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2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ALTHOLZ, J. L., Bibliographical Note on the “Rambler,” PBSA , 56:113-14.[3655]
- ALTICK, R. D., The Sociology of Authorship: The Social Origins, Education, and Occupations of 1,100 British Writers, 1800-1935, BNYPL , 66:389-404.[3656]
- AVIS, F. C., Historical Notes on Piecework in the Printing Industry, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):548-52.[3657]
- AYERS, R. W., The John Phillips-John Milton Angli Responsio: Editions and Relations, PBSA , 56:66-72.[3658]
- BAER, HANS, Bibliographie und Bibliographische Arbeits-Technik; eine Einführung, Frauenfeld , Huber, 1961. 172 p.(Bibliothek des Schweizer Buchhandels 3.)[3659]
- BAMBERGER, FRITZ, The Early Editions of Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: A Bibliographical Re-examination, Studies in Bibl. and Booklore , 5:9-33.[3660]
- BARBER, GILES, Notes on Some English Centre- and Corner-Piece Bindings, c. 1600, Library , 5th ser., 17:93-5.[3661]
- BARNETT, G. L., A Disquisition on Punch and Judy Attributed to Charles Lamb, HLQ , 25:225-47.[3662]
- BASTIAN, J. M., James Ralph's Second Adaptation from John Banks [Anna Bullen from Banks' Vertue Betray'd: or, Anna Bullen], HLQ , 25:181-88.[3663]
- BATESON, F. W., Modern Bibliography and the Literary Artifact, English Studies Today , 2d ser. (1961):67-77.(Reviewed by Alice Walker, Library, 5th ser., 17:271-72.)[3664]
- BATTESTIN, M. C., Fielding's Revisions of Joseph Andrews , SB , 16:81-117.[3665]
- BEAURLINE, L. A., An Editorial Experiment: Suckling's A Sessions of the Poets , SB , 16:43-60.[3666]
- BENNETT, J. A. W., Wanley's Life of Wolsey , Bodleian Libr. Record , 7:50-52.[3667]
- BERRY, L. E., Addendum [to B3163]: Another Booklist of Thomas Charde, PBSA , 56:115.[3668]
- BIBLIOGRAPICAL Notes & Queries, Book Collector , 11:79-86, 211-19, 345-54, 480-86. Including: Harvey Kerpneck, A Shorn Shagpat, pp. 81-83; John Carter, Housmaniana, p. 84; Weldon Thornton, Joyce's Ulysses, 1922, pp. 85-6; Herta Ryder, Joyce's Ulysses, 1922, p. 214; E. A. Osborne, Cancellandum R 2 in Boyle's Sceptical Chymist, 1661, p. 215; David Macaree, Three Early 18th-Century Prose Romances of David Crawford [London, 1700], pp. 215-6; Jeff Clements, Early Editions of Bloom-field's Poems, pp. 216-7; Michael Papantonio, John Marshall and The Infant's Library, p. 217; A. N. L. Munby, The Didot Horace, 1799, p. 345, same, H. D. Lyon, p. 480; W. B. Todd, Cruikshank's Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1852, p. 345; George C. Singer, T. J. Wise and the Technique of Promotion, pp. 347-8; same, John Carter, pp. 480-82; Peter Eaton, Shaw and Shaviana, pp. 349-50; B. C. Bloomfield, An Unrecorded Article by T. S. Eliot, p. 350; R. J. F. Carnon, An Unexplained 17th-Century Cancel, pp. 351-2; B. C. Bloomfield, Bloomfield's Rural Tales, 1802, p. 482; W. R. Cagle, A ‘Lost’ Edition (1745) of Defoe's Roxana, pp. 483-4; W. R. N. Payne, An Irregular Copy of Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, 1807, pp. 485-6.[3669]
- BINNS, N. E., An Introduction to Historical Bibloigraphy , 2d ed., London, Assn. of Assistant Librarians, 1962. 388 p.[3670]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT, The Library of Louis-Henri de Loménie, Comte de Brienne, and the Bindings of the Abbé Du Seuil, Library , 5th ser., 17:105-31.[3671]
- BISHOP, O. B., Publications of the Government of the Province of Canada, 1841-1867 . Thesis. PhD. Michigan. 1962.[3672]
- BLACK, H. M., An Irish Parliamentary Binding in Glasgow University Library, Bibliotheck , 3:100-102.[3673]
- BLACKBURN, T. H., Edmund Bolton's London, King Charles His Augusta, or City Royal , HLQ , 25:315-23.[3674]
- BLAKISTON, J. M. G., Winchester College Library in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, Library , 5th ser., 17:23-45.[3675]
- BLOUNT, TREVOR, A Revised Image in the Opening Chapter of Dickens's “Bleak House,” N & Q , n.s. 9:303-4.[3676]
- BOND, R. P., John Partridge and the Company of Stationers, SB , 16:61-80.[3677]
