![]() | | ![]() |
- B.D.L. Brechin Diocesan Library.
- B.M. British Museum.
- Bushnell G. H. Bushnell, Scottish Printers, Booksellers and Bookbinders, in Plomer, Bushnell and Dix, A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1726 to 1775. Oxford, 1932.
- D. Book The General Book of Disbursements of Edinburgh University Library.
- D.P.L. Dundee Public Library.
- E.U.L. Edinburgh University Library.
- G.U.L. Glasgow University Library.
- McIntosh The McIntosh Library of Dunkeld, at present stored in the Sandeman Public Library, Perth.
- N.L.S. The National Library of Scotland.
- Plomer H. R. Plomer, A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725. Oxford, 1922.
- P.V. Pamphlet Volume.
- Q.C.L. The Library of Queen's College, Dundee.
- S.L.C. Festival of Britain 1951. Catalogue of an Exhibition of 18th-Century Scottish Books at The Signet Library Edinburgh. Cambridge, 1951.
- S.P.L. Sandeman Public Library, Perth.
- T.Y.M. T. Y. Miller's article, The Early Printers of Dundee, cited in footnote 5.
- T.Y.M. MSS. T. Y. Miller's manuscript notes in Dundee Public Library.
ADAMS, (WILLIAM), junior, printer in Edinburgh (Plomer p.
Was printing in 1716, one year earlier than recorded by Plomer. In 1719 he was at the Sign of the Printing Press in the North-West Corner of the Parliament Close, an intermediate address between the two given
137by Plomer. He was still printing in 1729, which extends the limits of his activities by four years.Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical. Gathered and put in Form, for the Government of the Church of Scotland . . . Aberdeen Printed in the Year 1636: Reprinted at Edinburgh by William Adams Junior, Anno 1716. and Sold at the Printing-House opposite to the Trone Church. (McIntosh P.V. 4)
Circa Gloriosissimi & Beatissimi Suecorum Regis Caroli XII MI . . . The Funeral Inscriptions on Charles the XII King of Sweden, . . . Printed in Latin at Stockholm: Reprinted in Latin and English at Edinburgh by William Adams Junior; and sold at the Sign of the Printing Press in the North-West Corner of the Parliament Close. Anno Dom. 1719 (McIntosh P.V. 10).
On the Much to be lamented Death of the Right Honourable the Lord Pentcaitland. Edinburgh. Printed by William Adams 1729. (Reprinted in Maitland, Scotish Elegiac Verses, p. 255).
- *ANGUS (DAVID), bookbinder (or bookseller?) in Aberdeen (no entry in Bushnell). Entry in "Note of Debts due to Mr Thomas Ruddiman for School Books sold since 1st January 1739 to 15 Decr sd year"; "Dav. Angus Bookr Aberdeen 4 17 10" (N.L.S. MS 762). Possibly related to Alexander and Andrew Angus (Bushnell p. 279).
- *ARMSTRONG (ARTHUR), bookseller in Kelso (no entry in Bushnell). His name appears in the "List of Debts owing to Mr Thomas Ruddiman . . . for Books sold by him preceeding 1 Janry 1736" (N.L.S. MS 762).
- ARMSTRONG (MOSTYN JOHN), (?) publisher in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 280, where Christian names wrongly given as MARTYN JOHN, following Kay's Portraits). Armstrong published a "Scots Atlas" which was dismissed as worthless by Gough, British Topography, London, 1780, vol. II, p. 588. Gough's criticism was based on information supplied by George Paton (q.v. below), and both Gough and Paton received angry letters from Armstrong on the subject. These are printed in Letters from Joseph Ritson, Esq. to Mr George Paton . . . , Edinburgh, 1829, pp. viii-xi. Armstrong is perhaps more properly regarded as an English publisher. (He is not included in the English section of the Dictionary of The Printers and Booksellers . . . 1726 to 1775.) He published An Actual Survey of the Great Post-Roads between London and Edinburgh, By Mostyn John Armstrong, Geor. London Printed for, and Sold by the Author and the Booksellers . . . Published according to Act of Parliament 1st of June 1776. (Dedication to Thomas Pennant, dated 1st August 1776. Copy in N.L.S., press-mark L.C. 951.)
- BAIN, BAINE (JOHN) type-founder in St. Andrews, Glasgow, Dublin, and Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1742-90 (?) (Bushnell p. 371). For evidence that he was in business in Edinburgh in 1780, and that BAIN (JOHN), type-founder in Edinburgh, 1773-4, (Bushnell p. 281) was probably the same man and not his son, see R. P. Doig, "A Note on John Baine", Transactions of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, III, pt. 3, (1956), 222.
- BALFOUR (JOHN), bookseller and printer in Edinburgh, c. 1745-95 (Bushnell p. 281). Was in partnership in 1777 with a Drummond, possibly William Drummond (Bushnell p. 302). An Answer to a late Inquiry into the Powers of Ecclesiastics, &c. . . . London: Sold by T. Cadell, in the Strand: Balfour and Drummond, Edinburgh: and by Angus and Sons, and A. Thomson, Aberdeen. MDCCLXXVII. (McIntosh)
- BARRY (JOHN), bookseller and publisher in Glasgow (Bushnell p. 282). Bought books to the value of £4 from Thomas Ruddiman between 1st January and 20th May 1736. This indicates that he was in business as a bookseller eight years earlier than previously recorded. His name appears again in "Note of Debts due to Mr Thomas Ruddiman for School Books sold since 1st January 1739 to 15 Decr sd year". (N.L.S. MS 762) Presumably the Barry mentioned on the title-page of Patrick's Consolatory Discourses, quoted below under GORDON (WILLIAM).
- BAXTER (DANIEL), bookseller in Glasgow (Bushnell p. 282). Was in business in 1752, two years later than hitherto recorded, and his address was "in the Saltmercat". The Free-Holder, or, Political Essays. By . . . Joseph Addison, Esq. The Eighth Edition. Glasgow: Printed by J. Bryce, and D. Paterson, For D. Baxter, Bookseller, in the Saltmercat. MDCCLII (McIntosh).
- BECK (ALEXANDER), bookseller in Perth (Bushnell p. 282). As his name appears in "List of Debts owing to Mr Thomas Ruddiman . . . for Books sold by him preceding 1 Janry 1736", was in business at least three years earlier than previously recorded, and was definitely a bookseller, and not just a 'glazier and stationer' (N.L.S. MS 762).
- BELL (JOHN), bookseller and publisher in Edinburgh, c.
1760-1806 (Bushnell pp. 282-3).
Bushnell gives his addresses as Addison's Head, 1773; Writer's Court,
1773-4. The following title-page suggests that he had both premises
[C.] MacLaurin, Arguments and Decisions. . . Before the High
of Justiciary, . . . in Scotland. Edinburgh: Printed for J. Bell, at Addison's
139Edinburgh. And E. & C. Dilly, in the Poultry, London. MDCCLXXIV McIntosh).
- BISSET (JOHN), bookseller in Perth, 1772-94 (Bushnell p. 284). His name appears in the following title-page of a book printed at Perth, which is of some interest as Bushnell records his name in the title-page of a book printed at Edinburgh. The Rudiments of the English Tongue: or a Plain and easy Introduction to English Grammar . . . Perth: Printed for the Author, by G. Johnston; and sold by Messrs. J. Bisset, and R. Morison, Booksellers MDCCLXXII (S.P.L.).
