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II. Identification of Initials and Pseudonyms
The following list, containing 290 initials and 31 pseudonyms, serves two purposes: first, it provides a key for identifying the initials used in the preceding section; second, it lists (by volume and page) all occurrences of initials actually printed in The Freeman as signatures. In other words, if an initial below has only a name following it (and no page references), it has been used only in Part I of this study, as a convenience, and does not appear in print in The Freeman; but if page references are given below, then the initial (often not appearing in Part I at all) can be found printed as a signature on those pages. Many of these printed initials have not been identified (frequently they are attached to letters to the editor), but all identifications made in the Newberry or Huebsch copies are recorded here. In any case, the list serves as an index to all initials in The Freeman (these are indexed in only three of the eight published volume-indexes — V, VI, VIII).
Pseudonyms offer a somewhat different case. Since pseudonyms are not always recognizable as such, a complete listing is impossible unless every pen name had been identified in the Newberry or Huebsch copies. Signatures like "Indicus," "Cives," "Pioneer," or "Theologus," obvious pen names, are not marked in these copies, and it is therefore likely that other unknown pseudonyms as well occur in the eight volumes. Because of the impossibility of a complete list and because these names are covered in the regular index, it has seemed most sensible to list here only those names identified as pen names in one of the marked

- A: Newton Arvin — VI,142.
- AAS: II, 255.
- ABC: II,232; III,281,307; IV,545.
- ACF: William Henry Chamberlin — VI,22.
- AG: Alyse Gregory — I,[448]; VII,94.
- AGl: Arthur Gleason.
- AHG: A. Hamilton Gibbs — III,454.
- AJB: I,137.
- AJN: Albert Jay Nock.
- AK: Alexander Kaun — VII,430,574.
- ALD: Arthur L. Dakyns.
- AM: Arthur Moss — VII,599.
- AP: Amos Pinchot
- AR: I,106.
- ARH: Annie Riley Hale — II,455.
- ATC: V,425.
- AW: Alexander Weinstein — V,573.
- B: Broeckhoven.
- BB: I,59.
- BD: Babette Deutsch.
- BHR: III,354.
- BIB: Bernard I. Bell — VI,117.
- Bj: Edwin Björkman — I,501; II,118,454,526.
- BUB: Esmé Stewart — IV,550; V,262.
- BUBu: B. U. Burke.
- BVW: I,59.
- BWH: Benjamin W. Huebsch.
- CAB: Charles A. Beard — IV,190,455.
- CB: Charles Harris Whitaker — VII,261.
- CBR: Caroline B. Russell — VI,430.
- CC: Clarkson Crane — I,[567]; V,574; VIII, 334,407.
- CCW: Claude C. Washburn.
- CDB: C. Delisle Burns.
- CEB: C. E. Bechoffer — IV,285.
- CH: Charles Hallinan — V,[281,569].
- CHW: Charles Harris Whitaker.
- CJF: I,475.
- CKS: C. Kay Scott — II,69.
- CLA: I,180.
- CMR: Constance M. Rourke — I,[454],550,597; II,214,382,478,550; III,358,598.
- CN: Charles Nagel — II,454; IV,[498].
- Com: Composite.
- CRH: Charles R. Hargrove — II,310,382,502, 550; III,71; IV,574.
- CS: I,522.
- CTH: Charles Thomas Hallinan.
- CVB: C. Valentine Boyer — VI,550.
- CW: Cuthbert Wright — VII,455; VIII,215.
- DEF: IV,17.
- DG: I,161; II,474.
- DGM: Daniel Gregory Mason — III,22,118; V,454; VI,526.
- DI: B. W. Huebsch — VI,[211]; VII,112,[352].
- DLM: Dorothy L. Morris — II,165; III,70,141,574.
- EAB: Ernest A. Boyd — II,286; IV,94,262,310,406; V,46,142.
- EAM: II,43.[25]
- EB: VI,114.
- EdC: Editorial Conference.
- EEP,jun.: Edward Paramore, Jr. — III,142.
- EG: Eva Goldbeck — VI,286; VII,46,551; VIII,23,119.
- EHH: Elizabeth Hazelton Haight — VII,119.
- EM: Edwin Muir — VII,47,382,431,455,477,502,526,551,599,623; VIII,95,143,167,191,215,455,503.
- EN: Edwin Newdick.
- EPB: E. P. Boyd — III,286.
- ERM: V,569.
- ES: Edward Sapir — V,526.
- ES: E. Sieber — I,[547]; II,[521,567]; VII,118,238; VIII,359.
- ESH: Harold E. Stearns — V,[617]; VII,563.
- ESt: Esmé Stewart.
- ETB: Edward Townsend Booth — IV,358,526,597; V,598,622; VI,214,310,358; VII,286,407; VIII,215,239,263,287,335,383,550.
