University of Virginia Library



George M. Smith, "In the Early Forties," Cornhill Magazine, LXXXI (1900), 577-585; see also DNB, [Leonard Huxley], The House of Smith Elder (1923), pp. 35-37, and Frank Arthur Mumby, Publishing and Bookselling, A History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day (rev. ed., 1954), pp. 243-244. Mumby's account consists largely of quotations from the Cornhill article; he misdates the incident 1846.


Smith includes, pp. 584-585, a further anecdote about Hunt's impracticality.


See The Correspondence of Leigh Hunt, ed. Thornton Leigh Hunt (1862), and Luther A. Brewer, My Leigh Hunt Library (1932-1938), passim; see also S. R. Townshend Mayer, "Leigh Hunt and Charles Ollier," St. James's Magazine, XXXV (1875), 387-413, W. M. Parker, "Charles Ollier to William Blackwood," TLS, Jan. 4, 1947, p. 288, David E. Kaser, "Two New Leigh Hunt Letters," N & Q, CC (March 1955), 123-124, and William H. Marshall, "Leigh Hunt on Walt Whitman: a New Letter," N & Q, CCII Sept. 1957), 392-393.


The letter is addressed: "Charles Ollier Esqre./ Hayes Place,/ Lisson Grove." I wish to thank Mr. R. Norris Williams, 2d, and the Historical Society of Pennylvania for their generous permission to publish this letter. Canceled words are in pointed brackets.


Presumably Thomas Longman (1804-1879), who had succeeded his father as head of the firm on the latter's death in 1842; but possibly his brother William (1813-1877), a partner in the firm, "attached . . . to the literary and publishing departments"; see DNB.


A canceled word that is illegible follows at this point.


Ollier was an accomplished performer on the flute.


See DAB, Letters to Leigh Hunt from his Son Vincent, With Some Replies, ed. A. N. L. Munby (1934), pp. 25-26, 58-60, and Huxley, House of Smith Elder, p. 35. Although his later career in America was honorable enough, he had left England to avoid arrest for forgery.


See Brewer, My Leigh Hunt Library, II, 286-287, for two letters from Powell to Hunt in which he discusses his negotiations with Smith, Elder & Company over Wit and Humour and "Action and Passion" and refers to the arrangements for Imagination and Fancy.