- *BLAIR (MRS. ), possibly bookseller in Edinburgh (no entry in Plomer). On 28th July 1711, John Goodall, Professor of Hebrew, bought books for Edinburgh University Library from Mrs. Blair, widow. There is an earlier note to the effect that some books were bound by Mr. Blair's widow's servant (D. Book).
- BRIGGS or BRIDGES (JOHN), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 285). Was in business in 1726, a year earlier than previously recorded.Gospel Sonnets: or, Spiritual Songs. In Six Parts. Edinburgh, Printed for John Briggs. 1726 (Copy in N.L.S. Cf. S.L.C.).
- BROWN (JAMES), bookseller and printer in Glasgow (Bushnell pp. 286-7, entries under BROWN (JAMES) and BROWN (JOHN) ). His name appears in "List of Debts owing to Mr Thomas Ruddiman . . . for Books sold by him preceeding 1 Janry 1736" (N.L.S. MS 762). This is worth recording on account of the complicated business connections of John and James Brown.
- BROWN (WILLIAM), printer and bookseller in Edinburgh (Plomer p. 54). Was in business sixteen years earlier than previously recorded. The following entry occurs in E.U.L. D. Book for 21st July 1698; "To Wm Broun Stationer for Rawleigh's Hist abridged". There are further references to Brown in 1699 and 1700. His name appears on the following title-page of 1705; Collections concerning the Scottish history . . . By Sir James Dalrymple, Bar. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty; And are to be sold by William Brown Bookseller, M.DCC.V (McIntosh).
- BRYCE (JOHN), printer and bookseller in Glasgow, c. 1750-1786 (Bushnell pp. 287-8). In partnership with David Paterson in 1752, three years earlier than previously recorded. See title-page of Addison's Free-Holder, quoted above, under BAXTER (DANIEL).
- *BUCHANAN (GEORGE), bookbinder in Edinburgh (no entry in Bushnell). Bought school-books from Ruddiman between 1st January and 15th December 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762).
- CANT (JAMES), bookseller and publisher in Dunkeld (Bushnell p. 289). There is a manuscript letter (Q.C.L. Rorie Collection) from the Glassite Church at Perth signed by four elders including Robert Morison, bookseller, agreeing that James Cant should be transferred to Dunkeld at the call of the Glassite elders there. Cant in the letter agrees to go. It therefore seems unlikely that he would be in business there before the date of this letter which is 26th April 1779. (Bushnell gives c. 1770.)
- CARRUTHERS (THOMAS), bookseller in Edinburgh (Plomer p. 65). The entry "paid To Caruthers Bookseller ye Accompts" occurs in E.U.L. D. Book for 1704. Assuming that this is Thomas Carruthers, it extends his period of activity by four years.
*CHALMERS (LAURENCE), printer and bookseller in Dundee (no entry in Bushnell).
In business in the Kirk Wynd from 1770 to 1775 at least. Said to have joined the staff of the Edinburgh Caledonian Mercury, and to have remained on it thiry years (T.Y.M. MSS). See also under OGILVIE (DAVID) below.
A Practical Essay on the Lord's Prayer by John Handasyde. Dundee: Printed by Lawrence Chalmers. 1770. (A.C. Lamb Collection D.P.L.) The Poetical Works of Wm Meston, A.M. Dundee: Printed by L. Chalmers. 1772 (A.C. Lamb Collection D.P.L.).
A Calm Address to our American Colonies, by the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. Dundee, printed and sold by Laurence Chalmers at his Printing Office, in the Kirk Wynd. 1775 (A.C. Lamb Collection D.P.L.).
- CHEYNE, CHYNE (WILLIAM), printer in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 292). Was still printing in 1751, one year later than suggested by Bushnell. Memoirs concerning The ancient Alliance between The French and Scots . . . Edinburgh, Printed by W. Cheyne, and sold by W. Gordon, and other Booksellers in Town. MDCCLI (McIntosh).
- COLVILLE (THOMAS), printer and publisher in Dundee, c. 1770-1819 (Bushnell pp. 294-5). According to T. Y. Miller's Account of The Printing Art in Dundee published in 1896 as a private pamphlet by W. Kidd & Sons, Colville's premises were in (1) Church Lane (2) Bisset's Close, Overgate (3) King's Close, off Nethergate. The first should presumably be Kirk Wynd. Cf. T.Y.M. MSS and the following title-page: Rev. Dr. Hastings, The Crown and Glory of Christianity . . . Dundee: Printed and sold in the Kirk Wynd. 1783 (A.C. Lamb collection D.P.L.).
- *COSH (CHARLES), bookbinder in Edinburgh (no entry in Plomer). In 1717 Edinburgh University library "pd more to charles cosh for making two large leathern covers for caesars comentaries printed be Tonson & Dr Hamands Annotations on ye New Testament. to [i.e. ditto] for binding two Quarto's . . ." (D. Book).
- CRAWFORD, CRAWFURD (GIDEON), bookbinder and bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 295). May have been in business at least till 1750, one year later than suggested by Bushnell. "Two Bills of Gideon Crawford Bookseller" amounting to £68.4.6, are entered in Ruddiman's "Inventary 15th May 1750" (N.L.S. MS 762).
DARLING (WILLIAM), printer and bookseller in Edinburgh, 1767-82 (Bushnell p. 297).
In 1771 was in partnership as printer and publisher with Willison, presumably David Willison (Bushnell p. 366). Remained at Bridge Street address at least until 1776, two years later than hitherto recorded.
The History and Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. In Four Volumes. Volume IV. Edinburgh: Printed for and by Willison & Darling. MDCCLXXI (McIntosh).
The Evidence of the Christian Religion. by Joseph Addison. A New Edition. Printed for William Darling, Bridgestreet. MDCCLXXVI (McIntosh).
DAVIDSON (ALEXANDER), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1720-34 (Bushnell p. 297).
Had a shop in Parliament-House as early as 1721 (Bushnell gives 1734). Another address given for him in 1724 is "at Virgil's Head, a little below the Cross, South-side of the Street". May have been in partnership with John Trail in 1736. See below under TRAILL (JOHN).
On the Death of Sir David Dalrymple of Hailes, Bart. Edinburgh; Printed and sold by Alexander Davidson, at his shop in Parliament-House. 1721 (Maidment, Scotish Elegiac Verses, p. 231).
An Habbyac on the Death of Allan Ramsay. Edinburgh Printed for Alexander Davidson at Virgil's Head, a little below the Cross, South-side of the Street (n.d. McIntosh copy dated 1724 in MS).
- DEANS (HUGH), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 298). Bought books from Ruddiman between 1st January and 20th May 1736 (N.L.S. MS 762). This gives a period of activity of at least ten years after his apprenticeship to William Brown, recorded by Bushnell.
*DRUMMOND (MRS ), bookseller in Edinburgh (no entry in Bushnell).
Possibly widow of Alexander Drummond (Bushnell p. 301) or William
142Drummond (Bushnell p. 302). At Ossian's Head, 1776-9. Although just outside our period, this entry has been included because of possible connection with Alexander or William Drummond.A Dialogue Between Philalethes and Benevolus . . . By Dr. Abernethy-Drummond. Edinburgh: Printed in the Year M, DCC,LXXVI. And Sold by J. Balfour; Drummond at Ossian's head; and other Booksellers (B.D.L. A ii 5).
