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Page 37

letter 16


This is to acknowledge the reciept of a Copy of the Laws of the last Session of Congress, this Week, thro' the medium of the Post Office, under your Frank—as well as those of the first Session in the same manner about a year since; and also divers Acts of the first Congress, at preceeding periods—The making these Statutes more generally known in this district, which consists of an extensive Sea Coast, would be facilitated, if they were published in the Gazette of Maine—a Paper printed Weekly at Portland, in this district By Benjamin Titcomb Junr.—And it is submitted to the consideration of the Secretary, Whether such a measure would not be expedient—at least such, as are of general Concern, commen.g with the second Session of the 2.d Congress. —I understand that Henry Dearborn Esq.r the marshall of this district, is Elected a member of the House of of the next Congress—and has forwarded a resignation of his office of marshall. It is my desire that Capt. John Hobby of Portland may be brought to the recollection of the President, whenever the appointm.t of this officer shall come under consideration—As from my Acquaintance, I do not recollect, a more suitable Person, for that department in the district. —The Judicial Act makes provision for the acting of deputies, upon the Death of the Marshall, until a Successor is appointed[9] how far a resignation may be deemed to come under that species of Vacancy arising from Death, has not to my knowledge been determined. —In case m.r Dearborn has forwarded a Resignation, it will be convenient, to say the least, to have a Successor appointed, & Commissioned[10] by the next Session of the district Court, the Third Tuesday of June next.

I am, very respectfully
your obedient humb Servant
David Sewall
Mr Secretary Jefferson
[On the back, in Jefferson's hand: 'Sewall David. | York (Maine) May, 4, 93. | rec.d May 13. | John Hobby to be Marshal of Maine'.]


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