- BOOTH, B. A., Author to Publisher: Anthony Trollope and William Isbister, PULC , 25:51-67.[3678]
- BORDONA, J. D., Noticia de Varios Impresos en Idiomas Filipinos, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):329-34.[3679]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Est ablished Texts and Definitive Editions, PQ , 41:1-17.[3690]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Principles of Bibliographical Description , New York, Russell & Russell, 1962. 505 p.(A reprinting of the ed. of 1949.)[3691]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, What Shakespeare Wrote, Shakepeare-Jahrb. , 93:24-50.[3692]
- BROMWICH, JOHN, The First Book Printed in Anglo-Saxon Types, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:265-91.(An ed. of Aelfric's A Testimonie of Antiquitie earlier than STC 159 (J. Day [1567]).)[3693]
- BROOKS, R. L., A Danish “Balder Dead,” PBSA , 56:253-4.[3694]
- BROOKS, R. L., Matthew Arnold and The London Review , PMLA , 76(1961):622-3.[3695]
- BROOKS, R. L., Some Unaccomplished Projects of Matthew Arnold, SB , 16:213-16.[3696]
- BROWN, T. J., English Literary Autographs XLI. William Wycherley, 1640?-1716; Sir John Vanbrugh, 1664-1726, Book Collector , 11:63.[3697]
- BROWN, T. J., . . . XLII, Lord Byron, 1788-1824, Book Collector , 11:205.[3698]
- BROWN, T. J., . . . XLIII, William Cowper, 1731-1800, Book Collector , 11:331.[3699]
- BROWN, T. J., . . . XLIV, Edmund Burke, 1729-97, Book Collector , 11:467.[3700]
- BRYANT, J. A., Jr., Jonson's Revision of Every Man in His Humor , SP , 59:641-50.[3701]
- BURNS, F. D. A., Thomas Heywood and the “Annalia Dubrensia,” 1636, N & Q , n.s. 9:69-70.[3702]
- BUTT, JOHN, Dickens's Manuscripts, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 36:149-61.[3703]
- CAMDEN, CARROLL, Songs and Choruses in The Tempest [possibly alterations by Sheridan], PQ , 41:114-22.[3704]
- CARTER, HARRY, The Script Types of Robert Granjon, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):44-9.[3705]
- CLAIR, COLIN, The Bishops' Bible 1568, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):287-90.[3706]
- CLUBB, M. D., Junius's Edition of “Caedmon,” Library , 5th ser., 17:157.[3707]
- COLBURN, W. E., The Vizetelly Extracts , PULC , 23:54-59.(An attack, published in 1888, on the suppression of Zola's novels in England.)[3708]
- COLEMAN, E. E., Ephémérides du Citoyen, 1767-1772, PBSA , 56:17-45.[3709]
- COLLINS, R. L., “Tennyson's Original Issue of Poems, Reviews, etc., 1842-1886,” a Compilation by Henry van Dyke, PULC , 24:39-50.[3710]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, The Twisleton Junius: A Suppressed Passage of Junius Restored, N & Q , n.s., 8(1961):63-4.[3711]
- CRANFIELD, G. A., The Development of the Provincial Newspaper, 1700-1760 , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962. 287 p.[3712]
- DEARING, V. A., Methods of Textual Editing , Los Angeles, W. A. Clark Memorial Library, 1962, iv, 40 p.(The role of the electronic computer.)[3713]
- DECHERT, ROBERT, A New Copy of the Paris 1660 Jesuit “Relation,” and Notes on Other Editions, PBSA , 56:368-72.[3714]
- DEVEREUX, E. J., Some Lost English Translations of Erasmus, Library , 5th ser., 17:255-9.[3715]
- DORSTEN, J. A. van, Thomas Basson, 1555-1613, English Printer at Leiden , Leyden, Univ. Press, 1961. xii, 128 p., 5 plates.[3716]
- DOWDING, GEOFFREY, An Introduction to the History of Printing Types , London, Wace and Company, 1962. xxiv, 278 p.(Typographical Text Books, No. 3.)[3717]
- DRAKE, ROBERT, Saki [Hector Hugh Munro]: Some Problems and a Bibliography, English Fiction in Transition , 5:1:6-26.[3718]
- DUDEK, LOUIS, Literature and the Press, a History of Printing, Printed Media, and Their Relation to Literature , Toronto, Ryerson Press, 1960. 238 p.(“Originally published in microfilm by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1955. Revised.”)[3719]
- DURKAN, JOHN, Alexander Dickson and S.T.C. 6823, Bibliotheck , 3:183-90.[3720]