Remarks upon the Remarker: or, the Dialogue between Philalethes and Benevolus fully vindicated; and Mr G[eorge] H[ay]'s 2d Defence of Transubstantiation, in his Explanatory Remarks, clearly refuted. Edinburgh: Printed in the year M,DCC,LXXVI. Sold by Drummond, Bookseller (McIntosh P.V. 39 B.D.L. A ii 5).
The Lawfulness of Breaking Faith with Heretics Proved to be An Established Doctrine of the Church of Rome. In a letter to Mr G[eorge] H[ay] Edinburgh: Printed by A. Murray and J. Cochran. Sold by Mrs Drummond, and Booksellers. MDCCLXXVIII (McIntosh P.V. 39 B.D.L. A ii 5).
An Essay on the Truth of the Jewish Religion. Edinburgh: Printed for Drummond, at Ossian's Head: and W. Anderson Stirling . . . MDCCLXXIX (B.D.L.P. viii 2).
- DRUMMOND (GAVIN), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1728-48 (Bushnell p. 301). "Gavin Drummond Teacher of Book-keeping Edr" who on 20th May 1736 was due Ruddiman £6, a debt incurred on 2nd February 1734, may be the same as the bookseller (N.L.S. MS 762). See also under MONRO (WILLIAM) below.
- DRUMMOND (WILLIAM), printer and bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 302). See under BALFOUR (JOHN), DRUMMOND (MRS ), MONRO (WILLIAM).
- DUNCAN (JAMES), senior, printer in Glasgow, 1717-c.1754 (Plomer p. 108, Bushnell p. 303). Was a bookseller as well as printer. The Cherrie and the Slae. Compyled into Meeter, By Captain Alexander Montgomery. Glasgow, Printed by James Duncan, and are to be sold at his Shop in the Salt-mercat, near Gibson's-Wynd. 1725 (B.D.L. P viii 17).
- DUNCAN (WILLIAM), printer in Glasgow, 1717-65 (Plomer p. 108, Bushnell p. 303). Like James Duncan, referred to above, was a bookseller as well as printer. He bought books worth £1.19.6 from Ruddiman between 1st January and 20th May 1736 (N.L.S. MS 762).
- *DUNCAN (W.), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1766 (no entry in Bushnell). The History of Scotland, from The earliest Accounts of that Nation, to the Reign of King James VI. Translated from the Latin of George Buchanan. In Two Volumes . . . The Sixth Edition. Edinburgh: Printed for W. Duncan, and R. Clark, Booksellers. MDCCLXVI (Q.C.L. U 941 B 918).
- DUNING, DUNNING (ALEXANDER), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 303). Entries in Ruddiman's mss extend Duning's period of activity by thirteen years, to 1739. On 2nd May 1735 he incurred a debt of £2.1.3, recorded as unpaid on 20th May 1736. It remained unpaid in October 1739, when Ruddiman added 8/3 for "4 years &c.mmat; rent [annual rent, i.e. interest] thereof". Duning bought school books to the value of £1.6.6 from Ruddiman between 1st January and 15th December 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762).
ELLIOT (CHARLES), bookseller and publisher, Edinburgh and
London, 1770-90 (Bushnell p. 304).
His Edinburgh shop was in Parliament Square for the period 1776-86 at least (recorded by Bushnell only for 1777). The unpublished correspondence of George Paton (q.v. below) and Richard Gough (N.L.S. Adv. MSS 29.5.6-7 4 vols.) indicates that the long-awaited opening of Elliot's London shop was in April 1787, and not "in or about 1784". James Mackenzie, a young man described as Elliot's partner, was sent from Edinburgh to open the London shop. Early in 1788 Mackenzie left Elliot, having quarrelled with Elliot's other partner, T. Kay (Elliot's brother-in-law?), and obtained a post as clerk with John Murray, bookseller, 32 Fleet Street.
The Orator. Being A Collection of Pieces in Prose and Verse, Selected from the Best English Writers . . . By William Perry, Lecturer on the English Language, in the Academy, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Printed for Charles Elliot, Parliament-Square. MDCCLXXVI (McIntosh).
A Collection of the most esteemed Farces and Entertainments performed on the British Stage. Volume the Fourth. A New Edition. Edinburgh: Printed for C. Elliot, Parliament Square. M,DCC,LXXXVI (McIntosh).
- *FINLAYSON (JOHN), bookseller in Stirling (no entry in Bushnell). Due Ruddiman £1.6.7 on 19th May 1736 for books purchased (N.L.S. MS 763).
FLEMING (ROBERT), printer in Edinburgh (Plomer p. 118,
Bushnell p. 306).
N.L.S. MS 763 contains a record of the dissolution of partnership between Fleming, and Thomas and Walter Ruddiman, as follows:
" 23 May 1723.The said day cleared all Accompts betwixt Robert Fleming & me, with Respect to the Copartnery betwixt him, my Brother Walter & me (which144expired at Whitsunday last) . . . [A detailed list follows. Below this, is the following receipt signed by Fleming]Edinr 21 March 1723.I Robert Fleming Printer in Edinr do hereby declare that I have received the twenty Pounds and one Shill. six pence half penny Sterl. noted above as owing to me by Mr Thomas Ruddiman Underkeeper of the Advocates Library; and I hereby discharge him of all claim I can any manner of way pretend to have agst him, upon the Accott of the Copartnery above mentioned or otherwise. Excepting only the right I have to the third Part of a list of outstanding Debts resting at the date hereof to the Copartnery, extending to the Sum of Sixty four Pounds Eighteen shill Sterl., and also a third Share of a Book intituled Advice to the Farmers of East Lothian, of which 500 Copies were printed.R. Fleming. " - *FORBES (ALEXANDER), printer and bookseller in Edinburgh, 1731 (no entry in Bushnell). Word of God. The Best Guide to All Persons at all Times, and in all Places . . . The Fifth edition carefully corrected and emended . . . Edinburgh. Printed by Alexander Forbes. Sold at the Printing-house at the Foot of Craig's Closs, and by Thomas Heriot, Bookseller in Parliament-closs, and other Booksellers in Town. MDCCXXXI (McIntosh).
*FREEBAIRN (DAVID), bookseller in Edinburgh (no entry in
1703-1714. "13 July 1703 pd then to Mr David freebairn Bookseller . . ." — entry in E.U.L. D. Book. His name appears in the imprint of two books published in 1712, as noted below. The following entry is in Ruddiman's printing account book (N.L.S. MS 763) for week ending 26th June 1714: "Letter B & C of Mr Dav Freebairn's Catalogue press 300 copies [£]1 8[s]". There are similar entries for letters D & E (3rd July 1714) and F (10th July 1714). May have been related to Robert Freebairn (q.v. below). Tippermalluch's Receits . . . John Moncreif. Edinburgh printed: and sold by Henry Knox, David Freebairn and James Simpson. 1712 (S.L.C. p. 152. Copy in G.U.L.).
A Genealogical and Historical Account of The Illustrious Name of Stuart . . . David Symson. Edinburgh, Printed for Mr. David Freebairn and Mr. Henry Knox. MDCCXII (McIntosh).
- FREEBAIRN (ROBERT), printer and bookseller in Edinburgh
(Plomer pp. 121-2, Bushnell p. 308).
