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Part II: The Later Renaissance to the Present by Howell J. Heaney
1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A. English and General
- ABBEY, J. R., Travel in Aquatint and Lithography, 1770-1860 , London, Curwen Press, 1956, 1957. 2 v.[713]
- AITKEN, W. R., Further Notes on the Bibliography of James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Bibliotheck , 1: No. 2:34-5(Supplements SB Check List, No. B252)[714]
- AITKEN, W. R., William Soutar: Bibliographical Notes and a Checklist, Bibliotheck , 1:No. 2:3-14[715]
- d'ARDOIS, G. S., Bibliografia del Dr. Francisco Hernandez, humanista del siglo XVI, Inter-American Rev. of Bibliography , 7:1-76[716]
- BESTERMAN, THEODORE, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies , 3d ed., Geneva, Societas Bibliographica, 1955-1956. 4 v.[717]
- BLAND, D. S., Chapbooks and Garlands in the Robert White Collection in the Library of King's College, Newcastleupon-Tyne , The Library, 1956. 32 p.(Publications No. 3)[718]
- BLISS, C. S., Joseph Moxon's Mechanick Exercises: A Census, Printing & Graphic Arts , 5:5-8[719]
- BRISTOL. REFERENCE LIBRARY, Early Bristol Newspapers , Corporation of Bristol, 1956. 32 p.(Lists those through 1800 in the Library)[720]
- COLBECK, NORMAN, Sir William Watson: Additions and Corrections, Book Collector , 6:66-7(Supplements SB Check List, No. B259)[721]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, Addendum to the Junius Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:96(Supplements his Junius Bibliography, 1949, with addenda, Bull. of Bibl. 21 (1953):48)[722]
- DICKSON, S. A., The Arents Collection of Books in Parts and Associated Literature: A Complete Checklist with an Introductory Survey , New York Public Library, 1957. 88 p.(Introductory survey also printed BNYPL, 61:267-80)[723]
- DOYLE, P. A., Evelyn Waugh: A Bibliography (1926-1956), Bull. of Bibl. , 22:57-62[724]
- FINZI, J. C., Oscar Wilde and His Literary Circle: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Letters in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library , Berkeley and Los Angeles, Univ. of California Press, 1957 [725]
- GILMOUR, J. S. L., William Winwood Reade, Book Collector , 6:62-6(Some Uncollected Authors, XIII)[726]
- GORDAN, J. D., Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950: An Exhibition from the Berg Collection, BNYPL , 61:117-38, 192-207, 250-9(Also published separately by the Library)[727]
- GREG, W. W., A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration . Vol. III, Collections, Appendix, Reference Lists, Oxford Univ. Press for the Bibl. Soc., pp. 1009-1642, Plates CXIV-CXXXVII(Completes SB Check List, No. 1513)[728]
- HARGREAVES, PHYLIS, Graham Greene: A Selected Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:45-8[729]
- HEALEY, G. H., The Cornell Wordsworth Collection , Cornell Univ. Press, 1957. 458 p.[730]
- HISCOCK, W. G., Christ Church Holdings in Wing's STC, 1641-1700 , Christ Church, Oxford, 1956. 166 p.(From typescript)[731]
- HUNT, R. W., List of Phillipps Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Bodleian Libr. Record , 6:348-69[732]
- HUTCHINSON, G. E., A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West, 1912-1951 , Yale Univ. Press, 1957. 102 p.[733]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, A Bibliography of John Donne , 3d ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1957. 272 p.[734]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, The Engravings by William Blake: The Separate Plates , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1957. 14, 88 p., 45 pl.[735]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, William Blake's Illustrations to the Bible , London, The Trianon Press, 1957. xiii, 69 p.[736]
- KIRKPATRICK, B. J., A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1957. 179 p.[737]
- LOHF, K. A., and SHEEHY, E. P., Joseph Conrad at Mid-Century: Editions and Studies, 1895-1955 , Minnesota Univ. Press, 1957. xiii, 114 p.[738]
- McARTHUR, HERBERT, Unrecorded Type Specimens at the University of Vermont, PBSA , 51:162-3[739]
- MASER, F. E., A Collection of the Books of Joseph Conrad Presented to Temple University , Philadelphia, Temple Univ., 1957. 21 p.(Libr. Bull., Vol. II, No. 2)[740]
- MAXWELL, W. H., and MAXWELL, L. F., A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth of Nations , 2d ed., London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1955. 5 v.[741]
- MILLER, E. M., Australian Literature; A Bibliography to 1938 . . . Extended to 1950 . Edited . . . by Frederick T. Macartney, Sidney, Angus and Robertson, 1956. 503 p.[742]
- MONTGOMERY, GUY, and others, Concordance to the Poetical Works of John Dryden , Univ. of California Press, 1957. 722 p.[743]
- NORTON, J. E., Susanna Centlivre, Book Collector , 6:172-8, 280-5(Some Uncollected Authors, XIV)[744]
- RILEY, L. W., See Part I, No. 678
- SIMS, GEORGE, Vincent O'Sullivan, Book Collector , 6:395-402(Some Uncollected Authors, XV)[745]
- SWAYZE, W. E., Sir William Watson: Additions and Corrections, Book Collector , 6:285-6(Supplements SB. Check List, No. B259)
- TOPETE, J. M., A Working Bibliography of Brazilian Literature , Gainesville, Univ. of Florida Press, 1957. 126 p.[746]
- WATSON, GEORGE, and others, The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature . Vol. V. Supplement, A.D. 600-1900, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1957. 710 p.[747]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Published Letters of A. E. Housman: A Survey, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:80-2[748]
- WILLIAM MORRIS SOCIETY, The Typographical Adventures of William Morris [A Catalogue], London, The Chiswick Press, 1957. 55 p.[749]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., An Index of Dedications and Commendatory Verses. Library , 5th ser., 12:11-22.[750]
