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Notes On Contributors
JOSEPH M. CARRIÈRE, Professor of French at the University of Virginia, has taken as his specialty the study of Franco-American cultural relations, with emphasis on Jefferson's connection with France.
JESSIE RYON LUCKE is a graduate student in the School of English at the University of Virginia.
C. WILLIAM MILLER, who received his doctorate from the University of Virginia, is now Assistant Professor of English at Temple University. He is making a study of the Restoration publisher Henry Herringman.
GILES E. DAWSON is Curator of Books and Manuscripts at The Folger Shakespeare Library. For some time he has been writing a descriptive bibliography of Shakespeare in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
PHILIP WILLIAMS is a graduate student in the School of English at the University of Virginia. He is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the text of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida.
RUDOLF HIRSCH, Assistant Librarian in the Preparation Division of the Library of the University of Pennsylvania, is the author of various studies in publishing history.
JAMES G. MCMANAWAY, Consultant in Bibliography and Literature at The Folger Shakespeare Library, is a graduate of

GEORGE B. PACE is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Virginia. The present article is part of his project to reclassify the manuscripts of Chaucer's minor poems.
CURT F. BÜHLER, of The Pierpont Morgan Library, is well known through his numerous publications as an authority on incunabula.
GERALD J. EBERLE, Associate Professor of English Literature at Loyola University of the South, is working on an edition of Thomas Middleton's London comedies. His article is a revision of a paper delivered before the Bibliographical Evidence Section of the Modern Language Association of America in 1947.
ALLAN H. STEVENSON, Assistant Professor of English at the Illinois Institute of Technology, is interested in the history of the Werburgh Street Dublin theater and in Caroline printers and printing-house practice. He is editing a selection of the plays of James Shirley.
FILLMORE NORFLEET is head of the French Department at Woodberry Forest. He is the author of St. Mémin in Virginia.
GUY A. BATTLE is a graduate student at Duke University. He is completing a doctoral dissertation of an edition of Beaumont and Fletcher's Love's Cure.
JAMES S. STECK is a graduate student in the School of English at the University of Virginia.
GEORGE W. WILLIAMS is a graduate student in the School of English at the University of Virginia.
MARY VIRGINIA BOWMAN is a graduate student in the School of English at the University of Virginia.
FREDSON BOWERS, Associate Professor of English at the University of Virginia, is writing a descriptive bibliography of the post-Restoration English Drama 1660-1700.
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