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Historical Collation
The following symbols are used: C (Cowley—"The Author's Final Version," 1951), F (Fitzgerald—a revision marked by the autor in his copy of the novel), S (Serial—Scribner's Magazine, 1934), I (first edition, 1934), II (The Scribner Library edition, 1960).
- 3.1 the shore ] the pleasant shore S, I-II
- 3.2 stood ] stands S, I-II
- 3.4 cooled ] cool S, I-II
- 3.4 stretched ] stretches S, I-II
- 3.5 Now ] Lately S, I-II
- 3.6 in 1925 ] a decade ago S, I-II
- 3.7-8 April; in those days only ] F; April. Now, many bungalows cluster near it, but when this story begins only S, I-II; April. Only C
- 3.17 had come ] came S, I-II
- 3.21 had floundered ] floundered S, I-II
- 4.8 this ] one S, I-II
- 7.21 raft, and who ] raft who C
- 10.28 water, followed ] water. He was followed C
- 10.29 followed ] waded after them C
- 12.6 Antheil ] Anthiel S, I-II
- 15.21-2 One of her husbands had been a cavalry officer and one an army doctor ] Her first husband, Rosemary's father, had been an army doctor and her second a cavalry officer C
- 16.1 Rosemary ] Rosemary Hoyt C
- 16.4 felt that it was time she were ] felt it was time that she was C
- 19.5 Eleven years ago ] Ten years ago S, I-II; Eleven years before C
- 19.6 were ] had been C
- 19.7 were ] had been C
- 19.27 the ] that C
- 20.19 was ] were S, I-II
- 22.18 the Paris Herald ] The New York Herald I; The New York Herald S, II; the Paris edition of the New York Herald C
- 24.23 uninterested ] disinterested S, I-II
- 24.30 Señor ] Signor S, I-II
- 28.1 as nearly sulky ] nearly as sulkily I-II; feeling nearly as sulky C
- 29.32 and that ] and one that C
- 35.16 fascinated ] fascinating C
- 35.24 destinies buried under the compromises of how many years. ] destinies. C
- 36.7 To resume Rosemary's point of view it should be said that, under ] Still under S; Under C
- 36.9 she and her mother ] they S; Rosemary and her mother C
- 36.28 arrived, discovering ] arrived and discovered C
- 42.11 everyone ] eveyone II
- 42.25 irrelevant ] irrelative S, I-II
- 46.17 him—this led up to the trouble in which he presently found himself. ] him. C
- 48.20 Iles de Lérins ] Isles des Lerins S, I-II
- 55.9 immejetely ] immejitly C
- 55.33 coo-coo ] cuckoo C
- 56.17 McKisco ] Kisco C
- 57.19 the latter ] he C
- 60.4 party ] parties S, I-II
- 61.10 words ] worlds C
- 63.16 rabbit ] rabit II
- 63.17 second—the latter ] second, who C
- 66.3-5 that in a few hours she would see the person whom she still referred to in her mind as "the Divers" on the beach. ] that a few hours later on the beach she would see the person whom she still referred to in her mind as "the Divers." C
- 69.22 onto ] to C
- 71.12 because ] due to the fact that S, I-II
- 72.19 thirteen ] twelve C
- 75.23 Württemberg ] Wurtemburg S, I-II
- 76.26 seven ] six S, I-II
- 78.6 Württembergers ] Wurtemburgers S, I-II
- 78.8 Old ] old S, I-II
- 79.2 Arts ] Art S, I-II
- 80.8 when ] then C
- 85.32 afterwards ] afterward C
- 90.14 Georgian ] Gerogian II
- 90.12 Films, to be ] Films. They were C
- 91.15 aviation port ] airport C
- 92.6 not ] sot II
- 95.6 the aforementioned qualities ] the qualities C
- 96.2 gracefully about above ] gracefully above C
- 97.5 whither ] to which C
- 102.5 Hengist ] Hengest S, I-II
- 104.4 and ] and the C
- 104.14 him ] Dick C
- 105.19 upon ] at C
- 106.2 he asked ] he had asked C
- 106.9 on a world ] on world S, I-II
- 108.13 No ] Not II
- 109.10 faces ] facees C
- 111.19 Diaghilev ] Diaghileff S, I-II
