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This information was communicated to me by Hendon Chubb, II, a collector who urged me to pursue the matter further.


The standard bibliography, Lavinia R. Davis, A Bibliography of the Writings of Edith Wharton (1933), mentions only copies with "(1)" and "First Printing, September, 1928". Merle Johnson's American First Editions, Fourth Edition (1947) mentions only the "(I)".


Miss Helen Cohan to M. J. Bruccoli, 18 April 1958.


Teste Harry S. Dale, Vice President and Production Manager.


These gutter markings are not to be confused with the various systems of collating marks put on the spines of gatherings as an aid to bindery workers.


Teste Harry S. Dale.


Teste Irving B. Simon, Production Manager.


I am indebted to the following friends for checking copies: Robert Turner, J. M. Edelstein, Roger Stoddard, Donald Gallup, and Mrs. Neal E. Firkins. I am also obligated to Frank Gil and Robert D. Chapman of Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. for responding to my queries. This article was discussed with John Cook Wyllie and Oliver Steele, whose suggestions were extremely helpful. Frank Tofano, Charles Moran, and Mark Rinker supplied me with information about printing methods.