- DURME, MAURICE VAN, Lettres Inedites du Cardinal de Granvelle à Christophe Plantin (1567-1569), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):280-6.[3721]
- EDDY, D. D., The Publication Date of the First Edition of “Rasselas,” N & Q , n.s. 9:21-2.[3722]
- EDDY, D. D., Samuel Johnson's Editions of Shakespeare (1765), PBSA , 56:428-44.[3723]
- EDELSTEIN, J. M., Another Bulgarini Book, PBSA , 56:482.(Adds to B2547.)[3724]
- EEGHEN, I. H. van, De Amsterdamse Boekhandel, 1680-1725. Vol. I: Jean Louis de Lorme en Zijn Copieboek , Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1960. 179 p.[3725]
- EGERER, JOEL, Thomas Stewart, Robert Burns, and the Law, PBSA , 56:46-55.(On the pirating of published and unpublished material in Scotland.)[3726]
- ELIZABETH MARIE, Sister, Eric Gill, Twentieth Century Book Designer , New York, Scarecrow Press, 1962. 184 p.[3727]
- ELLEGÅRD, ALVAR, A Statistical Method for Determining Authorship. The Junius Letters, 1769-1772 , Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1962. 115 p.[3728]
- ELLEGÅRD, ALVAR, Who Was Junius? , Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1962. 159 p.[3729]
- ENGLAND, M. W., Edmund Burke's Part in the Jubilee Oration, BNYPL , 66:198-204.[3730]
- EVANS, G. B., The Douai Manuscript—Six Shakespearean Transcripts (1694-95), PQ , 41:158-72.[3731]
- FAIRBANK, ALFRED, and DICKENS, BRUCE, The Italic Hand in Tudor Cambridge , London, Bowes & Bowes, 1962. viii, 32 p., 24 plates.(Cambridge Bibl. Soc. Monograph No. 5.)[3732]
- FINKELPEARL, P. J., Henry Walley of the Stationers' Company and John Marston, PBSA , 56:366-8.[3733]
- FINLAYSON, C. P., Thomas Carlyle's Borrowings from Edinburgh University Library, 1819-1820, Bibliotheck , 3:138-43.[3734]
- FORD P., and FORD, G., editors, Luke Graves Hansard; His Diary, 1814-1841. A Case Study in the Reform of Patronage , Oxford, Blackwell, 1962. civ, 225 p.[3735]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., Some Proofs of Johnson's Prefaces to the Poets , Library , 5th ser., 17:213-30.[3736]
- FLETCHER, HARRIS, The Seventeenth-Century Separate Printing of Milton's Epitaphium Damonis , JEGP , 61:788-96.[3737]
- FOAKES, R. A., and RICKERT, R. T., editors, Henslowe's Diary , Cambridge, At the University Press, 1961. lix, 368 p.[3738]
- FORREST, EARL, A History and Evaluation of English Historical Annuals for 1701-1720 and 1739-1743 . Thesis. PhD. Univ. of Illinois. 1961.[3739]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, An Emendation in Dekker [If this be not a good Play, I.i.28 (Dekker, Works, ed. Bowers, III, 124)], N & Q , n.s. 9:334.[3740]
- FRENCH, J. M., Moseley's Advertisements of Milton's Poems, 1650-1660, HLQ , 25:337-45.[3741]
- GARRETT, K. I., [T. J. Wise's forgery of an edition of George Cruikshank's The Artist and the Author [1872]], IN The Guildhall Miscellany , Volume II, October 1962. Reviewed in TLS , Oct. 26, 1962, p. 832, and correction by F. S. Bradburn, TLS , Nov. 16, 1962, p. 873.[3742]
- GEDULD, H. M., The Textual Problem in Shaw, Shaw Rev. , 5:54-60.[3743]
- GITTINGS, ROBERT, Emma Hardy's Recollections, TLS , June 8, 1962, p. 429.(Reply to Mr. Beatty's remarks on Some Recollections by Emma Hardy in TLS, June 1, 1962.)[3744]
- GLAISTER, GEOFFREY, The Glossary of the Book , London, Allen and Unwin, 1960. xvi, 484 p.(Critical review by Nicolas Barker, Library, 5th ser., 17:269-70.)[3745]
- GOLLIN, R. M., The 1951 Edition of Clough's Poems: A Critical Re-Examination, MP , 60:120-27.[3746]
- GUERRA, FRANCISCO, Nicolás Bautista Monardes. Su Vida y Su Obra, ca. 1493-1588 , Mexico City, Compañía Fundidora de fierro y acero de Monterrey, 1961. 226 p.(Pub. No. 41, Dept. of Hist. of Medicine, Yale Univ.)[3747]
- GUTHKE, K. S., M. G. Lewis' The Twins , HLQ , 25:189-223.[3748]
- HABER, T. B., A. E. Housman and Ye Rounde Table , JEGP , 61:797-809.[3749]
- HANFORD, J. H., “Paradise Lost” Annotated by Thomas Edwards, PULC , 23:123-4.[3750]
- HARMAN, ELEANOR, The University as Publisher , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1961. 165 p.[3751]
- 108....BIB SOC BOWERS JG 7-10-63....