- 117.5 friend ] friends I-II
- 119.10,12 100,000 Chemises ] 1000 chemises S, I-II
- 119.30 Canossa ] Ferrara S, I-II, C
- 120.1-122.5 hour it had become ] hour of standing. . . . It had become S, I-II
- 120.14 de Saint-Ange ] des Saintes ˄ Anges S; des Saintes-Anges I-II
- 122.6 had become ] became C
- 122.31 Brizard ] Brizzard S, I-II
- 122.31 Fernet-Branca ] André Fernet ˄ Blanco S, I-II; Fernet ˄ Branca C
- 122.32 Rocher ] Rochet S, I-II
- 125.4 had been awakened ] had awakened S, I
- 125.10 he is here ] is he here C
- 127.5 over ] more than C
- 128.22 Why you ] Why are you C
- 129.26 conservatism ] conversation I-II, C
- 130.13 whereon ] at which C
- 131.4 Mosby ] Moseby S, I-II
- 132.10 concessionnaire ] concessionaire I-II
- 133.15 about ] of S, I-II
- 133.21 step ] drop C
- 136.2 arrondissement ] arrondisement S, I-II
- 136.7 Ashamed ] He was ashamed C
- 138.6-7 mouth, her face getting big as it came up to him; he ] mouth. He C
- 139.29 Latin Quarter ] French Latin quarter S, I-II
- 141.5 advised ] told C
- 145.8 blanket ] blankets C
- 145.32 unexceptionably ] unexceptionally S, I-II, C
- 147.17 doors ] door C
- 152.2 bier ] beer C
- 152.16 aeroplane ] airplane C
- 152.18 Damenstiftgasse ] Damenstiff Strasse S, I-II
- 153.18 at ] in S, I-II
- 153.27 criterion ] criteria S, I-II
- 154.17 yourself. Once ] yourself—once S, I-II
- 154.24 subject. No good sense." ] subject." S, I-II
- 154.28 people—they were the illusions ] people; illusions S, I-II
- 155.5 lolling ] looling II
- 155.7-9 destiny. Best ] destiny. Moreover it is confusing to come across a youthful photograph of some one known in a rounded maturity and gaze with a shock upon a fiery, wiry, eagle-eyed stranger. Best S, I-II
- 156.16 cortex ] cervical I-II
- 157.7 Kraepelin ] Krapaelin S, I-II
- 157.9 If ] Though C
- 157.13-15 You have the same stupid and unaging American face, except I know you're not stupid, Dick." ] You are still a carrot top. You have the same unaging American face." C <You are still a carrot-top." ¶Dick's eyes were of a bright, hard blue. His nose was somewhat pointed and there was never any doubt at whom he was looking or talking— and this is a flattering attention, for who looks at us?—glances fall upon us, curious or disinterested, nothing more. F>
- 157.16 war—you ] war," Dick said. "You C; war" Dick said, "You F
- 158.5 privates ] private soldiers S, I-II
- 158.13 Krenzegg ] Kreuzegg II
- 159.6 plateau ] eminence S, I-II
- 159.12 Outside, some ] Some S, I-II
- 159.13 one ] they S, I-II
- 159.20 room. Pushing ] room; pushing S, I-II
- 159.24 first ] first one S, I-II
- 160.1 about the ] about the time of the S, I-II
- 160.1 of ] of a C
- 160.3 thence ] there C
- 160.16 (2) ] [page] 2—Follow this form with the breaks here F; [page] 2—C
- 160.23 (3) ] [page] 3—(ect) F; 3—C
- 161.18; 162.12; 162.27; 163.29 (2) ] [page] 2—C
- 161.31 in ] on C
- 162.21 farcical ] farcicle S, I-II, C
- 167.7 thirteen ] eleven S, I-II; twelve C
- 175.9 Interlaken ] Interlachen S; Interlacken I-II
- 175.22 horizons ] horizon C
- 177.4 gladiolus ] gladiola S, I-II
- 178.19-20 path, where, in a moment, a shadow cut across it—she ] path; where, in a moment, a shadow cut across it—she F; path—where in a moment a shadow cut across it. She S, I-II
- 180.22 shoulder—then apart. ] shoulder. S, I-II
- 180.23 record.—Have ] record," she said. "—Have S, I-II; record,—Have F
- 181.4 table, male eyes ] table, eyes S, I-II
- 181.19 obsession ] obsessions C
- 181.26 service ] Service S, I-II; army C
