There is no monograph on the subject, but information
will be found in the following works. E. Pinard de la
Boullaye, L'étude comparée des religions, 2 vols. (Paris,
1948); S. G. F. Brandon, Dictionary of Comparative Religion
(London and New York, 1970); M. Eliade, Patterns in Com-
parative Religion (New York, 1958; also reprint); E. O.
James, Comparative Religion (London, 1938); L. H. Jordan,
Comparative Religion: Its Genesis and Growth (London,
1908); C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion (New Haven,
1958); G. S. Kirk and J. E. Raven, The Presocratic Philoso-
phers (Cambridge, 1960); G. van der Leeuw, La religion
(Paris, 1948); A. O. Lovejoy, “Religion and the Time-
Process,” American Journal of Theology, 6 (1902); A. de Waal
Malefijt, Religion and Culture (New York, 1968); F. M.
Müller, Chips from a German Workshop, 2 vols. (London,
1867); E. J. Sharpe, One Hundred Years of Comparative
Religion (London, 1972); J. Wach, The Comparative Study
of Religion (New York, 1958); A. N. Whitehead, Religion
in the Making (Cambridge, 1927).
For the consciousness of time, see S. G. F. Brandon,
History, Time, and Deity (Manchester and New York, 1965);
idem, Man and his Destiny in the Great Religions
(Manchester, 1963); see also “The Origin of Religion,”
Hibbert Journal, 57 (1959); “Time and the Destiny of Man,”
Voices of Time, ed. J. T. Fraser (New York, 1966).
[See also
Buddhism; Christianity in History; Death and
Immortality; Evolutionism;
God; Islamic Conception; Myth;
4">Religion, Ritual in; Sin and Salvation; Time.]