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Page 258


(Former publications of the Society not listed here are out of print. Those wishing a complete list of them should see the annual lists in successive volumes of Studies.)

The Muses Mourn, a Checklist of Verse Occasioned by the Death of Charles II, by John Alden. $4.00 ($2.25 to members).

Checklist of Virginia Almanacs, 1732-1850, by James A. Bear. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

A Bibliographical Examination of the Earliest Editions of the Letters of Junius, by T. H. Bowyer. $6.00 ($3.60 to members).

Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Indicated by Charles Evans in his American Bibliography, by Roger P. Bristol. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

Maryland Imprints, 1801-1810, by Roger P. Bristol. $7.50 ($4.00 to members).

Bibliography of the Chilean Novel, by Homero Castillo. $6.00 ($3.00 to members).

Heads Across the Sea: An Album of Eighteenth Century English Literary Portraits in America, by Frances Sharf Fink, $10.00 ($6.00 to members).

Romance Languages and Literatures as Presented in German Doctoral Dissertations, 1885-1950, a Bibliography, by Hans Flasche. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

A Centennial Check-List of the Editions of Henry David Thoreau's Walden, by Walter Harding. $3.00 ($2.00 to members).

A Bibliography of the Works of Fiske Kimball, by Mary Kane. $3.50 ($2.50 to members).

Borrowings from the Bristol Library, 1773-1841: A Unique Record of Reading Vogues, by Paul Kaufman. $5.00 ($4.00 to members).

A Checklist of Verse by David Garrick, by Mary E. Knapp. $5.00 ($3.00 to members).

Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1605-1640, by D. F. McKenzie. $8.00 ($4.50 to members).

A Preliminary Check List of Tennessee Imprints, 1861-1866, by Eleanor Drake Mitchell. $2.00 ($1.00 to members).

Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave A Short-Title Catalogue of Books printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books printed abroad, 1475-1640, by Paul G. Morrison. A second impression offset from the Secretary's copy, with a few corrections written in by hand. $6.00 ($5.00 to members).

Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in Donald Wing's Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700, by Paul G. Morrison. $20.00 ($10.00 to members).

The North European Nations as Presented in German University Publications, 1885-1957, by Fritz Meyen. $7.50 ($5.00 to members).

A Bibliography of American Belles-Lettres in German Translation, by Richard Mummendey. $12.50 ($8.25 to members).

A Preliminary Check List of Lexington, Kentucky, Imprints, 1821-1850, by Roscoe Pierson. $2.00 ($1.00 to members).

Bibliography of South Carolina, 1563-1950, by Robert J. Turnbull, 6 volumes. $100.00 ($75.00 to members).

A Carto-Bibliographical Study of The English Pilot the Fourth Book With Special Reference to the Charts of Virginia, by Collie Verner. $5.00 ($4.00 to members).