- HARTMAN, J. P., Bookbindings , London, H. M. Stationary Office, 1962. 32 p. 72 plates.[3752]
- HENDRICKSON, J. R., and STARR, H. W., The Final Couplet of Gray's “Candidate,” N & Q , n.s. 8(1961):58-9.[3753]
- HENDRICKSON, J. R., and STARR, H. W., Two Poems Attributed to Gray, N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):57-8.[3754]
- HEPBURN, J. G., Manuscript Notes for Lord Raingo , English Fiction in Transition , 5:1:1-5.[3755]
- HOBSON, A. R. A., William Beckford's Binders, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 375-81.[3756]
- HOGAN, J. J., Cutting His Text According to His Measure: A Note on the Folio Lear , PQ , 41:72-81.[3757]
- HORODISCH, A., Holländische gestickte Einbände, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 383-96.[3758]
- HOUGHTON, E. R., The British Critic and the Oxford Movement, SB , 16:119-37.[3759]
- HUETTER, LUIGI, La Tipografia Vaticana, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):273-9.[3760]
- HUNTLEY, F. L., Ben Jonson and Anthony Munday, or, The Case is Altered Altered Again, PQ , 41:205-14.(Not clearly by one or the other.)[3761]
- JACKSON, W. A., Bibliography and Literary Studies , Los Angeles, Univ. of California, 1962. [iv], 16 p.[3762]
- JOLLIFFE, J. W., and RHODES, D. E., Some Sixteenth-Century French Books with Twin Imprints, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):291-3.[3763]
- KHAN, M. S., The Early History of Bengali Printing, Libr. Quart. , 32:51-61.[3764]
- KIMBROUGH, ROBERT, The Origins of Troilus and Cressida: Stage, Quarto, and Folio, PMLA , 77:194-9.[3765]
- KLEPIKOV, S. A., Russian Bookbinding from the Middle of the 17th to the End of the 19th Century, Book Collector , 11:437-47.[3766]
- KORG, JACOB, George Gissing's Commonplace Book: A Manuscript in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library , New York Public Library, 1962. 64 p.[3767]
- KRUEGER, ROBERT, Sir John Davies: Orchestra Complete, Epigrams , Unpublished Poems, R.E.S., n.s. 13:2-29, 113-24.[3768]
- LADBOROUGH, R. W., A Lost Pepys-Library Book Recovered, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:292-4.[3769]
- LANG, C. Y., Atalanta in Manuscript, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 37:19-24.(Swinburne's Atalanta in Calydon.)[3770]
- LANE, R. F., Bodoni's Manuale Tipografico and the Recent Facsimile [London, The Holland Press Ltd., 1960], Library , 5th ser., 17:132-8.[3771]
- LAURIA, ARTHUR, Le Premier Livre Imprimé à Tarente , Paris, Lib. Ant. Lauria, 1961. 12 p.[3772]
- LEWIS, JOHN, Printed Ephemera: The Changing Uses of Type and Letterforms in English and American Printing , Ipswich, W. S. Cowell & Co., Distributed by Faber & Faber, London, 1962. 288 p.[3773]
- LIEBERT, H. W., Boswell's “Life of Johnson,” 1791, Amer. N & Q , 1:6-7.[3774]
- LINDBERG, S. G., Bookbindings in Sweden, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 447-63.[3775]
- LOOMIE, A. J., The Authorship of An Advertisement Written to a Secretarie of M. L. Treasurer of England , Renaissance News , 15:201-207.(Ascribed to Joseph Creswell. Richard Versteghen suggested.)[3776]
- M., A., Wing W 2044 +, Durham Philobiblon , 2:50-51.(Whittel not Whittie the author of this variant and W 2044, Whittie, John, An exact diary of the late expedition, London, For Richard Baldwin, 1689.)[3777]
- McDONALD, W. U., Jr., On the Authorship of “Some Scenes from the Life of Edward Lascelles,” N & Q , n.s. 9:187-8.(Not by Henry D. Inklis.)[3778]
- McKAY, G. L., Note on R. L. Stevenson's “Requiem,” Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 36:122-5.[3779]
- MacLEOD, R. D., Some Scottish Publishers, Libr. Rev. . No. 142:435-40, No. 143:514-20, No. 144:597-603.[3780]
- McMANAWAY, J. G., Privilege to Print, SB , 16:201-203.[3781]
- MAGAW, B. L., The Work of John Shirley, an Early Hack Writer, PBSA , 56:332-45.[3782]
- MANZALAOUI, M. A., Typographical Justification and Grammatical Changes in the Eighteenth Century, PBSA , 56:248-51.[3783]
- MARSHALL, W. H., An Early Misattribution to Byron: Hunt's “The Feast of the Poets,” N & Q , n.s. 9:180-82.[3784]
- MAUD, R. N., Dylan Thomas' Collected Poems: Chronology of Composition, PMLA , 76(1961):292-7.[3785]
- MAYO, R. D., The English Novel in the Magazine, 1740-1815 , Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern Univ. Press, 1962. x, 695 p.[3786]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., Bibliographical and Textual Studies of Twentieth-Century Writers, IN Approaches to the Study of Twentieth-Century Literature (Michigan State Univ., 1961), pp. 35-51.[3787]