- 182.3 but Dick ] but one day at luncheon Dick C
- 184.4 morning ] day C
- 188.7 it ] is C
- 192.12 who ] whom I-II
- 193.9,31 Kraepelin ] Krapaelin S, I-II
- 193.17 Dent du Midi ] Jugenhorn S, I-II
- 193.22 trainbands ] trained bands S; trained-bands I-II
- 193.31 sie ] siz I-II
- 194.7 down into port ] down port S, I-II
- 195.3 Kursaal ] Kursal I-II
- 197.19 four ] five S, I-II
- 199.24 schizoid ] schizzoid I
- 200.1 Guards ] guards' S, I-II
- 203.27 all so ] also C
- 205.12 Rocher ] Rochers S, I-II
- 207.19 afterward ] after that C
- 208.19 over ] more than C
- 209.30 Grotto ] Grotte S, I-II
- 212.9 Tommy ] Abe North F, C
- 212.23-4 beach with my husband and two children. ] beach near my home above the Mediterranean with my husband and two children and our dear friends. F, C
- 212.31-2 Yes . . . people." ] omitted C
- 213.14 written: ] written from Paris: C
- 217.23 McBeth ] MacBeth S, I-II
- 218.9 aeroplanes ] airplanes C
- 218.10 mighty ] might II
- 219.30 into ] in S, I-II
- 220.6 Topsy's birth, he ] the birth of Topsy, their second child, he C
- 223.18 this ] the C
- 226.5 just over ] almost S, I-II
- 227.23 Gregorovious ] Gregorovius S, I-II, C
- 228.32 twenty-four hours ] two days C
- 230.11 have ] haven't S, I-II
- 230.20 Privatdocent ] Privat docent S, I; Privat-dozent II, C
- 232.1 pair ] pairs C
- 236.1 Dick ] One July morning Dick C
- 236.5 Prokofiev's Love for Three Oranges. ] Prokofieff's Love of Three Oranges. S; Prokofieff's "Love of Three Oranges." I-II
- 236.8 his bed-lamp and ] the light and S; his bed-lamp light and I-II
- 238.1 seven ] eight S, I-II
- 238.15 ergo ] ego C
- 239.24 workshop ] workshops C
- 239.30 uninstructed ] instructed S, I-II, C
- 240.25 as if imprisoned in ] as imprisoned in S, I; as imprisoned as in II
- 243.14 with nail scissors ] with scissors S; with a nail scissors I-II
- 244.19 Though it was couched ] Couched C
- 245.3 upon ] at C
- 246.22 nine ] six S, I-II
- 247.7 and started ] and he started C
- 248.1 crowd, a crowd which ] crowd, which C
- 249.20 opposite ] apposite S, I-II
- 250.8 ah ] et C
- 250.9 Madame ] Dame C
- 250.21 schizophrenic ] "schizophrêne" S, I-II
- 256.13; 257.24; 258.7,24; 260.14 Chillicheff ] Chillichev C
- 257.7 or ] nor S, I-II
- 257.7 men's ] their S, I-II
- 257.32 inordinately, meanwhile ] inordinately and S; inordinately ˄ meanwhile I-II; inordinately C
- 259.11 stood ready to depart ] departed I-II; lingered C
- 262.8 steins ] helles S, I-II; seidels C
- 263.9 nine ] eight C
- 265.8 rolled up through ] rolled through C
- 266.16 the income ] it S, I-II
- 268.17 the steamer's ] its S, I-II
- 269.13 couturières ] couturiers S, C
- 269.31 After ] Early in the morning, after C
- 270.11 hoofs ] hoops I-II
- 270.28 two ] one C
- 270.31 Nazionale ] Nationale S
- 270.33-271.1 discovered from . . . that ] read . . . and learned about C
- 271.14 three ] four S, I-II, C
- 271.16 twenty-one . . . thirty-seven ] twenty-two . . . thirty-eight S, I-II, C
- 276.12 twenty-one ] twenty-two S, I-II, C
- 276.13 eight ] nine C
- 285.5 sniffling ] sniffing C
- 288.16 Nazionale ] Nationale S, I-II
- 289.27 for the ] the C
- 290.5 mousseux ] mousseaux I-II
- 291.12 Birmingham ] Atlanta C
- 294.16,23 saoul ] sault S; saoûl I-II
- 296.7 Guards ] guards' S, I-II, C
- 301.10 on which ] whereon S, I-II
- 301.18 sempre diretto ] semper dritte S, I-II
- 301.18 sinistra ] sinestra S, I-II
- 301.18 destra ] dextra S, I-II
- 301.22 Piazza di Spagna ] Piazzo d'Espagna S, I-II
- 306.18 palpable ] palatable C
- 309.28 telegram ] cable S, I-II