- WILSON, E. M., Samuel Pepys's Spanish Chap-Books, Part III, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:305-22(Parts I & II, SB. Check List, Nos. 3134 & B256)[751]
- YAMAMOTO, BUNNOSUKE, Bibliography of Thomas Hardy in Japan , [South Pasadena, California, Perkins & Hutchins, 1957] 303 p.[752]

B. United States
- ADAMS, T. R., and WRIGHT, W. E., American Imprints before 1801 in the Libraries of Williams College not in “Evans,” Williamstown, 1957. 10 p.(Mimeographed)[753]
- BLANCK, JACOB, Bibliography of American Literature , Vol. 2. George W. Cable to Timothy Dwight, Yale Univ. Press, 1957. xix, 534 p.[754]
- BRENNI, V. J., Pearl Buck: A Selected Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl . 22:65-9, 94-6[755]
- BRENNI, V. J., West Virginia Authors: A Bibliography , Morgantown, West Virginia Libr. Assn., 1957. 73 p.[756]
- BREWER, F. J., James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography of His Writings, Biography and Criticism , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. 206 p.[757]
- BRUCCOLLI, M. J., James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography. Part II. Notes on the Cabell Collections at the University of Virginia , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. 178 p.(For Part I see preceding entry)[758]
- BURTON, R. E., City Directories in the United States , 1785-1820: A Bibliography with Historical Notes , 1956 (Thesis, Univ. of Michigan)[759]
- CARPENTER, M. F., A Preliminary Checklist of Imprints of Delaware, 1836-1862, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[760]
- EDEL, LEON, and LAURENCE, D. H., A Bibliography of Henry James , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1957. 411 p.[761]
- FULD, J. J., A Pictorial Bibliography of the First Editions of Stephen C. Foster , Philadelphia, Musical Americana, 1957. 206 p.[762]
- GROCE, G. C., and WALLACE, D. H., The New-York Historical Society's Dictionary of Artists in America, 1564-1860 , Yale Univ. Press, 1957. xxvii, 759 p.[763]
- HARDING, WALTER, Thoreau's Library , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. 102 p.[764]
- HARRIS, R. B., Bibliography of the Writings of Albert Pike , Washington, Supreme Council 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free-Masonry, Southern Jurisdiction, 1957. 109 p.[765]
- HARWELL, RICHARD, More Confederate Imprints . Vol. 1. Official Publications, Richmond, Virginia State Libr., 1957. 158 p.(Publications, No. 4)[766]
- KASER, DAVID, Waverley in America, PBSA , 51:163-7(Publication by Carey & Lea)[767]
- KUEHL, J. R., Walter Van Tilburg Clark: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 22 (1956):18-20[768]
- LATHEM, E. C., A Bibliography of the First Editions of Books by Richard Hovey, Based on the Collection of Hovey's Works in the Dartmouth College Library, IN Richard Hovey: Man and Craftsman , Duke Univ. Press, 1957, pp. 229-50[769]
- LEWIS, B. M., Preparing a Register of Editors, Printers, and Publishers of American Magazines, 1741-1810, BNYPL , 61:517-21[770]
- LEWIS, B. M., A Register of Editors, Printers, and Publishers of American Magazines, 1741-1810 , New York Public Libr., 1957. 40 p.[771]
- LOUGHRAN, C. D., A Check List of Delaware Imprints from 1816 through 1835, with a Historical Introduction , 1956 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[772]
- McMILLAN, A. Y., A Check List of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Imprints, 1873-1876, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[773]
- MAGEE, DOROTHY, and MAGEE, DAVID, Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press, 1940-1956. With a Check-List, 1916-1940 , San Francisco, The Grabhorn Press, 1957. xxix, 119 p.[774]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., William Faulkner: A Check List, PULC , 18:136-58(Also published separately by the Princeton Univ. Libr. 23 p.)[775]
- MILLER, E. H., and MILLER, R. S., Walt Whitman's Correspondence: A Checklist , New York Public Libr., 1957. 172 p.[776]
- PACKER, K. H., Early American School Books: A Bibliography Based on the Boston Booksellers' Catalogue of 1804 , Univ. of Michigan Press, 1954. v, 47 p., 1 leaf, facsim. [7] p.[777]
- PIZER, DONALD, Hamlin Garland: A Bibliography of Newspaper and Periodical Publications (1885-1895), Bull. of Bibl. , 22:41-4[778]
- PORTER, B. H., H. L. Menccken: A Bibliography , 2d ed., San Francisco, Bern Porter Books, 1957. 20 p.[779]
- POSEY, Sister LAURETTA, A Preliminary Check List of Imprints, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1836-1840, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[780]
- SCHOENBERG, W. P., Jesuit Mission Presses in the Pacific Northwest: A History and Bibliography of Imprints, 1876-1899 , Portland, The Champoeg Press, 1957. 76 p.[781]
- STARKE, V. A., A Check List of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints, from 1853 through 1860 , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[782]
- STEMPLE, R. M., Margaret Prescott Montague, 1878-1955: A Check List, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:62-4[783]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, John P. Marquand Since 1950, Bull. of Bibl. 21 (1956): 230-4(Supplements White's list in Bull. of Bibl., 19 (1949):268-71)[784]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Nathanael West: A Bibliography, SB , 11:207-24[785]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, The Walt Whitman Fellowship: An Account of Its Organization and a Checklist of Its Papers, PBSA , 51:67-84(“Additions and Corrections,” ibid., 167-9)[786]
- WRIGHT, L. H., American Fiction, 1851-1875: A Contribution toward a Bibliography , San Marino, The Huntington Library, 1957. 413 p.[787]
- ZIEMKE, EARL, A Check List of Nonofficial Imprints for the District of Columbia for the Year 1848, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[788]


2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ALDEN, JOHN, Deception Compounded: Further Problems in Seventeenth-Century Irish Printing, SB , 11:246-9[789]