- MEYER, SAM, Spenser's Colin Clout: The Poem and the Book, PBSA , 56:397-413.[3788]
- MIDDLETON, B. C., The Bookbinders Case Unfolded [a late 17th-century broadside and the earliest description of bookbinding in England], Library , 5th ser., 17:66-76.[3789]
- MILLER, W. E., The Hospital of Incurable Fooles, SB , 16:204-207.(Possibly, but not certainly, translated by Edward Blount; probably not by Thomas Nashe.)[3790]
- MITCHELL, S. O., Johnson and [His Present of] Cocker's “Arithmetic,” PBSA , 56:107-109.[3791]
- MITCHELL, W. S., German Bindings in Aberdeen University Library: Iconographic Index, and Indices of Initials, Binders, and Dates, Library , 5th ser., 17:46-55.[3792]
- MORAN, JAMES, editor, Deposito Cornuti Typographici , Translated from the German [of Johann Rist] by William Blades, London, Maximilian Editions, 1962. 55 p.(A 17th-century morality play formerly performed at the initiation of apprentices as journeyman printers.)[3793]
- MORAN, JAMES, Stationers' Companies of the British Isles, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):533-40.[3794]
- MORISON, STANLEY, On Type Designs Past and Present. A Brief Introduction , revised ed., London, Benn, 1962. 80 p.[3795]
- MORTENSON, ROBERT, A Note on the Revision of Gulliver's Travels , Libr. Chron . [Univ. of Pennsylvania], 28:26-28.[3796]
- MUNBY, A. N. L., The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England , London, Univ. of London, The Athlone Press, 1962. viii, 117 p., 2 plates.[3797]
- MURRAY, P. B., The Authorship of The Revenger's Tragedy , PBSA , 56:195-218.(Argues for Thomas Middleton.)[3798]
- MURRAY, P. B., The Collaboration of Dekker and Webster in “Northward Ho” and “Westward Ho,” PBSA , 56:482-6.[3799]
- NEILL, D. G., A New Address for Christian Kalthoeber [London Bookbinder, late 18th-century], Library , 5th ser., 17:95.[3800]
- NETHERY, WALLACE, Charles Lamb in America, 1849-1866, Amer. Book Collector , 12:6:7-16.[3801]
- NETHERY, WALLACE, John Locke's Essay on “Humane Understanding,” Amer. Book Collector , 12:9:13-17.[3802]
- NIXON, H. M., Baumgarten's Will, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 397-404.(John Ernst Baumgarten, German binder in London, who died March 21, 1782.)[3803]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by John Brindley, 1743, Book Collector , 11:466.(English Bookbindings XLIII.)[3804]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding Supplied by John Bill to James I, c. 1621, Book Collector , 11:62.(English Bookbindings XL.)[3805]
- NIXON, H. M., Grolier's Binders, Book Collector , 11:79.(Supplments B2244.)[3806]
- NIXON, H. M., Grolier's Chrysostom , Book Collector , 11:64-70, 213-14.[3807]
- NIXON, H. M., A Little Gidding Binding, c. 1635-40, Book Collector , 11:330.(English Bookbindings XLII.)[3809]
- NIXON, H. M., Roger Bartlett's Bookbindings, Library , 5th ser., 17:56-65.[3810]
- NOWELL-S MITH, SIMON, Leigh Hunt's The Descent of Liberty , 1815, Library , 5th ser., 17:238-40.[3811]
- NOWELL-S MITH, SIMON, Gebir; A Poem . 1798 [by Walter Savage Landor], Library , 5th ser., 17:149-52.[3812]
- OSBORN, J. M., “That on Whiston” by John Gay, PBSA , 56:73-8.[3813]
- PACKER, L. M., Christian Rossetti's “Songs in a Cornfield”: A Misprint Uncorrected, N & Q , n.s. 9:97-100.[3814]
- PADEN, W. D., Twenty New Poems Attributed to Tennyson, Praed, and Landor, Victorian Studies , 4(1960-1961):194-218, 290-314.[3815]
- PAFFORD, J. H. P., “The Winter's Tale”: Typographical Peculiarities in the Folio Text, N & Q , n.s. 8(1961):172-8.[3816]
- PLAVŠIĆ, LAZAR, Das Drucken Kyrillischer Bücher in Urach (Tübingen) Während des Siebenten Jahrzehnts im 16. Jahrhundert, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):251-55.[3817]
- POLHEMUS, G. W., An Additional Variation in Arnold's “The Terrace at Berne,” N & Q , n.s. 9:299.[3818]
- POLLARD, M., The First Irish Edition of Maria Edgeworth's Parent's Assistant , The Irish Book , 1:85-8.[3819]
- PRICE, G. R., Setting by Formes in the First Edition of The Phoenix [by Thomas Middleton], PBSA , 56:414-27.[3820]
- PRIMROSE, J. B., The Pitsligo Press of George Hay Forbes, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 4:53-89.[3821]
- PRITCHARD, ALLAN, George Wither's Quarrel with the Stationers: An Anonymous Reply to The Schollers Purgatory , SB , 16:27-42.[3822]
- PUOKKA, JAAKKO, Über Finnisches Buchbinden vom Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts bis zum anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):512-18.[3823]