Was in business as bookseller in 1701, four years earlier than hitherto
recorded. On 29th October 1701 Edinburgh University Library "pd to Mr
Ro. freebairn Merchant the sume of ten pounds sterling & 6 shillings
& 8 pence viz. for these books. . ." (D. Book). There are
entries for 31st December 1701, 9th February 1702, 28th April 1702 and
145February 1704. For a period prior to 1736 he was in partnership with Thomas Ruddiman. N.L.S. MS 763 contains a "State of Affairs 'twixt Mr Robert Freebairn & Mr Thomas Ruddiman". There is a list of amounts due to them and of books in their possession, and it is stated that "The one half of all which Books and Debts Belongs to the Said Mr Freebairn".
- *GAINES (DANIEL), printer in Dundee (no entry in Plomer). In the Parochial Records of Foulis Easter for Sabbath April 18th, 1703: "Given out to Daniel Gaines to help him in setting up the art of printing in Dundee, by the Presbytery's recommendation £1.4/-" (Cf. James Thomson, History of Dundee (1846), pp. 249-252; T.Y.M. p. 305). No books printed by Gaines have come to notice.
- GALBRAITH (HENRY), printer and publisher in Dundee and
Edinburgh (Bushnell pp. 308-9).
T.Y.M. (p. 306) states that about 1772 Galbraith had an office at the Bull's Close, opposite the Tron Church, Edinburgh. This is confirmed by the entry in the Edinburgh Directory for 1773-4 quoted by Bushnell. It is not certain whether it was a branch office or whether the business had been transferred from Dundee. An earlier Dundee address is given in the following title-page:
A Brief Account of some Lent and other Extraordinary Processions . . . by George Whitefield. Dundee, reprinted by H. Galbraith & Co. and sold at their Printing House, near to the Main Guard. (A. C. Lamb collection D.P.L.)
- *GEDDES (JOHN), bookseller in Edinburgh (?) (no entry in Plomer). On 10th October 1699 Edinburgh University Library sold a book "to Jo: Geddes Bookseller viz. Xenophon in Greek & Lat. qc had been borrowed by Mr. Cuningham & lost & ye Library mark battered up & defaced" (D. Book).
- *GILLIES (JOHN), bookseller and bookbinder in Perth, 1774-1786
(no entry in Bushnell).
The Life, surprising adventures and heroic Actions of Sir William Wallace . . . a new edition. Printed for John Gillies Bookbinder, High Street, Perth 1774 (S.P.L.).
Chronicon Manniae, or a Chronicle of the Kings of Man . . . Perth: Printed for John Gillies, MDCCLXXXIV (S.P.L.)
Allan Ramsay, The Gentle Shepherd . . . Printed by and for R. Morison and Son, Booksellers. Also for J. Gillies Perth; W. Coke Leith and G. Milne Dundee 1786 (B.M.).
- GLASS (THOMAS), bookseller in Dundee (Bushnell p. 311).
In business in 1749, one year earlier than previously recorded, when he
sold Christian Songs (for the use of Glasite congregations).
C. Lamb
146Collection D.P.L. See A. H. Miller, Glimpses of Old and New Dundee, (1925.)
GORDON (WILLIAM), bookseller in Edinburgh, c. 1743-94 (Bushnell, p. 312).
Apparently in partnership with Alexander Symmer (q.v. below) in 1744. But it should be noted that this inference depends on the punctuation of the imprint in the following title-page:
Symon Patrick, D.D. late lord Bishop of Ely; Four Consolatory Discourses . . . (9th edition. Edinburgh, Printed for A. Symmer and W. Gordon, and W. Drummond; sold by them and other Booksellers there; by Messrs Strahan, Hitch, Innys and Manby, J. and P. Knapton, Ward, Longman, Astley, Wicksteed, Oswald, Davidson, Rivington and Beecroft at London; J. Smith, Dublin; Brysson, Newcastle, and Barry at Glasgow. M.DCC.XLIV (McIntosh).
- GRAY (WILLIAM), bookbinder in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 314). His name appears in the "List of Debts owing to Mr Thomas Ruddiman . . . for Books sold by him preceeding 1 Janry 1736". This places him at least four years earlier than previously recorded. The debt remained unpaid in 1739, and in that year he also bought school books from Ruddiman (N.L.S. MS 762).
- GRAY (WILLIAM), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p.
Was also a printer, and was in business in 1748, one year earlier than hitherto recorded.
A Memorial for the Reformation (chiefly in England) by Benjamin Bennet. Edinburgh: Printed by William Gray and sold at his House, at Magdalene's Chappel, within the Cowgate Head; and by John Barrie, Bookseller in Glasgoe, and the Booksellers in Edinburgh and Perth. 1748 (McIntosh).
- *HALL (JOHN), printer in Glasgow (no entry in Bushnell).
Middle of the Salt-Market, 1750-54.
The History of the Nine Worthies of the World . . . By Robert Burton
The Fifth Edition. Glasgow: Printed by John Hall in the Middle of the Salt Mercat. MDCCL (McIntosh).
The Pilgrim's Progress. The Twentieth and First Edition. Glasgow: Printed by John Hall, near the Middle of the Salt-Market. M.DCC.LIV (McIntosh).
- HAMILTON (WILLIAM), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell pp. 317-8). Still in business in 1739. Bought books from Ruddiman between 1st January and 20th May 1736, and school books between 1st January and 15th December 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762).
- HERIOT (THOMAS), bookseller in Edinburgh 1724-40 (?) (Bushnell
p. 318).
Had shop in Parliament Close in 1726, two years earlier than previously recorded.
147The Index, or Abridgment of such Acts of the British Parliament . . . by Alexander Bruce Advocate. Edinburgh: Printed by Mr. Thomas Ruddiman, for Mr. Thomas Heriot Bookseller, and sold at his Shop in the Parliament-closs. M.D.CC.XXVI (McIntosh).
- *IRONSIDE (JAMES), publisher in Perth, 1774 (no entry in Bushnell). Twenty Sermons preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord's Supper . . . Perth: Printed by Geo. Johnston, for James Ironside. M,DCC,LXXIV (S.P.L.).
- KNOX (JAMES), bookseller in Glasgow (Cf. entry KNOX ( ),
printer in Glasgow, 1752 - Bushnell p. 323).
The following title-page gives Bushnell's Knox a first name, if the same man, shows him to be a bookseller as well as printer, and extends his period of activity to 1767.
Dialogorum Sacrorum libri quattuor Auctore Sebast. Castilione. Glasguae: Prostant apud Jacobum Knox Bibliopolam. M, DCC,LXVII (McIntosh).
- LESLIE ( ), bookseller in Edinburgh (?) (Cf. entries LESLIE (HENRY) and LESLY (GEORGE) - Plomer p. 188). "18 March [1698] pd to Mr Leslie for J. Evelyn's Discourse of Medals in folio Lond 97 ten pounds Scots" (E.U.L. D. Book). If this is either Henry Leslie or George Lesly, it extends the period of activity by twenty years.
- *LYON (GEORGE), bookseller in Dundee (no entry in Plomer or
Said to have been admitted a burgess in 1717 (T.Y.M. MSS). Still in business in 1729.
The Testimony of the King of Martyrs concerning his Kingdom. John Glas. Edinburgh, Printed; and sold by Mr. George Lyon, Bookseller in Dundee, and Others. 1729 (A. C. Lamb Collection. D.P.L.)
