III. Index
The first two sections of this study will be most helpful to the person
who has found an article or an initial in The Freeman that he
wants identified; this third section goes at the matter from the other
direction and is designed for readers who wish to know whether or not a
particular author ever published anything in The Freeman
besides the items given in the regular indexes of signed articles.[30] The following list of 184 authors
is an
index to the preceding two sections. The numbers are issue numbers (since
these run consecutively throughout the life of the journal) and indicate that
the author in question contributed to those issues some unsigned work
(which can then be located in Part I). The letters (and names in quotation
marks) are initials (and pseudonyms); additional page references can be
found by looking up these letters in Part II.
- Anderson, Maxwell: 28; MA.
- Anthony, Katherine: KA.
- Arner, G. B. L.: GBLA.
- Arvin, Frederick N., Jr.: FNA, jun.
- Arvin, Newton: A, NA.
- Balfe, Helen Rose: HRB.
- Baury, Louis: 110; LBa.
- Beard, Charles A.: 95,112,117,119,121,124,127; CAB, RATS;
"John M. Thompson," "S. R. Franklin."
- Bechoffer, C. E.: CEB.
- Behrman, S. N.: 45; SNB.
- Belgion, Montgomery: MB.
- Bell, Bernard I.: BIB.
- Bell, Lisle: 49; LB.
- Best, Mary Agnes: 39; MAB.
- Björkman, Edwin: 38; Bj.
- Block, Ralph: 46; RB.
- Boas, George: "George Belane."
- Booth, Edward Townsend: 74,88; ETB; "Townsend Hills,
- Bowen, Stirling: "Stanley Boone."
- Boyd, E. P.: EPB.
- Boyd, Ernest A.: 59,62,64,66,77,79,82,84-86,89,90,102;
- Boyer, C. Valentine: CVB.
- Broeckhoven: 18; B.
- Brooks, Van Wyck:
8,170,171,174,176-178,180,204-208; VWB.
- Browne, Maurice: MB.
- Brubaker, Howard: 50,52,53,55-57; HBr.
- Burke, B. U.: 12; BUBu.
- Burke, Kenneth: KB.
- Burns, C. Delisle: 30,44,75; CDB.
- Butcher, Harold: HB.
- Bynner, Witter: "Emanuel Morgan."
- Cane, Melville S.: MSC.
- Chamberlin, William Henry: 56; ACF, JB, WHC, WHCh; "A. C.
Freeman," "John Bradley."
- Chotzinoff, Samuel: 103; SC.
- Coblentz, Stanton A.: SAC.
- Colcord, Lincoln: 52; LC.
- Colum, Mary M.: 193; MMC.
- Colum, Padraic: 52,72,85,97,104,105,111; PC.
- Composite: 56; Com.
- Cope, Thomas Pym: TPC.
- Cournos, John: 82; JCo.
- Crane, Clarkson: CC.
- Craven, Thomas: TC.
- Crook, W. Harris: WHC.
- Dakyns, Arthur L.: 21; ALD.
- Damon, S. Foster: SFD.
- Darmstadter, Renée: RD.
- Dell, Robert: KM; "A. Londenoys."
- Deutsch, Babette: 43; BD.
- Dorvie, J. F.: JFD.
- Duffus, Robert L.: RLD.
- Eaton, Walter Prichard: 29,97,104,106; TIB, WPE.
- Editorial Conference: 59; EdC.
- Ewer, W. N.: 20; WNE.
- Fletcher, John Gould: 18; JGF.
- Fuller, Henry Blake: HBF.
- Fuller, Walter G.:
0-87,89,99-101,105,107,108; FGW, HCL, JM, JR, MD, TF, TR, WGF,
WH; "Charles H. Attree," "George Brangwyn," "Harry Wiltshire," "James
Mordaunt," "Philip Perrep."
- Garrison, Frank W.:
179; FWG.
- Gibbon, John Murray: JMG.
- Gibbs, A. Hamilton: AHG.
- Gifford, Francis: FG.
- Gleason, Arthur: 9; AGl.
- Goldbeck, Eva: EG.
- Goldberg, Isaac: 79; IG.
- Gordon, Vera: 101; VG.
- Gorman, Herbert S.: HSG.
- Graham, Stephen: SG.
- Graham, Whidden: 180; WG.
- Gregory, Alyse: AG.
- Gruening, Martha: MG.
- Gulbransen, Marie: 4,9,10,43; MG, MGu.
- Hack, Roy Kenneth: 79; RKH.
- Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton: EHH.
- Hale, Annie Riley: ARH.
- Hale, William Bayard: RK.
- Hallinan, Charles Thomas:
- Hanson, George: GH.
- Hargrove, Charles R.: 47,64,78,98; CRH.
- Hart, J.: 14,15; JH.
- Haveland, F. E.: FEH.
- Hill, Frank E.: FEH.
- Hillyer, Robert S.: RSH.
- Hossain, Syud: 144; SH.
- Housman, Lawrence: 17; LH.
- Howe, Frederic C.: 35; FCH.
- Hudson, H. H.: HHH.
- Huebsch, B. W.:
85,204; BWH, DI; "Angus
Breck," "Lars Carlson," "L. T. B. Light," "Sven Andersen."