- QUAINTANCE, R. E., Jr., Henry Mackenzie's Sole Comedy [False Shame, or The White Hypocrite, merely another title for The Force of Fashion], HLQ , 25:249-51.[3824]
- RANDALL, D. A., “Dukedom Large Enough”: I. Changing the Gutenberg Census. II. Hemingway, Churchill, and the Printed Word, PBSA , 56:157-74, 346-53.[3825]
- REGEMORTER, BERTHE van, Ethiopian Bookbindings, Library , 5th ser. 17:85-8.[3826]
- REINGOLD, NATHAN, A Russian Bookstore Catalogue of the Eighteenth Century, PBSA , 56:106-107.[3827]
- RHEIN, ADOLF, Die Frühen Verlagseinbände; Eine Technische Entwicklung 1735-1850, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):519-32.[3828]
- RITTERBUSH, P. C., Erasmus Darwin's Second Published Poem [To Mr. Gurney, On his Book of Short-Writing], R.E.S. , n.s. 13:158-60.[3829]
- ROBERTS, E. V., Henry Fielding's Lost Play, Deborah, or A Wife for You All (1733), BNYPL , 66:576-88.[3830]
- ROBERTS, E. V., Possible Additions to Airs 6 and 7 of Henry Fielding's Ballad Opera “The Lottery” (1732), N & Q , n.s. 9:455-6.[3831]
- ROGERS, DAVID, A Portrait of John-George of Brandenburg on Presentation Bindings: A Footnote to Haebler, Library , 5th ser., 17:88-92.[3832]
- ROSSI, M. M., Herbert of Cherbury's Religio Laici: A Bibliographical Note, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 4:45-52.[3833]
- SALMON, VIVIAN, Early Seventeenth-Century Punctuation As a Guide to Sentence Structure, R.E.S. , n.s. 13:347-60.[3834]
- SANDERSON, J. L., Thomas Bastard's Disclaimer of an Oxford Libel, Library , 5th ser., 17:145-9.[3835]
- SCHNEIDER, E. W., Tom Moore and the Edinburgh Review of Christabel , PMLA , 77:71-6.[3836]
- SCHNEIDER, GEORG, Theory and History of Bibliography . Translated by Ralph Robert Shaw, New York, Scarecrow Press, 1962. xiv, 306 p.(Reprint of translation first published in 1934.)[3837]
- SCHOLES, ROBERT, Grant Richards to James Joyce, SB , 16:139-60.[3838]
- SCHUNKE, ILSE, Die Einbände der Palatina in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek , Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1962. 3 vols.(Studi e Testi, v. 216, 217, 218.)[3839]
- SHAWCROSS, J. T., Establishment of a Text of Milton's Poems through a Study of Lycidas , PBSA , 56:317-31.[3840]
- SHUGRUE, MICHAEL, Richard Savage in the Columns of “Applebee's Original Weekly Journal,” N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):51-2.[3841]
- SIDNELL, M. J., Manuscript Versions of Yeats's The Countess Cathleen , PBSA , 56:79-103.[3842]
- SINCLAIR, K. V., A Boccaccio Manuscript in Australia, PBSA , 56:56-65.[3843]
- SLEPIAN, BARRY, When Swift First Employed George Faulkner, PBSA , 56:354-6.[3844]
- SMITH, J. H., The Composition of the Quarto of Much Ado About Nothing , SB , 16:9-26.[3845]
- SOLTESZ, ELISABETH, Buchschmuck-Klischees in Ungarn im XVI. Jahrhundert, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):416-24.[3846]
- SOMER, J. L., Ralph Crane and “an olde play called Winter's Tale,” The Emporia State Research Studies (Kansas State Teachers College), 10:4(June 1962):22-8.[3847]
- SOUTHAM, B. C., Interpolations to Jane Austen's “Volume the Third,” N & Q , n.s. 9:185-7.[3848]
- SOUTHAM, B. C., The Manuscript of Jane Austen's Volume the First, Library , 5th ser., 17:231-7.[3849]
- SOUTHAM, B. C., The Text of “Sandition,” N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):23-4.[3850]
- STEELE, O. L., A Note on Half-Sheet Imposition in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Books, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):545-7.[3851]
- STEVENSON, ALLAN, see Part I, B3538.
- STILLINGER, JACK, The Text of “The Eve of St. Agnes,” SB , 16:207-12.[3852]
- STOLS, A. A. M., La introducción de la imprenta en Guatemala , Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, 1960. 38 p.[3853]
- STRATMAN, C. J., Cotes's Weekly Journal; or, The English Stage-Player, PBSA , 56:104-106.[3854]
- SUPER, R. H., The First Publication of “Thyrsis,” N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):229.[3855]
- SUTHERLAND, R. C., A Critical View of the Recent Literature of British Heraldry, PBSA , 56:445-53.[3856]
- SZANTO, TIBOR, Die Janson-Antiqua und Miklós Kis von Misztótfalusi, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):50-56.[3857]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Whitman's Short Stories: Another Reprint, PBSA , 56:115.[3858]
- TARR, J. C., see Part I, B3541.
