University of Virginia Library



This article, for the conclusions of which I take full responsibility, depends very largely on the work of Dr. W. B. Todd and of Messrs. Hanson, Neill and Rogers of the Bodleian Library. I am also deeply indebted to Mr. Dudley Massey of Messrs. Pickering and Chatto for the loan of copies and to the many librarians who have given their help.


In Points in Eighteenth Century Verse (1934), pp. 95-97.


With the exception of the press-figure 7 on A3v which appears in most Crown copies but not in the Demys. This is dubious evidence of priority. The other press-figures in the quartos are: 2-2, 15-2, 16-1, 23-2, 31-1, 33-2, 61-7, 66-7, 68-2.


The converse is equally possible: inner forme printed first, Demy before Crown; then outer forme, Crown before Demy.


Setting a in Table I.


Setting b1 in Table I.


Cf. the entry in Woodfall's ledger for The Seasons, 1744: 'For divers and repeated alterations . . . 2 l. 4 s.' Notes and Queries, ser. I., vol. 11, p. 419.


States ar/b1v, b1r/av in Table I.


I owe these conclusions to Dr. Todd, who also points out that in special conditions all four of the possibilities may be combined: see PBSA, 47 (1953), 71-72.


'Four editions of "Sophonisba" . . . . A small number was printed in quarto, on large paper'. Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, I, 436. This information is almost certainly derived from other of Bowyer's papers than the ledger quoted below.


Except for a change of the printer's flowers in C between impressions 3 and 4.


Woodfall's ledger, Notes and Queries, loc. cit.


For the form of this table and the location of copies in the United States I am entirely indebted to Dr. Todd. It has not been possible to check that all copies of the octavos conform to my four prototypes throughout, but it seemed desirable to list as many copies as possible.


Settings of A2 in the first two impressions;

Initial T  Catchword  Last word of text 
white background factotum  and,  venera-/tion 
b1  white background factotum  Monarchy,  vene-/ration 
b2  dark background factotum  Monarchy,  ve-/neration 
b3  floral block, 23mm. square  quest?  vene-/ration 
b4  floral block, 21mm. square  conquest?  vene-/ration 


Both these copies have an admixture of second impression sheets.