- *McALPIN (WALTER), bookbinder in Greenock (no entry in Bushnell). Bought schoolbooks from Ruddiman in 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762). Perhaps related to William McAlpine, printer in Greenock (Bushnell p. 326).
- M'CALLUM (JOHN), printer in Glasgow (Bushnell p. 326).
The following title gives M'Callum's Christian name, and extends the period of his activities by one year.
An Example of Plain Catechising upon the Assembly's Shorter Catechism . . . by the Rev. John Willison, Minister of the Gospel at Dundee. Glasgow: Printed by John M'Callum, for John Orr Bookseller Saltmercat. 1752 (A. C. Lamb Collection D.P.L.).
- M'CASLAN (ALEXANDER), printer, bookseller and publisher in
Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 326).
Was printing in 1769, two years earlier than hitherto recorded.
A Description of the Parish of Melrose; in answer to Mr Maitland's
148Queries sent to each Parish of the Kingdom. Edinburgh: Printed by Alex M'Caslan for John Martin and sold by him at Melrose. MDCCLXIX (McIntosh). - MACKIE (JOHN), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1691-1722 (?) (Plomer p. 194). Also a bookbinder. Entry in E.U.L. D. Book for February 1695 -- "paid to John Mackye stationer for binding according to his Receipt'.
- *MACLEAN (MRS. ), bookseller (?) in Glasgow, 1736-9 (no entry in Bushnell). Her name appears several times in Ruddiman's accounts, and it is highly probable that she was a bookseller. Unfortunately, however, she is nowhere clearly described as such. In one place (N.L.S. MS 762 p. 20) "Mistriss Maclean Ibid" follows "And. Stalker Bookseller in Glasgow". This is inconclusive, since it is not clear whether 'ibid' refers to 'bookseller' or merely to 'in Glasgow', and further because the next entry is 'Baillie Gavin Hamilton Ibid.' which is a mistake as Hamilton was a bookseller in Edinburgh.
- *McMAIN (JOHN), publisher in Edinburgh (no entry in
Schoolmaster at foot of Liberton's Wynd, 1724.
The Life and Death of that eminently Pious, Free and Faithful Minister and Martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr James Renwick: with a Vindication of the Heads of his Dying Testimony. Written by the Learned and Famous Mr. Alexander Shields, then Preacher of the Gospel in the Fields . . . Edinburgh, Printed for John McMain, M.A. Schoolmaster at Liberton's Wynd-foot there. MDCCXXIV (Q.C.L. U922).
- MARSCHAL, MARSHALL (WILLIAM), bookseller in Glasgow
(Bushnell p. 330).
Was still in business in 1762, twelve years later than the end-date suggested by Bushnell. His shop was then in the Salt Market.
The Balm of Gilead. By John Willison M.A. The Sixth Edition. Glasgow: Printed for William Marshall, Bookseller in the Saltmercat. MDCCLXII (A. C. Lamb Collection D.P.L.)
- MARTIN (ANDREW), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 330). Bought school books from Ruddiman in 1739, one year later than the last date recorded by Bushnell (N.L.S. MS 762).
MARTIN (GILBERT), printer and publisher in Edinburgh, c. 1750-86. (Bushnell p. 330 -- see also under WOTHERSPOON (JOHN), Bushnell p. 369.)
The Apollo Press, originally Martin and Wotherspoon, was by 1784 run by a partnership of two or more Martins.
The Poetical Works of Samuel Butler in three Volumes . . . Bell's second edition. Vol. III. Edinburg : At the Apollo Press, by the Martins, Anno 1784 (McIntosh).
- *MARTIN (JOHN), bookseller in Melrose, 1769 (no entry in Bushnell). See title-page quoted above under M'CASLAN (ALEXANDER).
- MATHIE, MATTHIE (PATRICK), printer and publisher in
Edinburgh, 1732-60(?) (Bushnell p. 331).
In 1738 Mathie's printing-house was opposite the Tolbooth.
Grave Dialogues Betwixt Three Free-Thinkers . . . Edinburgh, Printed by P. Matthie, sold at his printing-house opposite to the Tolbooth, North side of the street, and by most booksellers in town. MDCCXXXVIII (Q.C.L. Rorie collection).
- *MERCHISTONE (R.), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1695 (no entry in Plomer). "Received thirty one pounds scots for Lightfoots works in two vols fol. Lond. 1684 this 9 of february 1695 by me R. Merchistone" -- Receipt in E.U.L. D. Book.
- MEUROS (JAMES), bookseller in Kilmarnock (Bushnell p. 332). Was still in business in 1779, one year later than previously recorded. He is listed as a selling bookseller in the proposals at the end of Poems on the British Authors and Other Persons, eminent in their various professions. Glasgow: Printed by William Smith, for the Author; and sold by Booksellers in Town. 1779 (McIntosh).
- MILLAR, MILLER (WILLIAM), bookseller in Edinburgh 1730-74(?)
(Bushnell p. 333).
Bought books from Ruddiman 1736-9 (N.L.S. MS 762). His address in 1736 was "a little above the Cross".
The Usefulness of Catechisms considered in a letter to a friend [John Glass] Edinburgh, printed in the year 1736. And sold by W. Miller at his shop a little above the Cross, North side of the street (Q.C.L. Rorie Collection).
- *MITCHEL (ALEXANDER), bookbinder (or bookseller ?) in Perth (no entry in Bushnell). "Alexr Mitchel Bookr in Perth" is listed as owing £2.12.3 in "Debts for Books sold by Mr Thomas Ruddiman this 19 May 1736". (N.L.S. MS 763)
- *MONRO (WILLIAM), bookseller and publisher in Edinburgh
1733-9 (no entry in Bushnell).
Ruddiman printed five volumes of Medical Essays for him in 1733-4, as noted below. Listed as owing £1.3.6 in "Debts owing to Mr Thomas Ruddiman . . . for Books sold by him preceeding 1 Janry 1736". By 1739 he was possibly in partnership with Gavin Drummond (q.v. above) or William Drummond (Bushnell p. 302). "Messrs Monro & Drummond" appear in list of debtors to Ruddiman for books bought before 1st January 1739; and
150"Mess. Monro & Drummond Ibid. [i.e. booksellers, Edinburgh]" bought school books from Ruddiman in 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762).Medical Essays and Observations revised and published by a Society in Edinburgh. (Vols. I-V only published.) Edinburgh Printed by T. and W. Ruddiman for W. Monro. (1733-4). (Journal of the first Edinburgh Medical Society. Copy in G.U.L. Cf. S.L.C. p. 155.)
- *MORE (JAMES), bookseller in Dundee 1765-86 (no entry in
Bushnell; but possibly the same as the Edinburgh bookseller of that name,
Bushnell p. 335).
According to T.Y.M. MSS, his name was entered on the Burgess Roll in 1765. Also in Dundee Register for 1783.
The New Calculator, or Merchant and Weaver's Complete Assistant. Dundee. Printed, and sold by J. More and G. Milln Booksellers (1786) (D.P.L.).