- EVG: I,161.
- EWL: Eugene W. Lyman — IV,574.
- EWN: W. Robert Neil — II,454.
- EZM: V,378.
- F: VI,161,162.
- FCH: Frederic C. Howe.
- FCS: Frederick C. Schley.
- FE: I,329.
- FEH: F. E. Haveland — I,407.
- FEH: Frank E. Hill — I,478,[574]; II,478.
- FEK: Francis E. Kenyon — II,622; V,118.
- FG: Francis Gifford — VIII,47,119.
- FGW: Walter G. Fuller — I,[35]; III,114.
- FHL: II,65.
- FLC: I,82.
- FM: Frances Maule — II,310.
- FM: Fulmer Mood — III,598; V,[305].
- FN: Francis Neilson — I,34,357.
- FNA, jun.: Frederick N. Arvin, Jr. — II,501; III,[189].
- FRB: VI,67.
- FS: F. Schoenemann — VIII,71.
- FWG: Frank W. Garrison — V,166.
- GBK: Gertrude Besse King — III,166,190,549; V,286,550.
- GBLA: G. B. L. Arner — VIII,311.
- GBM: Gorham B. Munson — II,142; VII,166,407.
- GC: Francis Neilson — I,[255]; II,46.
- GDM: George D. Meadows — VIII,479,[521].
- GH: George Hanson — VIII,239,335.
- GL: V,402; VI,17.
- GN: I,424.
- GS: II,354.
- GT: Genevieve Taggard — I,526.
- GTR: Geroid Tanquary Robinson — VIII,[13,111,135,185,208,233,423,567,591].
- HAG: VI,16.
- HB: Harold Butcher — IV,406,454.
- HBF: Henry Blake Fuller — IV,142; V,358,501; VI,526,574; VII,166,407,623; VIII,359.
- HBr: Howard Brubaker.
- HCL: Walter G. Fuller ("H. C. Lodge") — I,281.
- HCW: I,567.
- HES: Harold E. Stearns.
- HHH: H. H. Hudson — III,190.
- HHJ: III,90.
- HJS: Herbert J. Seligmann — II,190,574; III,142.
- HK: Harold Kellock — II,94,333,549; III,286,334,549; IV,143,286,[406],430; V,262,406; VI,382,622; VIII,71.
- HLS: Henry Longan Stuart — V,188; VI,[41],454.
- HM: I,523.
- HMJ: Howard Mumford Jones — VII,118.
- HRB: Helen Rose Balfe — VI,406.
- HS: Herman Simpson — VI,142,622; VII,23,95,237,477,478.
- HS: Harold E. Stearns — I,549; III,65.
- HSG: Herbert S. Gorman — III,310; IV,94.[26]
- HSH: Helen Sard Hughes — I,[574],598; II,358,406; III,190.
- HTC: Charles T. Hallinan — III,307.
- HWB: V,497.
- HWvL: Hendrik Willem van Loon — II,334.
- IG: Isaac Goldberg — II,598,622; IV,94,407,454; VI,166,335,406,502,574; VII,70,190,214,237,358,407,430,478,527,574,599; VIII, 47,95,503.
- IWS: V,258.
- J: J. Salwyn Schapiro — VI,46.
- JB: William Henry Chamberlin — I,[208]; IV,118,502,526; V,22,382.
- JBCW: J. B. C. Woods — I,190.
- JBW: John Brooks Wheelwright — III,622.
- JC: I,207.
- JCD: V,17.
- JCM: John C. Mosher — I,407.
- JCo: John Cournos.
- JDC: V,258.
- JEJ: John E. Jacoby — VII,190.
- JES: Joel E. Spingarn — V,349.
- JFD: J. F. Dorvie — VII,94.
- JGF: John Gould Fletcher — III,238; IV,406.
- JGH: I,522.
- JH: J. Hart — I,[137,357].
- JLB: I,424.
- JLR: VII,38.
- JLT: Joseph L. Tynan — VI,118,166,190.
- JM: Walter G. Fuller ("J. Morley") — I,329.
- JM: John Mosher — II,526,622; V,214.
- JMG: John Murray Gibbon — VIII,479.
- JMP: I,523.
- JMW: I,161.
- JPA: II,66.
- JPR: IV,163.
- JR: Walter G. Fuller ("John Ruskin") — I,282.
- JSN: John Strong Newberry — II,166,478,622; III,501.
- JSS,jun.: VI,210; VIII,306.
- JvE: II,113.
- KA: Katherine Anthony — V,94.
- KB: Kenneth Burke — III,286; IV,478; V,238.
- KG: III,615.
- KM: Robert Dell — I,376.
- KM: Kenneth MacGowan — I,[208],525,549; II,310,574; III,406.
- KP: II,66.