- ALLT, PETER, and ALSPACH, R. K., The Variorum Edition of the Poems of W. B. Yeats , New York, Macmillan, 1957. 918 p.[790]
- ALTICK, R. D., The English Common Reader: A Social History of the Mass Reading Public, 1800-1900 , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957. 430 p.[791]
- ALTICK, R. D., From Aldine to Everyman: Cheap Reprint Series of the English Classics, 1830-1906, SB , 11:3-24[792]
- ANDERSON, G. L., The Authorship of “Cato Examin'd” (1713), PBSA , 51:84-90[793]
- ARBERRY, A. J., Fitzgerald's “Salaman and Absal”, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. 205 p.[794]
- ARDAGH, PHILIP, St. Andrews University Library and the Copyright Act, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3 (1956):179-211[795]
- AVIS, F. C., Sixteenth-Century Fleet Street, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1957):355-9[796]
- BALDWIN, T. W., Shakespeare's “Love's Labour's Won”; New Evidence from the Account Books of an Elizaethan Bookseller , Carbondale, Southern Ill. Univ. Press, 1957. viii, 42 p.[797]
- BALSTON, THOMAS, James Whatman, Father & Son , London, Methuen, 1957. xii, 172 p.[798]
- BARBER, C. L., A Rare Use of the Word Honour as a Criterion of Middleton's Authorship, English Studies , 38: 161-8[799]
- BARTLETT, PHYLLIS, George Meredith: Early Manuscript Poems in the Berg Collection, BNYPL , 61:396-415[800]
- BEATY, JEROME, George Eliot's Notebook for an Unwritten Novel, PULC , 18:175-82[801]
- BEATY, JEROME, Visions and Revisions: Chapter LXXXI of Middlemarch , PMLA , 72:662-79[802]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., William Blake as a Private Publisher, BNYPL , 61:539-60[803]
- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes and Queries, Book Collector , 6:71-4, 181-3, 290-6, 403-8. Including: William White, A Variant Reading in Housman's Collected Poems, p. 71; William B. Todd, The Bibliography of Dylan Thomas, p. 71-73; James Campbell, Issues of Dylan Thomas's The Map of Love, p. 73-4; P. H. Muir, Harlequinades, p. 182; Dennis E. Rhodes, Mrs. Thompson and Miss [Harriet] Pigott [the first not a pseudonym for the second], p. 293-6; Lyle H. Kendall, Jr., George Wither's Three Private Meditations, p. 405-6; Richard A. Hunter and Ida MacAlpine, Alexander Boswell's Copies of The Anatomy of Melancholy, 1621 and 1624, p. 406-7[804]
- BLACK, ADAM & CHARLES, Ltd., Adam and Charles Black, 1807-1957 , London, Black, 1957. 115 p.(Compiled by J. D. N.)[805]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Charter Trouble, Written on the Occasion of the Quartercentenary of the Grant of a Charter to the Stationers' Company, Book Collector , 6:369-77[806]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Distribution of Almanacks in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, SB , 11:107-16[807]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Early Cambridge Printers and the Stationers' Company, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:275-89[808]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The English Stock of the Stationers' Company in the Time of the Stuarts, Library , 5th ser., 12:167-86[809]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Robert Walker, Printer, c. 1755, Library , 5th ser., 12:125[810]
- BLAYNEY, G. H., Wilkins's Revisions in The Miseries of Inforst Mariage , JEGP , 56:23-41[811]
- BLOOM, E. A., Samuel Johnson in Grub Street , Providence, Brown Univ. Press, 1957. 309 p.(Brown Univ. Studies, Vol. 21)[812]
- BLUMENTHAL, W. H., Filigree Lettering and Ornamentation , Philadelphia, George S. MacManus, 1957. 27 p.[813]
- BOINET, AMEDEE, Les Reliures Révolutionnaires, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1957):339-45[814]
- BOND, R. P., Studies in the Early English Periodicals , Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1957. 206 p.[815]
- BOWYER, T. H., A Bibliographical Examination of the Earliest Editions of the Letters of Junius , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. xxxiv, 115 p.[816]
- BRIQUET, C. M., Briquet's Opuscula. The Collected Works of C .M. Briquet with the Exception of “Les Filigranes,” Hilversum, Paper Publications Soc., 1955. 400, 50 p., 84 plates reproducing 724 watermarks(Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae, IV)[817]
- BROWN, J. R., A Proof-Sheet from Nicholas Okes' Printing-Shop, SB , 11:228-31[818]
- BROWN, T. J., Daniel Defoe, 1661?-1731, Book Collector , 6:387(English Literary Autographs, XXXIV)[819]
- BROWN, T. J., John Locke, 1632-1704, Book Collector , 6:171(English Literary Autographs, XXII)[820]
- BROWN, T. J., Matthew Prior, 1664-1721, Book Collector , 6:279(English Literary Autographs, XXIII)[821]
- BROWN, T. J., William Congreve, 1670-1729, Book Collector , 6:61(English Literary Autographs, XXI)[822]
- BUTT, JOHN, and TILLOTSON, K. M. C., Dickens at Work , London, Methuen, 1957. 232 p.[823]
- CAIRNCROSS, A. S., Coincidental Variants in Richard III, Library , 5th ser., 12:187-90[824]
- CAIRNCROSS, A. S., The Quartos and the Folio Text of Richard III, R.E.S. , new ser., 8:225-33[825]
- CARTER, HARRY, and BUDAY, GEORGE, Nicholas Kis and the Janson Types, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1957):207-12[826]
- CARTER, HARRY, Wolvercote Mill: A Study in Paper-Making at Oxford , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957. vii, 80 p., 6 pl.[827]
- CARTER, JOHN, Books and Book-Collectors , Cleveland, World Publishing Co., 1957, 196 p.[828]
- CARTER, JOHN, George Eliot's Agatha, 1869 -- and After, Book Collector , 6:244-52[829]
- CLERCQ, CARLO DE, La Bible Fran&c.dil;aise de René Benoist, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1957):168-74[830]
- CLIVE, JOHN, Scotch Reviewers: The Edinburgh Review, 1802-1815 , Harvard Univ. Press, 1957. 224 p.[831]
- COBURN, KATHLEEN, The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol. I, 1794-1804, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957 [832]