- THOMPSON, L. S., Bookbinding in the Americas, Inter-American Rev. of Bibl. , 12:253-68.[3859]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Printing in Colonial Spanish America , Hamden, Conn., Archon [Distributed by Shoe String Press, 1962]. 108 p.[3860]
- TIMKO, MICHAEL, H. G. Wells's Dramatic Criticism for the Pall Mall Gazette , Library , 5th ser., 17:138-45.[3861]
- TSIEN, TSUEN-HSUIN, Written on Bamboo and Silk: The Beginnings of Chinese Books and Inscriptions , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1962. xiv, 233 p.[3862]
- UCHASTKINA, Z. V., A History of Russian Hand Paper-Mills and Their Watermarks , edited and adapted for publication in English by J. S. G. Simmons, Hilversum, Paper Publications Society, 1962. 308, xxx p., 6 maps, 11 plates, [381] p. of reproductions of watermarks.(Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia. IX.)[3863]
- VAUGHAN, J. E., The Authorship of Dr. Williams's Library MSS. 61.1 (Baxter MSS.) [Life of Thomas Hall (1618-1665), probably by himself], N & Q , n.s. 9:380-81.[3864]
- VEYRIN-FORRER, JEANNE, Les Caracteres de Pierre-François Didot (1783-1796), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):57-67.[3865]
- VOGEL, P. H., Die Druckermarken in den Emdener Niederländischen Bibeldrucken 1556-1568, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):456-8.[3866]
- WALKER, ALICE, Edward Capell and His Edition of Shakespeare, Proceedings of the British Academy , 46 (1961):131-45.[3867]
- WALKER, ALICE, Charles Burney's Theft of Books at Cambridge, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:313-26.[3868]
- WATKINS, D. R., The St. Thomas More Project, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 36:162-8.[3869]
- WEINER, A. B., editor, Hamlet: The First Quarto, 1603 , Great Neck, N. Y., Barron's 1962. x, 176 p.[3870]
- WEINER, A. B., Two “Hamlet” Emendations, N & Q , n.s. 9:143-5.[3871]
- WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, An Early Version of Burns's Song, “Their Groves of Sweet Myrtle,” N & Q , n.s. 9:460.[3872]
- WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, The First Publication of Chatterton's Verses “To Miss C. | On Hearing Her Play on the Harpsichord,” N & Q , n.s. 9:270-71.[3873]
- WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, Two Early Versions of Cowper's “The Negro's Complaint,” N & Q , n.s. 9:26-7.[3874]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Housman in French & Music, PBSA , 56:257-9.[3875]
- WOODFIELD, DENIS, An Ordinary of British Armorial Bookbindings in the Clements Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1958 [1960]. ii, 192 p.[3876]
- ZALL, P. M., A Variant Version of Cowper's “The Rose,” HLQ , 25:253-6.[3877]
- ZALL, P. M., Wordsworth Edits His Editor [Joseph Hine], BNYPL , 66:93-6.[3878]
- ZIMANSKY, C. A., Marlowe's Faustus: The Date Again, PQ , 41:181-7.[3879]








B. United States
- ALBRECHT, R. C., Thoreau and His Audience: “A Plea for Captain John Brown,” AL , 32 (1960-61):393-402.[3880]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O., Benjamin Franklin and the Pennsylvania Gazette, Proceedings , Amer. Philosophical Soc., 106:77-81.[3881]
- BARRETT, C. W., Italian Inflence on American Literature , New York, The Grolier Club, 1962. 132 p.[3882]
- BEDINI, S. A., A Compass Card by Paul Revere (?), Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 37:36-8.[3883]
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., W. H. Auden's First Book, Library , 5th ser., 17:152-4.[3884]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, “A Preface to the Text,” pp. xxix-xlvii; “Textual Introduction: The Scarlet Letter,” pp. xlix-lxv; “Appendixes,” pp. 265-89, IN Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Vol. I. The Scarlet Letter , Ohio State Univ. Press, 1962.[3885]
- BROWN, M. C., The Oriole Press. Joseph Ishill: Solitary Rebel, Amer. Book Collector , 13:1:8-16.[3886]
- BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW, A Further Note on the First Printing of The Great Gatsby , SB , 16:244.[3887]
- CALLENDER, G. P., The Peter Pauper Press, Amer. Book Collector , 12:7:15-24.[3888]
- CAPPON, L. J., Who Is the Auther of History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark (1814)?, William and Mary Quart. , 3d ser., 19:257-68.[3889]
- CHEAPE, K. S. H., Confederate Book Publishing with Emphasis on Richmond, Virginia . Thesis. Univ. of North Carolina. 1960. ACRL Microcard Series 1961. vi, 152 leaves.[3890]
- CHILDS, J. B., The Authentic Archetype of the United States Constitution, PBSA , 56:372-4.[3891]
- CHILDS, J. B., The Story of the United States Senate Documents, 1st Congress, 1st Session, New York, 1789, PBSA , 56:175-94.[3892]
- CUNLIFFE, MARCUS, Parson Weems and George Washington's Cherry Tree, Bull. of The John Rylands Libr. , 45:58-96.[3893]
- DANIEL, C. A., West's Revisions of Miss Lonelyhearts , SB , 16:232-43.[3894]
- DAVIS, C. C., Mr. Legaré Inscribes Some Books: The Literary Tenets, and the Library, of a Carolina Writer, PBSA , 56:219-36.[3895]
- EBY, C. D., Jr., Bryant's “The Pariries”: Notes on Date and Text, PBSA , 56:356-7.[3896]
- FORD, P. L., The New England Primer; a History of Its Origin and Development, with a Reprint of the Unique Copy of the Earliest Known Edition , New York Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, 1962. 53, 78 p.(Classics in Education No. 13.) (Reprint of work first published in 1897.)[3897]
- FRIEND, LLERENA, Thirty-five Years of Hertzog Printing, Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 6:4:26-47.[3898]