- L: [Lynne M.] Lamm.
- LB: Lisle Bell — I,478,526,622; II,21,22,46,69,70,94,118,142,165,190,214,238,262,285,310,333,358,38 2,406,430,454,478,526,574,597,598,622; III,22,46,47,70,94,118,166,214,238,262,286,334,358,382,406,431; IV,70,93,118,166,190,214,238,310,334,358,430,454,478,502,622; V,22,70,142,166,190,238,262,286,309,358,381,382,429,430,502,526,55 0,598; VI,21,22,45,70,94,118,166,214,238,263,310,358,382,406,430,454,478,5 26,550,622; VII,23,46,70,142,237,262,311,334,358,430455,526,550,551,574,623; VIII,23,95,214,239,287,311,334,335,359,407,431,455,478,479,502,503, 526,550,574,598,622.
- LBa: Louis Baury.
- LC: Lincoln Colcord — I,[475].
- LCF: Clara LaFollette — II,138.
- LCM: Lewis Mumford — III,310,334,358,549,622; IV,190,238,262,334,358,382,622; V,46,70,94; VI,263,335; VII,214,334,551; VIII,71,95,119,143,166,263,287,335,407,431,550.
- LCW: Lawrence C. Woodmann — VII,623; VIII,23.
- LH: Lawrence Housman.
- LHO: V,281.
- LJ: Llewellyn Jones — III,214.
- LL: Louis Levine.
- LLe: Ludwig Lewisohn.
- LlP: Llewelyn Powys — IV,310,550; V,382,454.
- LM: Lawrence Mason — III,454,621; IV,93,94,166.
- LM: Lewis Mumford — I,90; II,[283],502; III,214,238.
- LMa: Lawrence Mason.
- LMd: Lewis Mumford — III,286.
- LMP: III,234.
- LMR: Landon M. Robinson — II,21,69,70,238,262,286,358,406,454,478,501; III,166; V,478.
- LP: Llewelyn Powys — II,[65],190,430,550,598.
- LPo: Louis Post.
- LRS: Lucy R. Sayler — II,574.
- LSG: V,89.
- LSM: L. S. Morris — VIII,503.
- MA: Maxwell Anderson — I,[11],526.
- MAB: Mary Agnes Best.
- MB: Montgomery Belgion — III,406,430,526,574,598.
- MB: Maurice Browne — III,142.
- MD: Walter G. Fuller — I,353.
- MG: Martha Gruening — II,93; IV,46; V,334.
- MG: Marie Gulbransen — II,185.
- MGu: Marie Gulbransen.
- ML: M. Lowenthal — I,[474]; III,190.
- MLL: Mary Lippitt Larkin — II,334.
- MLM: Mary L. Mason — V,214,430; VI,190,286; VII,46,118.
- MM: VIII,378.
- MMC: Mary M. Colum — V,622; VI,22.
- MMK: Melvin Moses Knight — VIII,89.
- MMo: Michael Monahan.
- MP: I,620.
- MR: Max Radin — VI,430.
- MSC: Melville S. Cane — V,94.
- MT: Marguerite Tucker.
- MWO: Mary White Ovington — II,262,597.
- NA: Newton Arvin — III,262,574; IV,22,142,406,430; VII,23,94,166,190,286,382,455,551; VIII,71,95,239,383,[473].
- NA: John Brooks Wheelwright — IV,70.
- NMB: I,59.
- NS: New Statesman.
- OJM: II,591; IV,448.
- OT: Ordway Tead — V,334; VI,142.
- PC: Padriac Colum — II,598; III,142; IV,214; VIII,191.
- PS: I,255.
- PTT: VI,90.
- R: Richard Roberts — I,[59]; III,452.
- RAP: Raymond A. Preston — V,526,550; VI,21,46,526,598; VII,70,143.
- RATS: Charles A. Beard — V,574.
- RB: Ralph Block.
- RC: III,522.
- RD: Renée Darmstadter — I,382; II,70; III,118.
- RG: Geroid Tanquary Robinson — I,354.
- RHL: Robert H. Lowie — I,501; II,526;
171III,141,190; V,190; VII,431.
- RK: William Bayard Hale — II,307.
- RKH: Roy Kenneth Hack — III,501; V,118.
- RLD: Robert L. Duffus — II,525; VI,335.
- RLO: II,568.
- RLR: Ralph L. Roeder — II,590.
- RLW: Robert L. Wolf.
- RP: Ruth Pickering — I,286.[27]
- RR: Richard Roberts — I,[137]; II,22; V,[70].
- RRu: Ruth Russell.
- RS: Roderick Seidenberg — II,166,382.
- RSH: Robert S. Hillyer — VII,407; VIII,119,215,359,479.
- RTG: Geroid Tanquary Robinson — III,594.