- COLLISON, R. L. W., Book Collecting: An Introduction to Modern Methods of Literary and Bibliographical Detection, London , Benn, 1957. 24 p.[833]
- (Review, Library, 5th ser., 12:217-9. “A book which is both pretentious and misleading.” -- J. C. T. Oates)
- COOK, D. F., Inverted Imposition, Library , 5th ser., 12:193-6[834]
- CUESTA GUTIERREZ, LUISA, La Imprenta y el libro en la América hispana colonial, Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1957):160-7[835]
- DANKS, K. B., What Heminges and Condell Really Meant, N & Q , 201 (1956):11-13(Continues discussion by Danks in N & Q, 200 (1955):16-19, and followed by his “A Notable Copyright Award, N & Q, 201 (1956):283, all on the theory of good and bad quartos of Shakespeare)[836]
- DAVIDSON, LOUIS, Bookbinding in France to the Revolution , 1957 (Thesis, Western Reserve Univ.)[837]
- DAVIS, HERBERT, The Art of Printing: Joseph Moxon and His Successors; [with a Catalogue of British and American Printers' Manuals, by Ray Nash], Printing & Graphic Arts , 5:17-33[838]
- DEARING, V. A., Two Notes on the Copy for Pope's Letters, PBSA , 51:327-33[839]
- DOIG, R. P., George Paton's Contributions to Herbert's Typographical Antiquities , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3 (1956):213-9[840]
- DOIG, R. P., A Note on John Baine, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3(1956):222[841]
- DONALDSON, ROBERT, Henry Danskin's De Remoris: A Bio-bibliographical Note, Bibliotheck , 1:No. 2:15-25[842]
- DOYLE, P. A., A Rare Copy of John Stedman's Laelius and Hortensia , PBSA , 51:241-4[843]
- DRUMMOND, H. J. H., Records of Medical and Scientific Societies in Scotland, Bibliotheck , 1:No. 2:31-3[844]
- DURME, M. VAN, Supplément à la correspondence de Christophe Plantin. Anvers, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1955. 408 p.[845]
- ECCLES, MARK, Bynneman's Books, Library , 5th ser., 12:81-92[846]
- EHRENPREIS, IRVIN, The Origins of Gulliver's Travels , PMLA , 72:880-99[847]
- EMSLIE, MacDONALD, Pepy's Songs and Songbooks in the Diary Period, Library , 5th ser., 12:240-55[848]
- ERDMAN, D. V., Coleridge on George Washington: Newly Discovered Essays of 1800, BNYPL , 61:81-97[849]
- ERDMAN, D. V., Newspaper Sonnets Put to the Concordance Test: Can They be Attribted to Coleridge?, BNYPL , 61:508-16, 611-20[850]
- ERDMAN, D. V., Unrecorded Coleridge Variants, SB , 11:143-62[851]
- FETTER, F. W., The Authorship of Articles in the Edinburgh Review , Bull of the Institute of Historical Research , 30:76-9[852]
- FOAKES, R. A., On the First Folio Text of Henry VIII , SB , 11:55-60[853]
- FORMAN, P., Two Rare Books in the University Library, Glasgow [Michael Scott's Meusa philosophica, 1609, and Grammar of Sulpitius, Wynkyn de Worde, 1506/18], Bibliotheck , 1:No. 1 (1956):22-3[854]
- FOXON, DAVID, The Chapbook Editions of the Lambs' Tales from Shakespeare , Book Collector , 6:41-53[855]
- FRIEDMAN, ARTHUR, The First Edition of Goldsmith's Bee , No. 1, SB , 11:255-9[856]
- FRIEDMAN, W. F., and FRIEDMAN, E. S., The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1957. xvii, 303 p.[857]
- GASKELL, PHILIP, Notes on Eighteenth-Century British Paper, Library , 5th ser., 12:34-42[858]
- GERRITSEN, JOHAN, The Dramatic Piracies of 1661: A Comparative Analysis, SB , 11:117-131(Especially those of Francis Kirkman)[859]
- GOLDEN, MORRIS, Goldsmith Attributions in the Weekly Magazine , N & Q , 201 (1956):250-1, 432-5, 489-93[860]
- GORDAN, J. D., Introduction and Notes in Mrs. Gamp, by Charles Dickens (A facsimile of the author's prompt copy), New York Public Libr., 1956. xvii, 120 p.[861]
- GREEN, R. L., Lewis Carroll's First Publication, TLS , Sept. 13, 1957, p. 552.(“The Farewell” and “Cockney Enigma, on the Letter W” in the Oxonian Advertiser of 1854 suggested)[862]
- GREENLY, A. H., Father Louis Hennepin: His Travels and His Books, PBSA , 51:38-60[863]
- GREER, C. A., The Quarto-Folio Relationship in “2” and “3 Henry VI” Once Again, N & Q , 201 (1956):420-1[864]
- GREG, W. W., A Correction [to an account in The Library, 4th ser., 24:84, relating to John Busby the elder], Library , 5th ser., 12:203[865]
- GRENACHER, F., The Basle Proofs of Seven Printed Ptolemaic Maps (1565), Imago Mundi , 13 (1956):166-71[866]
- GROSSMANN, WALTER, The Gillman-Harvard Manuscript of Schiller's Wallensteins Tod , HLB , 11:319-45[867]
- GUTHKE, K. S., The Rowley Myth in Eighteenth-Century Germany, PBSA , 51:238-41[868]
- GUTHKE, K. S., Some Bibliographical Errors Concerning the Romantic Age [and the Works of M. G. Lewis], PBSA , 51:159-62[869]
- HALFPENNY, ERIC, Letters from Lincoln's Inn, 1846-9, Library , 5th ser., 12:256-69(Cataloguing the library)[870]
- HALSBAND, ROBERT, Editing the Letter-Writers, SB , 11:25-37(With special reference to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu)[871]
- HAMMELMANN, H. A., Eighteenth-Century English Illustrators: Henry Fuseli, R. A., Book Collector , 6:350-60[872]
- HARRISON, J. R., and LASLETT, PETER, The Library of John Locke, TLS , Dec. 27, 1957, p. 792[873]
- HODGSON, NORMA, and BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Notebook of Thomas Bennet and Henry Clements [London Booksellers] (1686-1719) , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1956. 228 p.(Publications, new ser., Vol. VI)[874]
- HORN, R. D., Marlborough's First Biographer: Dr. Francis Hare, HLQ , 20:145-62[875]
- HOY, CYRUS, The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (III), SB , 11:85-106.(Parts I & II, SB Check List, Nos. 3270 and B375)[876]
- HUNTING, R. S., Fielding's Revisions of David Simple , Boston Univ. Studies in English , 3:117-21[877]
- JACKSON, W. A., Records of the Court of the Stationers' Company, 1602 to 1640 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1957. xxiv, 556 p.[878]
- JACKSON, W. A., Variant Entry Fees of the Stationers' Company, PBSA , 51:103-10[879]
