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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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M. Brasch, Die Philosophie der Gegenwart (Leipzig, 1888).
This volume includes the relevant material on M. Lazarus,
H. Steinthal, and W. Wundt. S. Brie, Der Volksgeist bei
Hegel und in der historischen Rechtsschule
(Berlin and
Leipzig, 1909). E. Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in
(London, 1790; several reprints available). R. G.
Collingwood, An Essay on Metaphysics (Oxford, 1940). O.
Gierke, “Die historische Rechtsschule und die German
isten,” Universitätsreden (Berlin, 1900-09). G. W. F. Hegel,
Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807), trans. J. B. Baillie as
Phenomenology of Mind (New York, 1964; also reprint);
idem, Encyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften
(1817); idem, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1818),
trans. T. M. Knox as Philosophy of Right (Oxford, 1942);
idem, Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte
(1821), trans. J. Sibree as Lectures on the Philosophy of
(New York, reissue 1956). M. Heidegger, “Die Zeit
des Weltbildes,” Holzwege (Frankfurt a. M., 1950). J. G. von
Herder, Sämtliche Werke, ed. B. Suphan (Berlin, 1877-1913),
esp. Vols. V, IX, XII, XIII, XIV, XVII, XVIII, passim. A.
Herzen, From the Other Shore, trans. Moura Budberg
(London and New York, 1956). R. Hildebrand, Geist (Halle
a. Saale, 1926). D. Hume, Essays, Moral, Political, and
ed. T. H. Green, 2 vols. (London, 1875; London
and New York, 1963). K. Jaspers, Die geistige Situation der
(Berlin, 1932), trans. Eden and Cedar Paul as Man in
the Modern Age
(London, 1933); Vom Ursprung und Ziel
der Geschichte
(Zurich, 1949), trans. M. Bullock as Origin
and Goal of History
(New Haven, 1968). H. Kantorowicz,
“Savigny and the Historical School of Law,” Law Quarterly
53 (1937), 326ff. F. List, National System of Political
trans. G. A. Matile (Philadelphia, 1856). K.
Löwith, Von Hegel bis Nietzsche (Zurich, 1941), trans. as
From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Revolution in Nineteenth
Century Thought
(New York, 1964). M. de Montesquieu,
L'Esprit des lois (Geneva, 1748). F. C. von Moser, Von dem
deutschen national-Geist
(location uncertain, 1765?). J.-P.
Sartre, Critique de la raison dialectique (Paris, 1960). F. C.
von Savigny, Vom Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung und
(Heidelberg, 1814). Philip Schaff,
America, A Sketch of Its Political, Social, and Religious
ed. P. Miller (Cambridge, Mass., 1961). Friedrich
Schiller, Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen
(1795), trans. R. Snell as On the Aesthetic Education of Man
(New York, 1965). G. Vico, Scienza nuova (1725), trans. Max
H. Fisch and Thoman S. Bergin as The New Science of
Giambattista Vico
(Ithaca, 1944; 1968). F. M. A. de Voltaire,
Essai sur les moeurs et l'esprit des nations (1756); Diction-
naire philosophique
(1764), esp. “Esprit”; trans. Peter Gay
as Philosophical Dictionary (New York, 1967). A. N. White-
head, Science and the Modern World (London and New York,
1925). Walt Whitman, Complete Prose Works (Boston, 1898);
idem, Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose, ed. S. Bradley
(New York, 1960).


[See also Environment; Language; Law, Ancient Roman;
Nationalism; Romanticism; State; Zeitgeist.]