- RUR: VI,282.
- RV: Alexander Weinstein — VII,46.
- RVAS: I,207.
- RW: Robert Wilson — II,142,592.
- RWh: Robert Whitaker.
- RWW: Ralph W. Westcott — II,430.
- S: V,497.
- SAC: Stanton A. Coblentz — III,94,526.
- SC: Samuel Chotzinoff.
- SD: IV,447.
- SE: Sir Edgar Speyer — V,237.
- SFD: S. Foster Damon — VII,502.
- SG: Stephen Graham — IV,262,382.
- SH: Syud Hossain.
- SJ: IV,497.
- SL: VII,112.
- SLF: Suzanne LaFollette.
- SNB: S. N. Behrman.
- SOS: V,497; VI,474.
- SP: I,106.
- SS: I,180.
- SZ: Savel Zimand — V,502.
- T: T. H. Thomas — III,45,116.
- TC: Thomas Craven — VII,599.
- TF: Walter G. Fuller — I,592.
- TIB: Walter Prichard Eaton — VII,112.
- TMcN: Harold Kellock — I,348; II,91; IV,236; V,523; VIII,612.
- TPC: Thomas Pym Cope — IV,285.
- TPD: VIII,593.
- TR: Walter G. Fuller — I,330.
- TS: Temple Scott — VI,478; VIII,263.
- VG: Vera Gordon — II,334,358,550; III,478,622; IV,478,550,598; V,190,406.
- VMacF: Virginia MacFadyen — II,622.
- VWB: Van Wyck Brooks — I,47,69,95,118,143,165.
- WC: VIII,522.
- WEP: Walter E. Pach — IV,46.
- WEP: Winthrop E. Parkhurst — IV,22,70.
- WG: Whidden Graham.
- WGF: Walter G. Fuller.
- WH: Walter G. Fuller — I,330.
- WHC: William Henry Chamberlin — III,70,214,262,310,622; IV,70; V,381,478,526.
- WHC: W. Harris Crook — II,382; III,549.
- WHCh: William Henry Chamberlin.
- WHu: Walter Hunter.
- WJS: William J. Schulz — VIII,431.
- WLU: W. L. Ustice — I,286.
- WM: William MacDonald — VII,[16],231,327; VIII,574,598.
- WNE: W. N. Ewer.
- WP: Winthrop Parkhurst — III,[89],478.
- WPa: Walter Pach.
- WPE: Walter Prichard Eaton.
- WRH: I,376.
- WW: I,499.
- WWS: V,402.
- X: New Statesman — III,109.
- XYZ: IV,377.
- YY: New Statesman — V,33.
- A. C. Freeman: William Henry Chamberlin — III,[114],426; IV,405; VI,[234]; VII,208,471,[497]; VIII,[82,107,160,304],544.
- A. Londenoys: Robert Dell — II,139.
- Angus Breck: B. W. Huebsch — III,593.
- Britannicus: New Statesman — II,563.
- Charles H. Attree: Walter G. Fuller — II,232.
- Conrad Brooke: Claude C. Washburn — VIII,425.
- Emanuel Morgan: Witter Bynner — I,188.
- Gallerius: Geroid Tanquary Robinson — I,[107],328; II,[331],497.
- George Belane: George Boas — VIII,[327,383],447,592.
- George Brangwyn: Walter G. Fuller — II,307.
- Harry Wiltshire: Walter G. Fuller — III,89.
- Hendrik Willem: Hendrik Willem van Loon — I,353.
- Henry H. Jones: Francis Neilson — II,258.
- Historicus: Albert Jay Nock — III,[395,443,492,540,588]; IV,[10,59,108,157].[28]
- James Mordaunt: Walter G. Fuller — II,259.
- Japanese Professor: Yone Noguchi — III,134.
- John Bradley: William Henry Chamberlin — II,[569]; IV,118,[284].
- John Harrowby: David Warren Ryder — VIII,543.
- John M. Thompson: Charles A. Beard — V,187.
- Journeyman: Various authors.[29]
- Lars Carlson: B. W. Huebsch — II,306.
- Lens: New Statesman — II,421.
- L. T. B. Light: B. W. Huebsch — II,210.
- N. James Allen: Suzanne LaFollette — VII,112.
- Philip Perrep: Walter G. Fuller — II,355.
- Richard Claughton: Francis Neilson — I,153; II,15,185; III,[209]; IV,320,[448]; V,[40]; VI,[402]; VII,138,206.
- Silex: J. Burton Kling — III,516.
- S. R. Franklin: Charles A. Beard — V,405.
- Stanley Boone; Stirling Bowen — VI,129.
- Sven Andersen: B. W. Huebsch — II,139.
- Townsend Hills, jun.: Edward Towsend Booth — VI,542; VII,[15],375,565.

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