BP, E
  • Kiallmark, G. A Favourite Irish Melody. London, n.d. S (Jane Baillie Welsh, 1825)
  • Knox, John. The Works. Ed. David Laing. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1846-1864. BP
  • Laing, David. Biographical Notices of Thomas Young, Vicar of Stowmarket. Edinburgh, 1870. BP
  • Lecky, William E. The Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. New ed. London, 1871. BP
  • _______. A History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Vol. II. London, 1878. BP, SA
  • Letters of Eminent Persons Addressed to David Hume. Edinburgh, 1849. BP, S (1865), SA
  • [Lewes, George H.]. Ranthorpe. London, 1847. BP, PC, SA
  • Lloyd, Henry H. A Political and Military Rhapsody on the Invasion and Defense of Great Britain and Ireland. 6th ed. London, 1803. BP, A
  • Lunt, George. The Origin of the Late War. New York, 1867. BP
  • Lushington, Henry. The Italian War, 1848-9, and the Last Italian Poet. Cambridge, 1859. BP, S (Mrs. Carlyle)
  • Macaulay, Catherine. The History of England. 3rd ed., 5 vols. London, 1769-1772. BP, A
  • Macaulay, George. Puritan Theology. Vol. I. Glasgow, 1872. PC
  • Macdonell, James. France Since the First Empire. London, 1879. PC
  • Macpherson, David. Geographical Illustrations of Scottish History. London, 1796. BP, S (1858), SA
  • Macready, Catherine. Cowl and Cap. London, 1865. BP, PC
  • Mann, Horace. Report of an Educational Tour in Germany and Parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Ed. W. B. Hodgson. London, 1846. BP, PC, A
  • Marston, J. English and Danish Dialogues. 4th ed. Copenhagen, 1834. BP
  • Martineau, Harriet. Deerbrook: A Novel. 3 vols. London, 1839. BP, SA
  • _______. Eastern Life, Past and Present. 3 vols. London, 1848. BP, PC, SA
  • Martineau, James. The Rationale of Religious Enquiry. 2nd ed. London, 1836. BP
  • [Masson, David]. British Museum: Historical and Descriptive. Edinburgh, 1850. BP
  • Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Vol. II. London, 1829. BP, S (1855), SA
  • Metropolital Sanitary Commission. 2nd Report of the Commissions. London, 1848. BP
  • Middelton, John W. An Ecclesiastical Memoir of the First Four Decades of the Reign of George III. London, 1822. BP
  • Milnes, Richard M. Monographs: Personal and Social. London, 1873. BP, SA
  • Mogg, Edward. Paterson's Roads. 16th ed. London, 1822. BP
  • Moore, John. A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany. 2nd ed., 2 vols. London, 1779. BP, S (1854), A
  • Morell, Thomas, ed. Robert Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin. New ed., 2 vols. London, 1773. BP, S (John Welsh & Jane Welsh), SA

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  • Morris, William. The Earthly Paradise. 5th ed., 3 vols. London, 1870. PC (John Ruskin, 1870)
  • Morse, Jedidiah. The American Gazetteer. 3rd ed. Boston, 1810. BP, S (1859)
  • Müller, Carl O. Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology. Trans. John Leitch. London, 1844. BP, PC, SA
  • _______. Ancient Art and Its Remains. Trans. John Leitch. London, 1847. BP, PC, SA
  • N. N. [William Wollaston]. Religion of Nature Delineated. London, 1726. BP
  • Nasmith, David. The Chronometrical Chart of the History of England. London, n.d. [1863]
  • Nepos, Cornelius. Lives of the Excellent Commanders. Trans. John Clarke. 14th ed. London, 1790. LL
  • New South Wales Parliamentary Debates, Session 1879-1880. 2 vols. Sydney, 1880.
  • New South Wales. Reports of the Council of Education Upon the Condition of the Public Schools. Sydney, 1880.
  • Newton, Isaac. Opticks; or, A Treatise of the Reflections, Defractions, Inflections, and Colours of Light. 4th ed. London, 1730. BP, S (1818)
  • Noble, Mark. Memoires of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell. 3rd ed., Vol. II. London, 1787. A
  • Noorthouck, John. An Historical and Classical Dictionary. 2 vols. London, 1776. BP, S (1858), LL (2 copies)
  • Norris, John. Catalog of the Pictures, Models, Busts, in the Bodleian Gallery. Privately printed, n.d. [1855?]