- JOHNSON, S. F., An Uncollected Early Poem by Coleridge. (The Case for Internal Evidence (2)), BNYPL , 61:505-7(“Lines on the Portrait of a Lady”)[880]
- JOLLEY, L., William Thomson's “Orpheus Caledonius,” Bibliotheck , 1:No. 2:26-7[881]
- KENDALL, L.H., Jr., Two Unrecorded Editions of John Taylor's Verbum Sempiternum, Library , 5th ser., 12:46-8[882]
- KENDALL, L.H., Jr., An Unrecorded Prose Pamphlet by George Wither, HLQ , 20:190-5(A Declaration, London, 1662)[883]
- KERMODE, FRANK, A Crux in The Tempest , TLS , Nov. 29, 1957, p. 728[884]
- KETT, F. J. L., Insect Pests of Books, Book Collector , 5:57-62[885]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, The Complete Writings of William Blake; With All the Variant Readings , London, Nonesuch Press, 1957. xv, 936 p.[886]
- KING, A. H., William Barclay Squire, 1855-1927, Music Librarian, Library , 5th ser., 12:1-10[887]
- KIRCHNER, JOACHIM, Bilderatlas zum Buchwesen , Stuttgart, Anton Hiersemann, 1956. 2 v.[888]
- KOCH, HERBERT, Die Jenaer Schriftgiesser seit dem Jahr 1557 , Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1956. 56 p.(Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, No. 62)[889]
- KOLB, G. J., Dr. Johnson and the Public Ledger: A Small Addition to the Canon, SB , 11:252-5[890]
- KOLB, G. J., John Newbery, Projector of The Universal Chronicle: A Study of the Advertisements, SB , 11:249-51[891]
- KRUMBHAAR, E. B., On Collecting Elzeviers; with Notes on the Elzevier Collection in the University of Pennsylvania Library, [Univ. of Pa.] Libr. Chronicle , 23:1-15[892]
- LABARRE, E. J., The Nostitz Papers; Notes on Watermarks Found in the German Imperial Archives of the 17th & 18th Centuries, and Essays Showing the Evolution of a Number of Watermarks , Hilversum, The Paper Publications Society, 1957. xlii, 122 p., 152 pl.(Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae V)[893]
- LAMBIOTTE, A., Les Exemplaires en grand papier de “Madame Bovary”, Offprint from Livre & l'Estampe , 12. Brussels, 1957. 20 p.[894]
- LANE, R. F., The Bodoni Punches, Matrices and Molds at Parma, Printing & Graphic Arts , 5:61-9[895]
- LANG, C. Y., A Manuscript, a Mare's-Nest, and a Mystery, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 31:163-71(Swinburne's “The Triumph of Time”)[896]
- LAUTERBACH, C. E., and LAUTERBACH, E. S., The Nineteenth Century Three-Volume Novel, PBSA , 51:263-302[897]
- LESKIEN, ELFRIEDE, Französische und Ialienische Bucheinbände des 17. Jahrhunderts in der Niedersächsischen Landes-bibliothek Hannover, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1957):333-8[898]
- LYON, H. T., A Publishing History of the Writings of Eugene Lee-Hamilton, PBSA , 51:141-59[899]
- McBURNEY, W. H., Authorship of The Turkish Spy , PMLA , 72:917-35[900]
- MACK, MAYNARD, Two Variant Copies of Pope's Works . . . Volume II: Further Light on Some Problems of Authorship, Bibliography, and Text, Library , 5th ser., 12:48-53[901]
- McMANAWAY, J. G., The Theatrical Collectanea of Daniel Lysons, PBSA , 51:333-4[902]
- MAIN, C. F., Defoe, Swift, and Captain Tom, HLB , 11:71-9[903]
- MOORE, J. R., Defoe's Lampoon A Speech of a Stone Chimney-Piece , BPLQ , 9: 137-42[904]
- MORTON, RICHARD, Textual Problems in Restoration Broadsheet Prologues and Epilogues, Library , 5th ser., 12:197-203[905]
- MUIR, P. G., A Forged Shelly Notebook, TLS , Nov. 29, 1957, p. 721[906]
- NEILL, D. G., The Cancel Title in Boyle's Tracts, 1675, Bodleian Libr. Record , 6:386-8[907]
- NIXON, H. M., An Angling Binding by Thomas Gosden, c. 1825, Book Collector , 6:170(English Bookbindings, XXI)[908]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by the Morocco Binder, c. 1563, Book Collector , 6:278(English Bookbindings, XXII)[909]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding for Archbishop Parker, c. 1574, Book Collector , 6:386(English Bookbindings, XXIII)[910]
- NIXON, H. M., A Mosaic Binding for Lord Kingsale, 1720, Book Collector , 6:60(English Bookbindings, XX)[911]
- NOVARR, DAVID, The Dating of Donne's La Corona, PQ , 36:259-65[912]
- OATES, J. C. T., The Deposit of Books at Cambridge under the Licensing Acts, 1662-79, 1685-95, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:290-304[913]
- OSBORN, J. M., Ben Jonson and the Eccentric Lord Stanhope, TLS , Jan. 4, 1957, p. 16(Marginalia in a copy of Jonson's Works, 1640)[914]
- OSBORN, J. M., Reflections on Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), Book Collector , 6:15-27[915]
- OWEN, W. J. B., Costs, Sales and Profits of Longman's Edition of Wordsworth, Library , 5th ser., 12:93-107[916]
- OWEN, W. J. B., The Text of Wordsworth's “Essay upon Epitaphs,” N & Q , 201 (1956):214-5[917]
- PARKER, W. R., The “Anonymous Life” of Milton, TLS , Sept. 13, 1957, p. 547. (Assigns to Cyriack Skinner) Reply by R. W. Hunt, TLS, Oct. 11, 1957, p. 609(Supports Helen Darbishire's ascription to John Phillips)[918]
- PARKS, G. B., William Barker, Tudor Translator, PBSA , 51:126-40[919]
- PENALOSA, FERNANDO, The Mexican Book Industry , New Brunswick, Scarecrow Press, 1957. 312 p.[920]
- PHILIP, I. G., William Blackstone and the Reform of the Oxford University Press in the Eighteenth Century , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1957. viii, 130 p.(Publications, New Series, Vol. VII)[921]
- POPKIN, R. H., A Manuscript of Ralegh's “The Scepticke,” PQ , 36:253-9[922]
- QUINLAN, M. J., Swift and the Prosecuted Nottingham Speech, HLB , 11:296-302[923]
- RANSOM, HARRY, The First Copyright Statute; An Essay on “An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, 1710,” Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1956. 146 p.[924]
- REID, D. J. W., The Archives of the University of Glasgow, Bibliotheck , 1:No. 2:27-30[925]
- RHODES, D. E., “La Bibliofilia,” [Univ. of Pa.] Libr. Chronicle , 23:42-6[926]
- ROBERTS, R. J., Sir Christopher Hatton's Book-Stamps, Library , 5th ser., 12:119[927]