- MOSMAN (GEORGE), bookseller and printer in Edinburgh (Plomer p. 212). Plomer suggests possible identity of George Mosman, merchant, and this George Mosman. But George Mosman, merchant, was a witness at the baptism on 10th July 1683 of Margaret, daughter of George Mosman, stationer (i.e. this George Mosman) (Edinburgh Register of Baptisms. H. M. Register House). Margaret Mosman married John Paton (q.v. below) who succeeded to the shop in Parliament Close, but not, apparently, to the printing side of the business (Edinburgh Marriage Register. H. M. Register House). George Mosman was a half-brother of Hugh Mosman (q.v. below). George Mosman's name appears frequently in E.U.L. D. Book, and it is there indicated that he was also a bookbinder. For example, with reference to books from Holland given in by Mr Cuninghame of Blooke, it is stated: "Most of ym were bound by George Mosman".
- *MOSMAN (HUGH), bookbinder in Edinburgh (no entry in Plomer or Bushnell). Witnessed baptism on 25th July 1721 of George Paton (q.v. below), son of John Paton (q.v. below) and Margaret Mosman (Edinburgh Register of Baptisms H.M. Register House). Bought school books from Ruddiman in 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762). A letter from George Paton to James Cummyng, 13th July 1786 (E.U.L. Laing MSS II 81) states that he was the half-brother of George Mosman (q.v. above). George Mosman was the son of Hugh Mosman, Cooper and Wine Merchant, Leith, by his first wife, Barbara Murray. By his second wife, Betsey Balfour, Hugh the wine merchant had two sons, John (possibly the printer — see Plomer p. 212 and Bushnell p. 338) and Hugh the bookbinder.
- MURRAY (ALEXANDER), printer in Edinburgh 1734-81 (?)
(Bushnell p. 339).
The firm of Sands, Murray and Cochran lasted at least until 1753, one
151year later than noted by Bushnell. Bushnell states that possibly Murray was succeeded in the firm of Murray and Cochran by a son. This son might conceivably be James Murray, the printer of the second book noted below.An Essay to Prove That the feast of the Nativity of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, commonly called Christmas-Day, was known and observed in the primitive church . . . Edinburgh: Printed by Sands, Murray, and Cochran. Sold by W. Gordon, and other Booksellers. 1753. (McIntosh) An Account of the Chapel of Roslin . . . A New Edition. Edinburgh: Printed by James Murray, Parliament-Square. M.DCC.LXXVIII (McIntosh).
- *NICOLL (ROBERT), bookseller in Dundee (no entry in Bushnell). In business in 1767 (T.Y.M. MSS). Appears in Dundee Register 1782-3 as bookseller along with James More (q.v. above), George Milne and James Stark (q.v. below). No evidence has been found as to when Milne commenced business, but the other three were all in business before 1775. Nicoll was the first to found an extensive circulating library in the city. There is a catalogue dated 1780.
- *OGILVIE (DAVID), printer and bookseller in Dundee (no entry in
Bushnell, unless he is the same as the bookbinder in Edinburgh, 1763
p. 342.)
In partnership with Laurence Chalmers (q.v. above) in 1770. It seems probable that Chalmers took over from Ogilvie in that year after a short period of working together. (Cf. entry on Chalmers above.) A manuscript note on the first of the two books listed below states; "David Ogilvy while in London was a church member — he became unfortunate either there or in Dundee. He possessed that shop No 1 east from the Town House".
Christian Songs (for the use of Glasite Congregations). The Fourth Edition. Dundee: Printed by David Ogilvie, Bookseller. 1770 (T.Y.M. MSS. Copy in A. C. Lamb Collection D.P.L.).
The Psalms of David in Metre. Dundee: Printed by D. Ogilvie & L. Chalmers. 1770 (D.P.L.).
- *OGSTON (ALEXANDER), junior, bookseller in Edinburgh (no entry in Plomer). Son of Alexander Ogston, senior, (Plomer pp. 222-3) and Martha Ogston, afterwards Stevenson (Plomer p. 223). Apparently in partnership with his mother. "The 4th day of March 1707 Tuesday pd out to Alexander Ogstoun Bookseller son to Mrs Ogstoun the sume ninety-four pound three shillings & ½ penny in payment of his account untill the nineteenth day of Aprile" (E.U.L. D. Book). There is another account for "Widow Ogston" paid to her son in the same year, and one in 1708. One is paid to Alexander Ogston in 1709. On 3rd March 1710 there is the entry: "full payment of all books bought from Mistress Ogstoun or her son Alexr the sum of seventy pounds Scots". On 18th June 1712 an account was paid to Mrs Ogston, which may indicate that her son was no longer in the business.
- *OGSTON (HUGH), bookseller in Edinburgh (?) (no entry in Plomer). Sold books to Edinburgh University Library in 1718. 4th April; "pd to H. Ogston for St Cyprians works . . . [etc.]"; "24 July 1718. Received fm Hugh Ogston the fifth & sixt volumes of Souths Sermons . . ."; "Decr 25 1718 fra Hugh Ogstoun Annalls of King George the 4th volume . . ." (D. Book).
- PATERSON (DAVID), printer and bookseller in Glasgow 1755-9, and in Edinburgh 1760-c.1780 (Bushnell p. 343). In partnership with John Bryce in 1752, three years earlier than previously recorded. See title-page of Addison's Free-Holder, quoted above under BAXTER (DANIEL).
- PATON (GEORGE), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell pp. 343-4). Born 23rd June 1721 (Edinburgh Register of Baptisms, H. M. Register House). On 21st February 1762, he married Rosina, daughter of Rev. James Paton, minister of Primrose (Edinburgh Marriage Register, 1751-1800. Scottish Record Society). Died 6th March 1807, buried at Greyfriars Churchyard on 9th March (Record of Interments; Greyfriars, H. M. Register House. Date confirmed by Customs Records, also in Register House). Had no business connection with the bookselling, publishing or printing trades after he took up a clerkship in the Custom-house about 1760; but he retained an interest in bibliographical matters. See R. P. Doig, "George Paton's Contributions to Herbert's Typographical Antiquities", Transactions of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, III, pt. 3, (1956), 215-219.
- *PATON (GEORGE), bookseller in Linlithgow, 1736-41 (no entry
in Bushnell; but cf. his entries PATON (GEORGE), printer in Glasgow,
1741-72 (?) and PATON (GEORGE), bookbinder in Edinburgh, 1753-74
— p. 344).
"George Paton in Linlithgow" bought books value 3/10 from Ruddiman prior to 1st January 1736, while "Geo Paton in Lithgow [sic]" was due Ruddiman 8/6 for school books purchased in 1739.
A Collection of several Remarkable and Valuable Sermons, Speeches and Exhortations, At Renewing and Subscribing the National Covenant of Scotland . . . Glasgow: Printed for George Paton, and are to be Sold at his Shop in Linlithgow, and other Booksellers in Town and Country. MDCCXLI (Q.C.L. U252).
- PATON (JOHN), bookseller and bookbinder in Edinburgh (Plomer
p. 233, Bushnell p. 344).
Probably the John Paton who was baptised on 4th February 1677, son of
Baillie William Paton and Janet Reid (Edinburgh Register of Baptisms, H.
M. Register House). Married the daughter of George Mosman (q.v.
153above). Died May 1765, although his will was not registered till 1781 (Record of Interments; Greyfriars. H. M. Register House).
- *PETER (W.), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1756-7 (no entry in
A View of the Edinburgh Review pointing out the Spirit and Tendency of that Paper. Edinburgh: Printed in the year MDCCLVI. Sold by W. Sands, Gray and Peter, and other Booksellers (McIntosh).