  • Notes on Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden. London, 1842. BP, S (1842)
  • Nugent, T., trans. A New Method of Learning with Greater Facility the Greek Tongue. London, 1817. BP
  • _______. The Primitives of the Greek Tongue. New ed. London, 1818. BP, LL
  • Ogilby, John. Britannia Depicta. Ed. John Owen. London, 1764. S (1857)
  • Percy, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3rd ed., 4 vols. London, 1775. BP, SA, LL
  • Pinkerton, John. An Enquiry into the History of Scotland. 2 vols. London, 1789. BP, S (1851), SA
  • _______. Modern Geography. 2 vols. London, 1817. BP, S (1860)
  • [Planche, J. R.]. History of British Costume. London, 1834. BP, SA
  • Plato. The Works. Eds. Henry Cary & H. Davis. Vols. I-II. London, 1848-1849. BP
  • Playfair, James. A New Classical Atlas of Ancient Geography. Edinburgh, 1822. BP, SA
  • Pope, Alexander. The Works. Vol. IV. Edinburgh, 1764.
  • _______. The Works. Ed. William Warburton. Vols. I-II. London, 1787-1788. BP
  • _______. The Works. Vols. I, III-VIII. London, 1795. BP, SA
  • Ramsay, Andrew. A New Cyropœdia; or, The Travels of Cyrus. New ed. Edinburgh, n.d. BP, LL
  • Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de. The History of England. Trans. N. Tindall. 2nd ed., vols. I-II. London, 1732-1733. BP
  • Rawlinson, Robert. Lectures, Reports, Letters, and Papers on Sanitary Questions. London, 1876. BP, PC
  • Ready Reckoner; or, Trader's Sure Guide. New ed. Edinburgh, 1788. (Ann Welsh's book)

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  • Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Constitution and Government of the British Museum. London, 1850.
  • Rew, Walter. Dion: A Tragedy; and Poems. London, 1877. BP, PC
  • Richter, Jean Paul. The Campaner Thal; or, Discourses on the Immortality of the Soul. Trans. Juliette Gowa. 2nd ed. London, 1857. BP
  • Rimius, Heinrich. Memoirs of the House of Brunswick. London, 1750. S (1856), SA
  • Ripley, George. Letters on the Latest Form of Infidelity. Boston, 1840. BP, PC, E
  • Robertson, Patrick. Sonnets: Reflective and Descriptive. 2nd sers. Edinburgh, 1854. BP, PC, E
  • Rogers, Jasper W. Facts for the Kind-Hearted of England! As to the Wretchedness of the Irish Peasantry, and the Means for Their Regeneration. London, 1847.
  • Ruskin, John. The Political Economy of Art. London, 1857. BP
  • Savage, John, trans. Memoirs of the Transactions in Savoy During the War. London, 1697.
  • Schiller, Johann C. Friedrich von. Wallenstein: A Dramatic Poem. Trans. G. Moir. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1827. BP, PC (1829)
  • _______. Don Carlos: A Tragedy. Trans. Andrew Wood. Edinburgh, 1873. BP
  • Schlegel, August W. von. A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Trans. John Black. 2nd ed., 2 vols. London, 1840. BP
  • Schneider, F. Danish Grammar, Adapted to the Use of Englishmen. Copenhagen, n.d. [1803] SA
  • Schuyler, Catalina. Memoirs of an American Lady. 2nd ed., 2 vols. London, 1809.
  • Scot, Alexandre. Rudiments and Practical Exercises for Learning the French Languages. 8th ed. Edinburgh, 1806. S (1809)
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  • Select Collection of English Plays. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1759-1761.
  • Seyer, Samuel. Memoirs: Historical and Topographical of Bristol. 2 vols. in 1. Bristol, 1821-1823. BP
  • Shakespeare, William. The Works. 8 vols. Edinburgh, 1761. BP
  • _______. Select Plays. Eds. Clark & Wright. 2 vols. Oxford, 1880.
  • Sharpe's Peerage of the British Empire. 2 vols. London, 1830. BP, SA
  • Sinclair, Thomas. The Mount: Speech from Its English Heights. London, 1878. PC
  • Sketches from Nature, In High Preservation, by the Most Honourable Masters. London, 1779. BP, SA
  • Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Vols. I-IV. London, 1835-1839. BP
  • Smith, James E. The Divine Drama of History and Civilization. London, 1854. BP, PC, E
  • Smith, John S. Social Aspects. London, 1850. BP
  • Smith, William H. Thorndale, or the Conflict of Opinions. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1858. BP, PC, S (1859), E
  • Smollett, Tobias. Travels Through France and Italy. 2 vols. in 1. Dublin, 1766.