- ROGERS, NEVILLE, A Forged Shelley Notebook, TLS , Nov. 15, 1957, p. 696[928]
- ROSEN, EDWARD, De Morgan's Incorrect Description of Maurolico's Books, PBSA , 51:111-8[929]
- ROSNER, CHARLES, Design and Printing in the Netherlands, [Amsterdam, Graphic Export Centre, 1957] 98 p.[930]
- ROSSI, M. M., Text-Criticism of Robert Kirk's Secret Commonwealth , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:253-68[931]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, First “Masters of the Staple,” Library , 5th ser., 12:23-33[932]
- RYDER, JOHN, A Suite of Fleurons, or A Preliminary Enquiry into the History & Combinable Natures of Certain Printers Flowers , London, Phoenix House, 1956. 54 p.[933]
- RYSKAMP, CHARLES, Cowper and [Erasmus] Darwin's Economy of Vegetation , HLB , 11:317-8[934]
- SCHANZER, ERNEST, Daniel's Revision of His Cleopatra, R.E.S. , new ser., 8: 375-81[935]
- SCHMITZ, R. M., Two New Holographs of Pope's Birthday Lines to Martha Blount, R.E.S. , new ser. 8:234-40[936]
- SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Some Tell-Tale Initials in Books of the 1550's Library , 5th ser., 12:122-4[937]
- SCOTT, WILLIAM, Smollett's The Tears of Scotland; a Hitherto Unnoticed Printing and Some Comments on the Text, R.E.S. , new ser., 8:38-42[938]
- SCOUTEN, A. H., Materials for the Study of Swift at the University of Pennsylvania, [Univ. of Pa.] Libr. Chronicle , 23:47-52[939]
- SHAABER, M. A., The First Rape of Faire Hellen by John Trussel, SQ , 8:407-48[940]
- O, ARTHUR, Can Mother Midnight's Comical Pocket-Book be Attributed to Christopher Smart?, BNYPL , 61:373-82[941]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, Samuel Johnson, Editor of Shakespeare, with an Essay on “The Adventurer,” Urbana, Univ. of Ill. Press, 1956. 181 p.(Ill. Studies in Lang. and Lit., Vol. 42)[942]
- SIEGFRIED, L. B., A Note on the Bulmer-Martin Types, IN William Bulmer and the Shakespeare Press , Syracuse Univ. Press, 1957, pp. 1-14[943]
- SISSON, C. J., New Readings in Shakespeare , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. 300 p.[944]
- SMITH, D. N., A Note on Mum, an Eighteenth-Century Political Ballad, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:249-52[945]
- SPENCER, LOIS, The Printing of Sir George Croke's Reports, SB , 11:231-46[946]
- STARNES, D. T., The Institucion of a Gentleman (1555), and Carion's Chronicles, PQ , 36:244-52[947]
- STEADMAN, J. M., Errors Concerning the Publication Date of Shelley's “Ozymandias,” N & Q , 201 (1956):439-40[948]
- STEFFAN, T. G., and PRATT, W. W., Byron's “Don Juan.” A Variorum Edition , Univ. of Texas Press, 1957. 4 v.[949]
- STIENNON, JACQUES, L'Oeuvre des premiers imprimeurs liégois (1560-1600), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1957):175-8[950]
- STILLINGER, JOHN, Gilbert White to Thomas Pennant: Two Original Letters at Harvard, HLB , 11:303-16(Published in The Natural History of Selborne)[951]
- STRACHAN, JAMES, Early Bible Illustrations , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1957. 170 p., 126 pl.[952]
- STRATHMANN, E. A., Ralegh's Discourse of Tenures and Sir. Roger Owen, HLQ , 20:219-32[953]
- STROUT, A. L., The First Twenty-Three Numbers of the Noctes Ambrosianae; Excerpts from the Blackwood Papers in the National Library of Scotland, Library , 5th ser., 12:108-18[954]
- SZLADITS, L. L., Browning's French Night-Cap, BNYPL , 61:458-67[955]
- TARG, WILLIAM, Bibliophile in the Nursery: A Bookman's Treasury of Collectors' Lore on Old and Rare Children's Books , Cleveland, World Publishing Co., 1957. 503 p.(Includes two new essays of special bibliographical interest: “The Moving Market, or Cries of London Town,” by Elisabeth Ball, pp. 193-207; and “Little Women Forever,” by C. Waller Barrett, pp. 379-86. The reprinted pieces include SB Check List, No. 2565 and No. B316)[956]
- TAYLOR, ARCHER, Book Catalogues: Their Varieties and Uses , Chicago, The Newberry Library, 1957. 284 p.[957]
- TAYLOR, R. H., and LIEBERT, H. W., Authors at Work . . . An Address Delivered . . . at The Grolier Club together with a Catalogue of the Exhibition . . . and Facsimiles of Many of the Exhibits , New York, The Grolier Club, 1957 [958]
- TIBBLE, ANNE, Problems of John Clare's Manuscripts, TLS , Oct. 18, 1957, p. 625[959]
- TODD, W. B., The Ferrara Bible, Library , 5th ser., 12:44-6(Cf. SB Check List, No. 3327)[960]
- TODD, W. B., The First Editions of The Good Natur'd Man and She Stoops to Conquer , SB , 11:133-42[961]
- TURNER, P. J., The Origin of the Printer's Chapel, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1957):350-4[962]
- TURNER, R. K., Jr., The Relationship of “The Maid's Tragedy” Q1 and Q2, PBSA , 51:322-7[963]
- TUTTLE, S. D., Watermarks in Certain Manuscripts Collections of English Keyboard Music, IN Essays on Music in Honor of Archibald Thompson Davidson , Harvard Univ. Press, 1957, pp. 147-58[964]
- VIETH, D. M., Poems by “My Lord R”: Rochester versus Radclyffe, PMLA , 72:612-9[965]
- WADE, I. O., A Manuscript of Voltaire's Candide , Proc. Amer. Philosophical Soc. , 101:93-105[966]
- WAGNER, H. R., Dispersal of Mexican Imprints of the Sixteenth Century, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 32:22-26[967]
- WAITE, H. E., Strawberry Hill Press, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1957):217-20[968]
- WALLER, F. O., Printers' Copy for The Two Noble Kinsmen , SB , 11:61-84[969]
- WARK, R. R., A Minor Blake Conundrum, HLQ , 21:83-6(The illustrations to Young's Night Thoughts)[970]
- WATSON, M. R., Magazine Serials and the Essay Tradition, 1746-1820 , Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1956. 162 p.(Offset)[971]
- WELLS, J. M., The Bureau Académique d'Ecriture: A Footnote to the History of French Calligraphy, PBSA , 51:203-13[972]
- WEST, PAUL, The Dome: An Aesthetic Periodical of the 1890's Book Collector , 6:160-9[973]
- WESTON, J. C., Burke's Authorship of the “Historical Articles” in Dodsley's “Annual Register,” PBSA , 51:244-9[974]
