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Plate 2 [Title Page] (Illustration II b)

Jerusalem / The / Emanation of / The Giant / Albion / <In / XXVIII/ Chapters> / 1804 / Printed by W. Blake Sth Molton St.

The title was etched, the deletion subsequently made by vigorous scratching but not gouging; the date and imprint were added by engraving.

The deleted phrase, directly below the "on" of "Albion", can be made out even from the Rinder facsimile now that its location and shape are precisely known. I was able to decipher it with certainty, however, only from an enlarged photostat of the Rosenbloom copy. That Blake intended the four-chaptered Jerusalem as a work in 28 Chapters, even as late as the etching of his elaborate title page, comes as something of a shock, though it may be recalled that his Milton, in Two Books, is announced on its title page as "in 12 Books" — another of the monumental plans of 1804.[12]