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  • Spedding, James. Publishers and Authors. London, 1867. BP, PC
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  • Stephens, George. Dramas for the Stage. 2 vols. London, 1846. BP, PC, E
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  • Stuart-Glennie, John S. Pilgrim-Memories. London, 1875. BP
  • Sybel, Heinrich von. History of the French Revolution. Trans. Walter Perry. 4 vols. London, 1867-1869. BP, E
  • Tacitus, Publius C. The Works. Trans. Thomas Gordon. 5th ed., 5 vols. Dublin, 1778. BP, LL
  • Temple, William. Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. 2nd ed. London, 1673. BP
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  • Thucydides. The History of the Peloponnesian War. Trans. William Smith. 4th ed., 2 vols. London, 1805. BP
  • Tott, Baron, François de. Memoirs. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1785. BP, SA
  • Vergil. Eneid. Trans. M. P. W. Boulton. London, 1877. BP, LL
  • Walker, John. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary. 3rd ed. London, 1802. BP, S (Jane Welsh Carlyle)
  • _______. This British Atlas. London, 1838.
  • Watkins, John, and Frederic Shoberl. A Biographical Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1816. BP, S (1866)
  • Watts, Isaac. Logick; or, The Right Use of Reason in the Enquiry After Truth. London, 1725.
  • Waylen, James. A History Military and Municipal of the Town (Otherwise Called the City) of Marlborough. London, 1854. BP, SA, E
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  • White, Adam. The Instructive Picture Book. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, 1862. S (1866), PC
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  • Galignani's Paris Guide. 10th ed. Paris, 1822. BP
  • Hamoniere, G. Grammaire Espagnole. Paris, 1821. BP
  • La Harpe, C. de. Étude sur les Oeuvres Poétiques de Frédéric le Grand. Berlin, 1852.
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  • Montaigne, Michel de. Essais. New ed. Vol. II. Paris, 1818.
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  • Mozin, Abbé. Dictionnaire Allemand-Français et Français-Allemand. Stuttgart, 1817. BP

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  • Rengger, John R., and Marçel F. Longchamp. Essai historique sur la Révolution du Paraguay. 2nd ed. Paris, 1827. BP
  • Richelet, Pierre. Nouveau Dictionnaire François. 2 vols. Rouen, 1719. BP, S (1833)
  • Richer, Adrain. Nouvel abrégé Chronologique de l'Histoire des Empereurs. Vols. I-II. Paris, 1767. BP
  • Robinet, Jean-François-Eugène. Mémoire sur la Vie Privée de Danton. Paris, 1865. BP, PC, A
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  • Abel, H. F. O. König Philipp der Hohenstaufe. Berlin, 1852.
  • Adelung, J. C. Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart. 5 vols. in 4. Leipzig, 1774-1780. BP
  • Assing, Ludmilla. Gräfin Elisa von Ahlefeldt, eine Biographie. Berlin, 1857. BP
  • Bötticher, Wilhelm. Des Caius Correlius Tacitus Sämmtliche Werke. Berlin, 1831. BP, LL
  • Bouterwek, Friedrich. Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit seit dem Ende des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 12 vols. in 6. Göttingen, 1801-1819. BP
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  • Cousin, Victor. Über Französische und Deutsche Philosophie. Trans. Hubert B. Beckers. Stuttgart, 1834. BP
  • Dahlmann, Friedrich C. Geschichte der Englischen Revolution. Leipzig, 1844. BP, S, SA
  • Dieterich, Udo W. Runen-Sprach-Schatz, oder Wörterbuch. Stockholm, 1844. BP
  • Dilschneider, Johann J. Die Deutsche Sprache in Proben. Köln, 1826. BP
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  • Eichhorn, Johann G. Geschichte der Litteratur. 6 vols. Göttingen, 1807-1828.
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  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Die Führung des Lebens. Trans. E. S. Mühlberg. Leipzig, 1862. BP

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  • Fichte, Immanuel H. Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Leben und Litterarischer Briefwechsel. n.p., 1830. BP, E
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  • Flögel, Friedrich. Geschichte der komischen Litteratur. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1784-1787. BP, E
  • Förster, Friedrich. Wallenstein. Potsdam, 1834. BP, E
  • Fortsetzung des allgemeinen historischen Lexici. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1740. BP
  • Gentz, Friedrich von. Schriften. Ed. Gustav Schlefier. 5 vols. Mannheim, 1838. BP, S
  • Gerber, August. Katalog über Künstlerische Nachbildungen Klassischer Skulpturen aller Kunstepochen. Cologne, n.d.
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  • _______. Werke. 54 vols. in 31. Stuttgart, 1828-1833. BP
  • Gotthelf, Jeremias. Uli, der Knecht. Berlin, 1854.