- WHITE, R. B., A “New” Continuation of the “Tatler,” N & Q , 201 (1956):104-5[975]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Misprints in Housman, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:82(Supplements his “Misprints in A Shropshire Lad,” Bull. of Bibl., 21:200)[976]
- WILES, R. M., Dates in English Imprints, 1700-52, Library , 5th ser., 12:190-3[977]
- WILES, R. M., Serial Publication in England before 1750 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1957. 392 p.[978]
- WILKINS, E. H., The Earliest Extant Poems Written in America North of Mexico, HLB , 11:21-39(By Marc Lescarbot)[979]
- WILKS, JOHN, Presentation-Copies of Everard Digby's Theoria Analytica , Library , 5th ser., 12:121-2[980]
- WILLIAMS, G. W., The Printer of the First Folio of Sidney's Arcadia , Library , 5th ser., 12:274-5[981]
- WILLIAMS, G. W., Richard Crashaw and the Little Gidding Bookbinders, N & Q , 201 (1956):9-10[982]
- WILLIAMS, G. W., Setting by Formes in Quarto Printing, SB , 11:39-53[983]
- WILLOUGBY, E. E., The Uses of Bibliography to the Students of Literature and History , Hamden, Conn., The Shoe String Press, 1957. 105 p.[984]
- WILSON, F. P., Nicholas Breton's I Would and Would Not (1619), Library , 5th ser., 12:273-4[985]
- WORDSWORTH, JONATHAN, Some Unpublished Coleridge Marginalia, TLS , June 14, 1957, p .369[986]







B. United States
- ABBOTT, JACOB, The Harper Establishment. A Reprint of the 1855 Edition, with an Introduction by Jacob Blanck, Hamden, Conn., The Shoe String Press, 1956. 160 p.[987]
- ADAMS, P. G., The Real Author of William Byrd's Natural History of Virginia , AL , 281 (1956):211-20(Large borrowings from John Lawson's History of Carolina made by Samuel Jenner in his Neu-gefundenes Eden, which was translated and published as Byrd's in 1940)[988]
- ALLEN, G. W., Regarding the “Publication” of the First Leaves of Grass , AL , 28 (1956):78-9[989]
- ARCHER, H. R., William M. Cheney: Typesticker, Quly News Letter , Book Club of California, 22:62-7[990]
- ARMS, GEORGE, GIBSON, W. M., and MARSTON, F. C., Jr., Prefaces to Contemporaries (1882-1920) , by William Dean Howells; facsimile reproductions; with introduction and bibliographical note, Gainesville, Fla., Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1957. xx, 200 p.[991]
- BAKER, E. F., Printers and Technology; a History of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union , New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1957. 563 p.[992]
- BONK, W. J., Michigan's First Bookstore; a Study of the Books Sold in the Detroit Book Store, 1817-1828 , Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, Dept. of Library Science, 1957. 36 p.[993]
- BONK, W. J., The Printing, Publishing and Bookselling Activities of John P. Sheldon and His Associates in Detroit, 1817-1830 , 1956 (Thesis, Univ. of Michigan)[994]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Earliest Manuscript of Whitman's “Passage to India” and its Notebook, BNYPL , 61:319-52[995]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., Textual Variants in Sinclair Lewis's Babbitt, SB , 11:263-8[996]
- BRYAN, KIRKE, The First American Color Printer , Norristown, The Author, 1957. [16] p.(Gustav S. Peters, Harrisburg, Pa., 1826-1847; by “first” the author means “on an extensive scale.”)[997]
- CARPENTER, E. H., Jr., Bibliographical Notes on the Los Angeles Charter and Ordinances, to 1889, Bulletin , Southern California Chapter, Antiquarian Booksellers Assn. of America, No. 2:7[998]
- COYLE, L. P., Howells' Campaign Biography of Rutherford B. Hayes: A Series of Letters, Ohio Historical Quart. , 66:391-406[999]
- CUNNINGHAM, N. E., Jr. Early Political Handbills in the United States, William and Mary Quart. , 14:70-3[1000]
- DA PONTE, DURANT, Some Evasions of Censorship in Following the Equator , AL , 29:92-5[1001]
- DAVID, C. W., The Longwood Library [of the du Pont Family], PBSA , 51:183-202[1002]
- EDEL, LEON, Autobiography in Fiction: An Unpublished Review by Henry James, HLB , 11:245-57[1003]
- EDMUNDS, JOHN, Two Funeral Compositions in Memory of George Washington, BNYPL , 61:59-62[1004]
- FRENCH, H. D., Scottish-American Bookbindings: Six Examples from Colonial North America, Book Collector , 6:150-9[1005]
- GARDINER, C. H., Promoting a Book: Prescott to Bancroft, December 20, 1837, PBSA , 51:335-9(Ferdinand and Isabella, 1837)[1006]
- GILKES, LILLIAN, and BAUM, J. H., Stephen Crane's Last Novel, The O'Ruddy, Columbia Libr. Columns , 6:41-8(Completed by Robert Barr)[1007]
- GROS, S. L., Four Possible Additions to Hawthorne's “Story Teller,” PBSA , 51:90-5[1008]
- GUILDS, J. C., Jr., William Gilmore Simms and the Cosmopolitan , Georgia Hist. Quart. , 41:31-41[1009]
- GULLASON, T. A., Additions to the Canon of Stephen Crane, Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 12:157-60[1010]
- HALL, F. H., Public Printing in North Carolina, 1816-1861 , 1956 (Thesis, Univ. of N. C.)[1011]
- HAMILTON, SINCLAIR, Portrait of a Puritan: John Foster's Woodcut of Richard Mather, PULC , 18:43-8[1012]
- HANCOCK, H. B., and WILKINSON, N. B., The Gilpins and Their Endless Papermaking Machine, Penn. Mag. of Hist. & Biography , 81:391-405[1013]
- HITCHINGS, S. H., A Boston Wood Engraver of the Eighties: G. J. LaCroix, Printing & Graphic Arts , 5:71-9[1014]
- HOFER, PHILIP, John Howard Benson and His Work, 1901-1956 . . . Preface by Lawrence C. Wroth. Introduction by Rudolph Ruzicka, New York, The Typophiles, 1957. xii, 58 p.[1015]
- HORST, JOSEPH, Joseph Funk, Early Mennonite Printer and Publisher (With a Bibliography), Mennonite Quart. Review , 31:260-77[1016]
- JOHNSTON, P. E., Caxton Printers, Ltd., Regional Publishers, Pacific Northwest Quart. , 48:100-5[1017]
- JORDAN, W. T., Noah B. Cloud and the American Cotton Planter , Agricultural History , 31:No. 4:44-9[1018]
- KASER, DAVID, Messrs. Carey & Lea of Philadelphia; a Study in the History of the Booktrade , Philadelphia, Univ. of Penn. Press, 1957. 182 p.[1019]