- HAYCRAFT, HOWARD, Poe's “Purloined Letter,” PBSA , 56:486-7.[3899]
- GOODALE, DAVID, Walt Whitman's “Banner at Day-Break,” 1860, HLQ , 26:105-108.[3900]
- HITCHINGS, SINCLAIR, Some American Woodengravers, 1820-1840, PAGA , 9:4 (Dec. 1961): 121-38.[3901]
- KANE, NORMAN, Loguen's “Narrative,” 1859 (Wright 2016-17), PBSA , 56:488.[3902]
- KANE, NORMAN, Some Lardner Variants [of Treat 'em Rough], PBSA , 56:487.[3903]
- LEE, R. E., Timothy Dwight and the Boston Palladium , New England Quart. , 35:229-39.[3904]
- MANIERRE, W. R., A “Mather” of Dates, SB , 16:217-20. (Corrects dating of entries in Cotton Mather's Diary as published by Kuno Francke in 1896.)[3905]
- MARINO, S. J., The French-Refugee Newspapers and Periodicals in the United States, 1789-1825 . Thesis. PhD. Univ. of Michigan. 1962.[3906]
- MATCHETT, W. H., Dickinson's Revision of “Two Butterflies Went Out at Noon,” PMLA , 77:436-41.[3907]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., Notes on the Textual History of The Sound and the Fury , PBSA , 56:285-316.[3908]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Proposed Edition of William Gilmore Simms, Mississippi Quart. , 15:100-112.[3909]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Snodgrass Peoples His Universe, PBSA , 56:494-5.(S. S. Gardons used as pseudonym by W. D. Snodgrass. Confirmed, and use of Kozma Petrovitch Prutkov as pseudonym pointed out by William White, PBSA, 57 (1963):94.)[3910]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Publication of Mark Twain in Canada, Amer. N & Q , 1:20-21.(On the unauthorized printing of “Running for Governor” and “About Barbers.”)[3911]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, William Dean Howells: Two Mistaken Attributions, PBSA , 56:254-57.(“Daisy Miller and The Europeans,” Discovery of a Genius, ed. by Albert Mordell (New York, 1961), pp. 85-87, actually by Constance Fenimore Woolson, and “Defense of Daisy Miller” (pp. 88-91) by John Hay.)[3912]
- NEW YORK Public Library, Cuts, Borders, and Ornaments Selected from the Robinson-Pforzheimer Typographical Collection in The New York Public Library , New York Public Library, 1962. 44 leaves of proofs.[3913]
- POWELL, W. S., Patrons of the Press: Subscription Book Purchases in North Carolina, 1733-1850, North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 39:423-99.[3914]
- RANDALL, D. A., “Dukedom Large Enough”: II. Hemingway, Churchill, and the Printed Word. III. Thomas Jefferson and The Declaration of Independence, PBSA , 56:346-53, 472-80.[3915]
- RILEY, E. L., Henry Miller: An Informal Bibliography, 1924-1960 , Hays, Kansas, Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1961. vi, 52 p.(Fort Hays Studies, Bibliography Series No. 1.)[3916]
- RISTOW, W. W., John Melish and His Map of the United States, Libr. Congress Quart. Jour. Current Acquisitions , 19:159-78.[3917]
- SILVER, R. G., Government Printing in Massachusetts, 1751-1801, SB , 16:161-200.[3918]
- SMITH, D. E., Publication of John Bunyan's Works in America, BNYPL , 66:630-52.[3919]
- SONN, I. M., Benjamin Thompson Pierson and His Newark Directories, Proceedings , New Jersey Historical Soc., 79:21-37.[3920]
- SORENSEN, P. D., Nauvoo Times and Seasons , Jour. Illinois State Hist. Soc. , 55:117-35.[3921]
- STEELE, O. L., Evidence of Plate Damage As Applied to the First Impression of Ellen Glasgow's The Wheel of Life (1906), SB , 16:223-31.[3922]
- STEELE, O. L., On the Imposition of the First Edition of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter , Library , 5th ser., 17:250-55.[3923]
- STODDARD, R. E., Oscar Wegelin, Pioneer Bibliographer of American Literature, PBSA , 56:237-47.[3924]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Lyric Year: A Bibliography, PBSA , 56:454-71.[3925]
- TANSELLE, G. T., An Unknown Early Appearance of “The Raven,” SB , 16:220-23.[3926]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Unrecorded Early Reprintings of Two Poe Tales [“The Purloined Letter” and “The Oval Portrait”], PBSA , 56:252.[3927]
- THOMAS, ISAIAH, Three Autobiographical Fragments , Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, 1962. 32 p.[3928]
- TODD, W. B., The Early Issues of Poe's Tales (1845), Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 7:1:13-17.[3929]
- VAN TRUMP, J. D., and ZIEGLER, A. P., Jr., Thomas Bird Mosher, Publisher and Pirate, Book Collector , 11:295-312, and note by B. C. Middleton, ibid., pp. 482-83.[3930]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, An Unpublished Notebook. Walt Whitman in Washington in 1863, Amer. Book Collector , 12:5:8-13.[3931]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Whitman as Short Story Writer: Two Unpublished Manuscripts, N & Q , n.s. 9:87-9.[3932]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2nd, The Reconstruction of Benjamin Franklin's Library: An Unorthodox Jigsaw Puzzle, PBSA , 56:1-16.[3933]
- WOODWARD, D. H., John Quinn and T. S. Eliot's First Book of Criticism, PBSA , 56:259-65.[3934]


Correction: “A Harold Frederic First,” by Stanton B. Garner, XV (1962), 268-269
“Barbette's Christmas” was published in 1876, not in 1878 as stated in error. In addition, the study of Frederic by T. F. O'Donnell and H. C. Franchere (1961), unpublished when Professor Garner's note was printed, clarifies the biography by showing that Frederic had left the Utica Morning Herald to join the staff of the Observer (which printed the story) in December 1875. The above information courtesy of Austin Briggs, Jr., of Hamilton College.
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