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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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George Best, The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher, ed.
V. Steffanson and E. McCaskill, 2 vols. (London, 1934). Jean
Bodin, Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (Lyons,
1583). Jerome Cardan, The Book of My Life, trans. J. Stoner
(London, 1931). Pierre Charron, Of Wisdome, trans. S.
Lennard (London, 1670). Richard Eden, The First Three
English Books on America,
ed. E. Arber (Birmingham, 1885).
John Foxe, Actes and Monuments, eds. S. R. Cattley and
G. Townsend, 8 vols. (London, 1843-49). William Gilbert,
De magnete (1600), trans. P. Fleury Mottelay as On the
(London, 1900). Fulke Greville, Works, ed. A. B.
Grosart (n.p., 1870). Francesco Guicciardini, The History
of Italy,
trans. A. P. Goddard, 10 vols. (London, 1753-56).
Gabriel Harvey, Letterbook, ed. E. J. L. Scott (London,
1884). Louis Le Roy, Considérations sur l'histoire universelle
(Paris, 1567); idem, Of the Interchangeable Course, or Vari-
ety of Things,
trans. R. Ashley (London, 1594). N.
Machiavelli, The Works, trans. E. Farneworth (London,
1762). M. de Montaigne, The Essays, trans. J. Zeitlin, 3 vols.
(New York, 1936). Ambrose Paré, Works, trans. T. Johnson
(London, 1678). Étienne Pasquier, Oeuvres, 2 vols.
(Amsterdam, 1723). Thomas Proctor, Of the Knowledge and
Conducte of Warres
(London, 1578). Giorgio Vasari, Lives,
trans. Mrs. J. Foster, 5 vols. (London, 1850-52). Amerigo
Vespucci, Mundus novus (1503), trans. G. N. Northrup
(Princeton, 1916).


[See also Ancients and Moderns; Chain of Being; Cycles;
Historiography; Nationalism; Perfectibility; Progress;Ren-
aissance Humanism
; Uniformitarianism; Wisdom of the