- KATZ, W. A., A Historical Survey of Washington Publishers and Printer from 1842 to 1956 , 1956.(Thesis, Univ. of Wash.)[1020]
- KENNERLY, S. L., Confederate Juvenile Imprints: Children's Books and Periodicals Published in the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865 , 1957 (Thesis, Univ. of Michigan)[1021]
- KILGOUR, R. L., Estes and Lauriat; a History, 1872-1898; with a Brief Account of Dana Estes and Company, 1898-1914 , Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1957. 238 p.[1022]
- KOHN, J. S. Van E., Mark Twain's 1601 , PULC , 18:49-54[1023]
- LEMMER, G. F., Early Agricultural Editors and Their Farm Philosophies, Agricultural History , 31:No. 4:3-22[1024]
- LEWIS, B. M., A History and Bibliography of American Magazines , 1956 (Thesis, Univ. of Michigan)[1025]
- LINGENFELTER, R. E., and DWYER, R. A., The “Nonpariel” Press of T. S. Harris , Los Angeles, Dawson Book Shop, 1957. 71 p.(Early California Travel Ser. 39)[1026]
- LUDWIG, R. M., A Reading of the James Gould Cozzens Manuscripts, [With a Checklist of] The Novels and Short Stories of James Gould Cozzens, PULC , 19:1-14[1027]
- McDADE, T. M., Lurid Literature of the Last Century: The Publications of E. E. Barclay, Amer. Book Collector , 8:15-25(Reprint of SB. Check List, No. B504)[1028]
- McDERMOTT, J. F., Private Libraries in Frontier St. Louis, PBSA , 51:19-37[1029]
- MATHEWS, J. C., Emerson's Translation of Dante's Vita Nuovo , HLB , 11:208-44, 346-62[1030]
- MILES, E. A., The Mississippi Press in the Jackson Era, 1824-1841, Jour. of Mississippi History , 19:1-20[1031]
- MILLER, C. W., Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia Type, SB , 11:179-206[1032]
- MILLER, R. M., A Brief History of the World Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1957 (Thesis, Western Reserve Univ.)[1033]
- MOTT, F. L., A History of American Magazines, [Vol. IV] 1885-1905 , Harvard Univ. Press, 1957. 187 p.(Also reprint of first three vols.)[1034]
- NASH, RAY, American Book Illustration, 1945-1955 , Gutenberg-Jahrb. (1957):286-93[1035]
- NORONA, DELF, A Check-List of West Virginia Imprints, 1790-1863, West Virginia History , 18:256-63[1036]
- PEARSON, J. R., Jr., Story of a Magazine: New York's Galaxy, 1866-1878; a Study Based on the Unpublished Correspondence of Its Editors, BNYPL. 61:217-37, 281-302[1037]
- PIERCE, A. D., Iron in the Pines , New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press, 1957. 253 p.(Includes account of the Pleasant Mills cotton and paper factories)[1038]
- POSEY, W. B., Adiel Sherwood, Georgia's First Gazeteer, Emory Univ. Quart. , 13:17-26[1039]
- POWELL, J. H., The Books of a New Nation: United States Government Publications, 1774-1814 , Univ. of Pa. Press, 1957. 170 p.(A. S. W. Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibliography Pubns.)[1040]
- REICHART, W. A., The Earliest German Translations of Washington Irving's Writings, BNYPL , 61:491-8[1041]
- RICKELS, MILTON, A Bibliography of the Writings of Thomas Bangs Thorpe, AL , 29:171-9[1042]
- SCHEIDE, W. H., Love for the Printed Word as Expressed in the Scheide Library, PBSA , 51:214-26[1043]
- SCHICK, F. L., The Paperbound Book in America; the History of Paperbacks and Their European Antecedents , 1957 (Thesis, Univ. of Michigan)[1044]
- SCHLEBECKER, J. T., Dairy Journalism: Studies in Successful Farm Journalism, Agricultural History , 31:No. 4:23-33[1045]
- SHANLEY, J. L., The Making of “Walden,” with the Text of the First Version , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957. 214 p.[1046]
- SILVER, R. G., Financing the Publication of Early New England Sermons, SB , 11:163-78[1047]
- SILVER, R. G., Prologue to Copyright in America: 1772, SB , 11:259-62(A Massachusetts bill)[1048]
- STALLMAN, R. W., Stephen Crane; Some New Stories, BNYPL , 61:36-46[1049]
- STRAUCH, C. F., The Importance of Emerson's Skeptical Mood, HLB , 11:117-39(“The Skeptic,” by Emerson, printed from a manuscript at Harvard)[1050]
- TILTON, E. M., “Literary Bantlings”: Addenda to the Holmes Bibliography, PBSA , 51:1-18[1051]
- WAINWRIGHT, N. B., Scull and Heap's Map of Philadelphia, Penn. Mag. of Hist. & Biog. , 81:69-75[1052]
- WEISERT, J. J., Mrs. Stowe First Writes of Kentuckians for Kentuckians, PBSA , 51:340-1[1053]
- WEYGAND, J. L., A Collection of Pressmarks -- Gathered from American Private Presses, and from Others Not So Private , Nappanee, Indiana, James Lamar Weygand, 1956. 94 p.[1054]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, More About the “Publication” of the First Leaves of Grass , AL , 28:516-7[1055]
- WILEY, JOHN, AND SONS, INC., The First One Hundred and Fifty Years: A History of John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated, 1807-1957 , New York, Wiley, 1957. 267 p.[1056]
- WILLGING, E. P., and HATZFELD, HERTA, Catholic Serials in the 19th Century in the United States: A Bibliographical Survey and a Union List, Parts V & VI, Records of the American Catholic Historical Soc. of Philadelphia , 67:Nos. 2, 3,4:120-32; 67:Nos. 1 & 2:3-28(Parts I-IV, SB Check List, No. B535)[1057]
- WILSON, M. T., Amelia Simmons Fills a Need: American Cookery, 1796, William & Mary Quart. , 14:16-30[1058]
- WITTKE, CARL, The German Language Press in America , Lexington, Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1957. 311 p.(Newspapers and magazines)[1059]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2d, [Account of the Identification of Books from the Library of Benjamin Franklin, and of Franklin's Cato Major], IN The Annual Report of the Library Company of Philadelphia for the Year 1956 , Philadelphia, The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1957, at pp. 7-19 and 23-25[1060]
- WOLF, EDWIN, The Year after Franklin's Year, PBSA , 51:227-35(Review of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of his birth)[1061]


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