  • Grimm, Jacob von. Deutsche Mythologie. Göttingen, 1835. BP, SA
  • Heinsius, Otto F. Volksthümliches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. 5 vols. Hannover, 1818-1822. BP
  • Hellbach, Johann C. Adels-Lexikon oder Handbuch. 2 vols. Ilmenau, 1825-1826. BP, S (1852)
  • Hettner, Hermann. Geschichte der Englischen Literatur, 1660-1770. Braunschweig. 1856. BP
  • Holberg, Ludwig. Dannemarckische Norwegische Staats-und-Reichs Histoire. Copenhagen, 1731. BP, S (1855), PA
  • Humboldt, Wilhelm von. Briefe an eine Freundin. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1847. BP, S
  • Hutten, Ulrich von. Sämmtliche Werke. Ed. Ernst Münch. 5 vols. in 4. Berlin, 1821-1825. BP, S
  • Jödens, Carl H. Lexicon deutscher Dichter und Prosaisten. 6 vols. Leipzig, 1806-1811. BP, SA
  • Julius, Nikolaus. Vorlesungen über die Gefängniss-Kunde. Berlin, 1828. BP, PC
  • Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der Reinen Vernunft. Leipzig, 1818. BP
  • Lange, Otto. Leitfaden zur allgemeinen Geschichte. Berlin, 1865. BP
  • Luden, Heinrich. Geschichte des teutschen Volkes. 4 vols. Gotha, 1825. BP, S, E
  • Luther, Martin. Katechismus. Ed. J. G. Herder. Weimar, n.d. [1800] BP
  • _______. Sinnreiche Tischreden. 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1836. BP, S, SA
  • Marheineke, Philipp. Geschichte der teutschen Reformation. 4 vols. Berlin, 1831-1834. BP, S (1841), SA
  • Müller, Friedrich. Werke. Vols. II-IV. Heidelberg, 1825. BP, S, E
  • Neimann, F. A. Geographisches Hand-Wörterbuch. Quedlinburg, 1827. BP, S (1853)
  • Neues Preussisches Adels-Lexicon. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1836-1837. BP, S, A
  • Oehlenschläger, Adam G. Aladdin, eller den forunderlige Lampe. n.p., 1820.
  • Orlich, Johann L. Lebensgeschichte Christoph Bernhards von Galen, Bischofs von Münster und Abts von Corvei. Elbing, 1786. BP, S (1854)
  • Pfizer, Gustav. Martin Luthers Leben. Stuttgart, 1836. BP

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  • Rask, Rasmus C. Kurzgefasste Anleitung zur Altnordischen oder Altisländischen Sprache. Trans. L. Weinburg. Hamburg, 1839. BP
  • Reden, Friedrich von. Ueber die Zukunft der evangelischen Kirche. Leipzig, 1849. BP, S
  • Sachs, Hans. Ernstliche Trauerspiele. Ed. J. G. Büsching. 3 vols. Nürenberg, 1816-1819. BP
  • Sartorius von Walterhausen, George F., Baron. Versuch einer Geschichte des Deutchen Bauernkriegs oder der Empörung in Deutschland. Berlin, 1795. BP
  • Schiller, Johann C. Friedrich von. Demetrius, ein Trauerspiel. Karlsruhe, 1817. BP
  • _______. Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und Goethe in den Jahren 1794 bis 1805. 4 vols. in 2. Stuttgart, 1828-1829. BP
  • _______. Briefwechsel mit Körner von 1784 bis zum Tode Schillers. 4 vols. in 2. Berlin, 1847. BP, SA
  • Schlegel, Friedrich von. Philosophische Vorlesungen. Wien, 1830. BP, S
  • Schneider, Johann G. Griechich-Deutsches Wörterbuch. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1819. BP, LL
  • Schöll, Adolph. Weimers Merkwürdigkeiten. Weimar, 1847. BP, S
  • Schön, Heinrich T. von. Aus den Papieren des Ministers und Burggrafen von Marienburg. Berlin, 1875. BP
  • Schubert, C. D. von. Teutsche Chronik aufs Jahr 1776. n.p., n.d. BP
  • Schubert, Gotthilf H. von. Erinnerungen an Bernard Overberg und G. M. Wittman. Erlangen, 1835. Heinrich Luden, Christian Thomasius. Berlin, 1805.
  • Shakespeare, William. Dramatische Werke. König Johann. Trans. A. W. Schlegel. Berlin, 1799.