- Hughes, Helen Sard: 63; HSH.
- Hunter, Walter: 31; WHu.
- Jacoby, John E.: JEJ.
- Jones, Howard Mumford; HMJ.
- Jones, Llewellyn: 67; LJ.
- Kaun, Alexander: AK.
- Kellock, Harold: 90,95-98,100,101,104,105,108-183,185-208;
- Kenyon, Francis E.: FEK.
- King, Gertrude Besse: GBK.
- Kling, J. Burton: "Silex."
- Knight, Melvin Moses: MMK.
- LaFollette, Suzanne (Clara):
165,167-171,174-176,202,203,205,207,208; LCF, SLF; "N. James
- Lamm, [Lynne M.?] 4; L.
- Larkin, Mary Lippitt: MLL.
- Levine, Louis: 1-3,5,10; LL.
- Lewisohn, Ludwig: 26; LLe.
- Lowenthal, M.: ML.
- Lowie, Robert H.: 10,171; RHL.
- Lyman, Eugene W.: EWL.
- MacDonald, William: 185-208; WM.
- MacFadyen, Virginia: VMacF.
- MacGowan, Kenneth: KM.
- Mason, Daniel Gregory: DGM.
- Mason, Lawrence: 65; LM, LMa.
- Mason, Mary L: MLM.
- Maule, Frances: FM.
- Meadows, George D.: GDM.
- Monahan, Michael: 16-18; MMo.
- Mood, Fulmer: FM.
- Morris, Dorothy L.: 46; DLM.
- Morris, L. S.: LSM.
- Mosher, John C.: JCM, JM.
- Moss, Arthur: AM.
- Muir, Edwin: EM.
- Mumford, Lewis:
191; LCM, LM, LMd.
- Munson, Gorham B.: GBM.
- Nagel, Charles: CN.
- Neil, W. Robert: EWN.
- Neilson, Francis:
105-110,117,119,120; FN, GC; "Henry H. Jones," "Richard
New Statesman: 40,62,66,69,83,85,116; NS, X, YY;
"Britannicus," "Lens."
- Newberry, John Strong: JSN.
- Newdick, Edwin: 12,18; EN.
- Nock, Albert Jay: 1-161,163-165,173-208; AJN;
- Noguchi, Yone: "Japanese Professor."
- Ovington, Mary White: MWO.
- Pach, Walter E.: 58,108,111; WEP, WPa.
- Paramore, Edward E., Jr.: EEP,jun.
- Parkhurst, Winthrop E.: WEP, WP.
- Pickering, Ruth: RP.
- Pinchot, Amos: 1; AP.
- Post, Louis: 81; LPo.
- Powys, Llewelyn:
40,91,121,123,125,129,131,133,148,160,164,165; LlP, LP.
- Preston, Raymond A.: RAP.
- Radin, Max: MR.
- Roberts, Richard: 18; R, RR.
- Robinson, Geroid Tanquary:
2-17,29-75,79-87,89-122,125-152,154-177,179-201,205-208; GTR, RG,
RTG; "Gallerius."
- Robinson, Landon M.: LMR.
- Robinson, Roth: RP (footnote).
- Roeder, Ralph L.: RLR.
- Rourke, Constance M.: CMR.
- Russell, Caroline B.: CBR.
- Russell, Ruth: 13,22-24,27,56; RRu.
- Ryder, David Warren: "John Harrowby."
- Sapir, Edward: ES.
- Sayler, Lucy R.: LRS.
- Schapiro, J. Salwyn: J.
- Schley, Frederick C.: 42,96; FCS.
- Schoenemann, F.: FS.
- Schulz, William J.: WJS.
- Scott, C. Kay: CKS.
- Scott, Temple: TS.
- Seidenberg, Roderick: 94,97,103,106,109; RS.
- Seligmann, Herbert J.: 47; HJS.
- Sieber, E.: ES.
- Simpson, Herman: HS.
- Speyer, Sir Edgar: SE.
- Spingarn, Joel E.: JES.
- Stearns, Harold E.: 18-21,23-29,31,33,34,45,52,54,64,69,135;
- Stewart, Esmé: 62,68,75; BUB, ESt.
- Stuart, Henry Longan: 133, 134; HLS.
- Taggard, Genevieve: 16,18; GT.
- Tead, Ordway: OT.
- Thomas, T. H.: T.
- Tucker, Marguerite: 87; MT.
- Tynan, Joseph L.: JLT.
- Ustice, W. L.: WLU.
- van Loon, Hendrik Willem: 37,44,91; HWvL; "Hendrik
- Washburn, Claude C.: 21; CCW; "Conrad Brooke."
- Weinstein, Alexander: AW, RV.
- Westcott, Ralph W.: RWW.
- Wheelwright, John Brooks: JBW, NA.
- Whitaker, Charles Harris:
46,52,61,80,101,104,117,129,134,136,140,157,172,182; CB,
- Whitaker, Robert: 30,37; RWh.
- Wilson, Robert: RW.
- Wolf, Robert L.: 11; RLW.
- Woodman, Lawrence C.: LCW.
- Woods, J. B. C.: JBCW.
- Wright, Cuthbert: CW.
- Zimand, Savel: SZ.