Douglas: A Tragedy. As it was acted at the Theatre-Royal in the Covent-Garden. Edinburgh, Printed for G. Hamilton and J. Balfour, W. Gray and W. Peter. 1757. (E.U.I. cf. S.L.C. p. 98)
- *RAMSAY (JOHN), bookseller in Edinburgh (no entry in
Foot of the College Wynd, 1716-9.
The Age of the World Collected in all Its Periods from The Sacred Scriptures . . . Written by J. S. in the Year 1706. Edinburgh, Printed for John Ramsay, and are to be sold at his House, within the Foot of the College-Wynd. 1716 (McIntosh P.V. 4).
A Short Account of the Reformation . . . Written by the late Reverend and Learned Dr. Alexander Monro. Edinburgh: Printed for John Ramsay, and are to sold [sic] at his House, within the Foot of the College-Wynd. 1719 (McIntosh P.V. 4).
- RANDIE (DAVID), bookseller and publisher in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 345). Ruddiman's mss extend his period of activity to 1736 at least, a period of six years, and indicate that between 1736 and 1739 he became a merchant at Haddington. In the "List of Debts owing to Mr. Thomas Ruddiman . . . for Books sold by him preceeding 1 Janry 1736" Randie is listed as owing "about £8". On 20th May 1736 he was still owing Ruddiman £5.14/-, a debt incurred on 22nd September 1731. This last mentioned debt remained unpaid in October 1739, when Randie is described as "now Mert in Haddington" (N.L.S. MS 762).
- REID (JOHN), printer in Edinburgh, c. 1758-75 (?) (Bushnell p.
His printing house was at Baillie Fyfe's Close in 1770, three years earlier than previously recorded.
The Theatre licentious and perverted. Or a Sermon on the Reformation of Manners . . . By James Baine A.M. Edinburgh: Printed by J. Reid; and sold at his printing house in Bailie Fyfe's close, and by W. Gray, Front of the Exchange. 1770 (Q.C.L. Rorie Collection).
- *RICHARDSON (J.), printer in Edinburgh (no entry in
In partnership with Walter Ruddiman, junior (Bushnell pp. 349-50), in 1765. Could possibly be the same as J. Richardson, bookseller and publisher in Paternoster Row, 1753-63 (Plomer, Dictionary 1726-75 p. 210).
A Specimen of a Book intituled Ane Compendious Booke, of Godly and
154Spiritual Sangs . . . Edinburgh: Printed by W. Ruddiman, J. Richardson and Company. 1765 (S.P.L.). - ROBERTSON (ALEXANDER), printer in Edinburgh (Bushnell p.
An Alex. Robertson who was printing at Leith in 1766 is probably the same man. Was also a bookseller, his address in 1768 being Morison's Close. The same address is given in an undated book, the third of those given below. See also under WILSON (JOHN).
The Lawfulness and Expediency of Set Forms and Prayer maintained . . . By the Rev. Mr Robert Calder. Leith: Printed by Alex Robertson. MDCCLXVI (McIntosh).
A Letter to A Lady. Wherein the Nature and Necessity, of worshipping God in the Unity of the Church . . . is set forth . . . adapted to the meanest capacities. Edinburgh. Printed, and Sold by Alexander Robertson in Morisons Close, in the Year M.DCC.LXVIII (McIntosh P.V. 26).
The History and Martial Atchievements, of the Robertson's of Strowan . . . and the Poems . . . by the Honourable Alexander Robertson of Strowan, Esq; . . . Edinburgh; Printed for, and sold by Alex. Robertson in Morison's Close; where Subscribers may call for their Copie (McIntosh).
- *ROBERTSON (JAMES), bookseller in Edinburgh (no entry in Bushnell). "Mr James Robertson Bookseller now Minir [i.e. minister] in Edr" appears in "Debts for Books sold by Mr Thomas Ruddiman this 19 May 1736" (N.L.S. MS 763). In MS 762 (quoted in the introduction above) he appears simply as "Mr James Robertson Minister in Edr". He was not, apparently, a minister of the Church of Scotland, as he cannot be traced in the Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae.
- ROBERTSON (JOHN), junior, bookseller and bookbinder in Glasgow (Bushnell p. 347). Bushnell gives no definite reference to him as a bookseller, but he is described as such in Ruddiman's lists of debts for books bought between 1st January and 20th May 1736, and for school books bought between 1st January and 15th December 1739 (N.L.S. MS 762).
- ROBERTSON (JOHN), senior, printer and bookseller in Glasgow
(Bushnell p. 348 ?).
In the Salt-Market, 1763. The first part of the edition of The Pilgrim's Progress cited below was printed by John Hall (q.v. above), so that Robertson was probably his successor. This Robertson can hardly be the John Robertson, senior, stationer in Glasgow, 1697-1728 (Bushnell p. 347). He is more likely to be the bookseller and printer, c 1730-(?) (Bushnell p. 348); but possibly he is neither.
The Pilgrim's Progress. The Twentieth and First Edition. Part second.
155Glasgow: Printed by John Robertson, Senior, and sold at his Shop, Saltmercat. M,DCC,LXII (McIntosh). - ROBERTSON (JOHN), printer and publisher in Edinburgh, c.
1760-90 (Bushnell p. 348).
As Bushnell points out, he purchased the Ruddiman's printing-house and materials in 1772. The following imprint, in which he describes himself as their successor, as printer and bookseller, is interesting as supplementing this. See also under WILSON (JOHN).
Alexander Pope: The Odyssey of Homer. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by J. Robertson, Successor to Tho. and Wal. Ruddiman. MDCCLXXIII (McIntosh).
- *ROSS (ARTHUR), bookbinder in Edinburgh (no entry in Bushnell). Bought books worth 10/6 from Ruddiman between 1st January and 20th May 1736. (N.L.S. MS 762)
- RUDDIMAN (THOMAS), printer, publisher, bookseller, book auctioneer and Keeper of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh (Plomer pp. 258-9). See under FLEMING (ROBERT), FREEBAIRN (ROBERT), MONRO (WILLIAM).
- RUDDIMAN (WALTER), senior, printer in Edinburgh, 1715-70 (Plomer p. 259). See under FLEMING (ROBERT), MONRO (WILLIAM).
- RUDDIMAN (WALTER), junior, printer in Edinburgh, c 1750-81 (Bushnell pp. 349-50). See under RICHARDSON (J.).
- SANDS (WILLIAM), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 351). Was definitely in business in 1736, as he bought books from Ruddiman between 1st January and 20th May of that year. (N.L.S. MS 762).
- *SCOTT (DAVID), bookseller in Edinburgh, 1712-15 (no entry in Plomer). Edinburgh University Library bought books from him in April, June and August 1712 and March and April 1713. There is a further account "begun January 1714 & continued to 3d May 1715" (D. Book). In Ruddiman's ledger for Saturday 19th February 1715 "David Scot Bookseller" appears on page opposite "Orphan a Tragedy 2 sheets long Primar Case" (N.L.S. MS 763). May be related to David Scott, printer in Edinburgh, c 1767 (Bushnell p. 351).
- SIMPSON (JAMES), bookbinder in Edinburgh (Plomer p. 271).
On 29th May 1712 Edinburgh University Library "pd to James Sympson
Book-binder for Typermaluchs Cures octavo bound". If this is in fact the
same James Simpson, it extends his period of known activity by forty-two
156years. He was also a bookseller; see the imprint of Tippermalluch's Receits quoted above under FREEBAIRN (DAVID).