  • Spinoza, Baruch von. Sämmtliche Werke. Ed. Berthold Auerbach. Vol. I. Stuttgart, 1841. BP
  • Stadelmann, Rudolph. Friedrich der Grosse. Berlin, 1876. BP, PC
  • Stieler, Adolf. Schul-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde. Gotha, 1853. H. Dittmar, Historischer Atlas. n.p., 1852. 2 vols. in 1. BP
  • Taysen, Adalbert von. Friedrich des Grossen Lehren vom Kriege. Berlin, 1877. BP, PC
  • Thibiage, M. von. Geschichte Ritterburgen und Schlösser. Trans. Ludwig Hain. 2 vols. in 1. Merseburg, 1846. BP
  • Tieck, Johann L. Schriften. Vols. I-III, VI-X. Berlin, 1828. BP, E
  • Topographisches Lexikon von Deutschland. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1782. BP, S (1855)
  • Trendelenburg, Friedrich A. Friedrich der Grosse, und sein Grosskanzler Samuel von Cocceji. Berlin, 1863. PC
  • Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August. Gallerie von Bildnissen aus Rahels Umgang und Briefwechsel. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1836. BP, PC, E
  • _______. Denkwürdigkeiten und vermischte Schriften. Vols. I-III. Mannheim, 1837. BP, E
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  • _______. Biographische Denkmale. 5 vols. Berlin, 1845. BP, PC, SA (another copy)
  • _______. Hans von Held. Leipzig, 1845. 3 vols. in 1. BP

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  • _______. Denkwürdigkeiten und vermischte Schriften. Vols. VIII-IX. Leipzig, 1859. BP, PC (Ludmilla Assing)
  • Vehse, Eduard. Geschichte des Preussischen Hofs und Adels. 2 vols. in 1. Hamburg, 1851. BP, SA
  • Wegele, Franz X. Annales Reinhardsbrunnenses. Jena, 1854. BP
  • Werder, Karl. Vorlesungen über Shakespeares Hamlet. Berlin, 1875. PC
  • Westphal, Johann H. Nikolaus Kopernikus. Konstanz, 1822. S (1855)
  • Yves, Ludwig d'. Staats-Geschichte des Königreichs Danemark. Germanien, 1790.
  • Zeitschrift für Kunst, Wissenschaft und Geschichte des Krieges. 3 pamphlets. Berlin, 1833-1834. BP


  • Ambrosius Calephinus Passeratii sive Linguarum Novem dictionarium. Lugduni, n.d. BP, S (1854)
  • Buchanan, George. Opera Omnia. 2 vols. Edinburgi, 1715. BP, S (1850)
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Epistolœ ad familiares. Venetiis, 1726. BP
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  • Dalzel, Andrew. Collectinea Grœca Majora. Londini, 1808. BP, A, LL
  • Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana. Madrid, 1780. BP, S (J. A. Carlyle)
  • Faber, Basili. Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticœ. 2 vols. in 1. Lipsiæ, 1735. BP, S (1850)
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  • Giannini, Silvio, ed. Scritti Editi e Postumi di Carlo Bini. Livorno, 1843. BP, PC (Mazzini), E
  • Gradus ad Parnassum. Edinburgi, 1821. BP, S (1859)
  • Gundling, D. Nicolaus. De Henrico Aucupe Franciœ Orientalis Saxonumque Rege. Halæ, 1711. J. G. L. Wilke, De Theodorico Juniore sive Ticemanno. Lipsiæ, 1751. 2 vols. in 1. BP, S (1858), A
  • Homer. Ilias. Londini, 1722.
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  • Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera. 6th ed. Londini, 1717. BP, S, LL
  • Hunter, Oswaldo. Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Imaginatione, Morborum Causa as Remedio. Edinburgh, 1803. PC (John Welsh), E
  • Hutchinson, Thomas. Xenophon. Cantabrigiæ, 1785. BP, S (1865), LL
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  • Langebek, Jacob. Scriptores Rerum Danicarum. Vol. I. Hafniæ, 1772. BP, S (1847)
  • Martinius, Matthias. Lexicon Philologicum. Francofurti, 1655. BP
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  • Melanchthon, Philipp. Vita Martini Lutheri Narratio. Joachimus Camerarius. De Vita Philippi Melanchthonis Narratio. 2 vols. in 1. Vratislaviæ, 1819. BP
  • Pepoli, Carlo. Varie Canzoni Anacreontiche. Londra, 1835.
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  • Sophocles. Sophoclis Tragœdiœ Septem. Ed. Thomas Johnson. 2 vols. Londini, 1788. BP, LL
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  • Welsh, Benjamin. Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Struma Puerorum. Edinburgi, 1818. PC (Jane Baillie Welsh from Uncle)