- 311.19 ship ] trip C
- 313.6 with ] to S, I-II
- 313.14 such a rate ] such rate C
- 314.3 Wassermanns ] Wassermans S, I-II, C
- 314.15 Chilean ] Chilian S, I-II
- 317.3 the late thirties ] the forties S, I-II; one's late thirties C
- 316.7,25; 319.22 Chile ] Chili S, I-II
- 320.17 Devereux ] Charles S, I1934
- 320.20 in which ] wherein S, I-II; where C
- 320.27 grata ] gratis I-II
- 323.6 the Paris Herald ] The New York Herald S, I-II; the New York Herald C
- 327.18 cess ] 'cess S, I-II
- 328.8-9 But what absorbed Dick after the disappearance of the caravan was the question as to what ] But the question that absorbed Dick after the disappearance of the caravan was to what C
- 331.2-3 been rented again, so ] long been rented for the summer, so S; been rented again for the summer, so I-II, C
- 331.6 are ] is S, I-II
- 331.11 eight and six ] eleven and nine S, I-II; seven and nine C
- 332.4 but content ] but were content C
- 332.4 regimen ] regimentation S, I-II
- 332.13 six ] nine S, I-II; seven C
- 332.24 Owing ] Due S, I-II
- 333.6-7 For example with the great quantity of heavy baggage—presently ] Presently C
- 334.1 Kabyle . . . Sabæan ] Kyble . . . Sabian S; Kyble . . . Sabaean I-II
- 336.27 itself ] herself I-II
- 337.11 La ] El S, I-II, C
- 342.13 Mouton ] Moutonne S, I-II
- 344.7 Salaud ] Salaut S; Saland I1934
- 345.8 him, about which she could only guess in ] him which she could only guess at in S; him, about which she could only guess at in I-II
- 346.11 playing ] plaing C
- 346.29 dress, the ] dress and the C
- 347.23 nous autres héros," he said, "il faut
] nous héros," he said, "il nous faut
191S, I-II; nous autres héros il faut C
- 348.6 Légion Étrangère ] Corps d'Afrique du Nord S, I-II; Bataillon d'Afrique C
- 349.8 bear ] hear C
- 349.23 Lady Caroline ] Lady Sibly-Biers S, I-II
- 350.24 enfantillage ] enfance S; enfanterie I-II
- 351.19 here ] there C
- 352.3 lesion ] lessening C
- 353.16 them ] it S, I-II
- 354.2 waiting ] attendant S, I-II; Divers' C
- 357.17 Niçois ] Niçoise S, I-II
- 361.16 killed, that ] killed and that C
- 361.20 expressed ] personified S, I-II
- 362.1 drink ] drinking C
- 362.13 the wrench it was ] it was the wrench C
- 363.30 hook ] nook I
- 364.5 four ] five S, I-II, C
- 364.8 summers ] years S, I-II, C
- 364.14 four ] five S, I-II, C
- 365.1 Last summer ] Summer before last C
- 365.5 afterwards ] afterward C
- 365.8 thought ] think C
- 367.26 "Château" ] the Mexican C
- 368.33 Abrams's ] Abram's I-II
- 380.18 from what ] than I-II
- 382.6 Kornilov ] Korniloff S, I-II
- 383.32 arose ] rose C
- 384.15 to find ] finding S, I-II
- 388.30 up putting ] up to him and, putting C
- 389.12 "Profession ] "My profession C
- 389.31 bottles, empty ] bottles, the empty C
- 391.28 Sibly ] Sibley I-II
- 395.22 Monsieur ] M. C
- 398.18 "Ça va." ] omitted C
- 399.24 purse. It ] purse—and Dick recognized it as he saw it. It S, I-II
- 399.29-33 en," Dick called after him, "when . . . here?" ] en," Dick identified him as the man who had once hailed him in the . . . five years before. ¶"When . . . here?" he called after him. S, I-II
- 399.31 Rue de Saint-Ange ] Rue de St. Anges S; Due de Saints Anges I; Rue de Saints Anges II
- 400.31 victims ] dupes S, I-II
- 401.11 principle ] principal I-II
- 401.21 "I never did go in for making love to dry loins," said Dick. ] omitted C
- 403.2 high ] righ II
- 403.10 The AP ] the A. and P. S. I-II; the AP C
- 407.9 New York ] N. Y. S, I-II



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