- STARK (JAMES), bookseller in Dundee (Bushnell p. 357).
According to A. H. Miller, Glimpses of Old and New Dundee, he came to Dundee about 1740, having been a servant to Allan Ramsay in Edinburgh. This would give him a period of activity of twenty-six years. T.Y.M. MSS states that in 1751 he sold A Funeral Poem on the death of the Rev. James Johnston, late minister in the Associate Congregation of Dundee. The following title-page gives the address of his shop:
The Trial of Katherine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie for the crimes of incest and murder. Dundee, printed and sold at the printing office, and at the shop of James Stark, bookseller, at the back of the Guard. 1765 (D.P.L.).
- *STEDMAN (JOHN), bookbinder in Kirkcaldy (no entry in Bushnell). Bought books from Ruddiman prior to 1st January 1736. (N.L.S. MS 762)
- STEWART (GEORGE), bookseller and bookbinder in Edinburgh,
1711-45 (Plomer p. 281, Bushnell pp. 357-8).
Bushnell refers to the following book under SYMMER (ALEXANDER), p. 358, but does not state that Stewart also was an "undertaker".
The History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland From The Beginning of the Reformation in the Reign of King James V. To the Retreat of Queen Mary into England, Anno 1568. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Thomas and Walter Ruddimans, for George Stewart and Alexander Symmer Undertakers, and sold by them and Gavin Hamilton Booksellers. MDCCXXXIV (McIntosh).
- SYMMER (ALEXANDER), bookseller and stationer in Edinburgh,
1720-50 (Bushnell p. 358).
In 1720 his shop was in the Parliament Close. See also under GORDON (WILLIAM) above.
The Duty and Advantage of Remembring our Creator in the Days of our Youth. A Sermon Preached at Edinburgh June 26th 1720, . . . by P.W. a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, Printed for Mr. Alexander Symmer, Bookseller in the Parliament-Closs, 1720 (McIntosh P.V. 4).
- *SYMMER (JOHN), bookseller (?) in Edinburgh (?) (no entry in Plomer). On 26th April 1709 Edinburgh University Library paid an account to John Symmer, Merchant (D. Book). Possibly related to Alexander Symmer (q.v. above).
- THOMSON (ALEXANDER), bookseller in Aberdeen (Bushnell pp.
Assuming that his identification with the A. Thomson in the following
157imprint is correct, twenty-two years are added to his known period of activity. Bushnell has 1751-55 (?).An Answer to a late Inquiry into the Powers of Ecclesiastics, &c. . . . London: Sold by T. Cadell, in the Strand: Balfour and Drummond, Edinburgh: and by Angus and Sons, and A. Thomson, Aberdeen. MDCCLXXVII (McIntosh).
- TRAILL (JOHN), bookseller and stationer in Edinburgh, 1732-74 (Bushnell pp. 360-1). "Messrs Davidson & Trail Bookrs Edinr" bought books from Ruddiman in 1736 (N.L.S. MS 762). No other Trail or Traill is recorded. The other partner could be either Alexander Davidson (Bushnell p. 297) or James Davidson (Bushnell p. 298). John Traill bought school books from Ruddiman in 1739, and in "Bills and Tickets owing to Mr Tho Ruddiman wt the Interest of some of them 13 Oct 1746" he is listed as owing £4 (N.L.S. MS 762).
- *TURNBULL (WILLIAM), bookseller (?) in Edinburgh (?) (no entry in Plomer). On 27th August 1694 Edinburgh University Library 'payed for these Books following to Wm Turnbull'. A list of thirteen books follows and Turnbull's signature to the receipt for 19 pounds Scots and sixteen-pence (D. Book).
- URIE (ROBERT), printer and bookseller in Glasgow (Bushnell p. 362). Was in business by 1741. See P. Gaskell, "The Early Work of the Foulis Press and the Wilson Foundry", second part, The Library, Fifth series, VII, (1952), 154.
- VALLANGE, VALLANCE (JOHN), bookseller in Edinburgh
(Plomer p. 296).
Plomer states that his name appears in several books "down to at least 1708". Two title-pages of 1711 and 1712 with his name are quoted below. In 1712 his shop was "forgainst the entry to Parliament Closs". Edinburgh University bought books from him in 1710 and 1711 (D. Book).
Josephus Redivivus, sive De Patriarchae Josephi Sorte Varia Tragico-Comœdia . . . Authore J. C. Scoto Brittanno V.D. Apud Glasguenses Ministro. Edinburgi. Excudebat Joan: Reid Junior, in Vico (Liberton's Wynd) dicto. Venales Prostant apud Joan: Vallange, Bibliopolam Edinburgensem; & Joan: Wilson, Bibliopolam Glasguensem. M. DCC.XI (McIntosh P.V. 4). Edinburgh's New Almanack, or a Prognostication For the Year of our Lord 1713. . . . By John Thomson, Philomathematicus. Edinburgh, Printed by John Moncur, and Sold at his Printing-House at the foot of the Bull Closs, forgainst the Trone, John Vallange's shop forgainst the entry to the Parliament Closs, and most Booksellers in Edinburgh at Three pence per peice [sic], with Her Majesty's Stamp. 1712 (McIntosh).
- WARDLAW (JAMES), bookseller in Edinburgh (Plomer p. 302). Was also a bookbinder, and was in business at least until 1711, ten years later than hitherto recorded. There is a considerable number of entries in E.U.L. D. Book relating to sums paid to him for binding books between 1695 and 1711.
- WEIR (ALEXANDER), printer and bookseller in Paisley (Bushnell
p. 364).
Was still in business in 1782, two years later than suggested by Bushnell.
The History of the Shire of Renfrew . . . By Mr G. Crawford and continued by Mr Wm Semple. Paisley: Printed and sold by Alex Weir, Bookseller, near the Cross, and by the Author. 1782 (McIntosh).
- WILLISON (DAVID), printer in Edinburgh c 1770-1813 (?) (Bushnell p. 366). See under DARLING (WILLIAM).
- WILSON (JOHN), bookbinder and stationer in Glasgow, 1692-1726 (Plomer p. 318; Bushnell p. 368). The title-page of Josephus Redivivus, quoted above under VALLANGE (JOHN), shows Wilson was also a bookseller.
- WILSON (JOHN), bookseller in Edinburgh (Bushnell p. 368).
Was in business in 1767, a year earlier than recorded hitherto, and the same book gives a date six years earlier for his Exchange premises. Bushnell (pp. 359, 366) refers to a firm of Wilson and Tenant (or Tennent). The second title-page quoted below gives Wilson, Robertson and Tennent. From the date, 1770, it would seem that the most likely partners are this John Wilson, Alexander Robertson (q.v. above) or John Robertson of Edinburgh (q.v. above), and John Tennent (Bushnell p. 359).
An Essay on the Nature of the Human Body . . . By a ruling Elder of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Printed by David Paterson, for John Wilson, Bookseller in the Exchange. MDCCLXVII. (McIntosh)
The Rebuffer rebuffed; or, a Vindication of the Remarks on the Second Part of Principles political and religious, and of several MS. Letters sent to the Reverend Mr. Sieveright, anno 1767 . . . Edinburgh: Printed and sold by Wilson Robertson & Tennent at their Printing House in Conn's Close, Cowgate. M.DCC.LXX (McIntosh P.V. 39 and P.V. 53. B.D.L. P viii 2).

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