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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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In addition to the classic authors (ancient and modern),
the following special works cited in the text may be con-
sulted for details: Giovanni B. Antonelli, Sulla teoria mate-
matica della economia politica
(1866; Milan, 1952); M.
Friedman and L. J. Savage, “The Utility Analysis of Choices
Involving Risk,” Journal of Political Economy, 56 (1948),
279-304; Ferdinando Galiani, Della moneta (1750; Bari,
1915); Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1936), “The Pure The-
ory of Consumer's Behavior,” reprinted in Nicholas
Georgescu-Roegen, Analytical Economics: Issues and Prob-
(Cambridge, Mass., 1966), pp. 133-70; idem, “Choice,
Expectations, and Measurability” (1954a), reprinted ibid.,
pp. 184-215, from the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 68
(1954), 503-34; idem, “Choice and Revealed Preference”
(1954b), reprinted ibid., pp. 216-27, from Southern Eco-
nomic Journal,
21 (1954), 119-30; Hendrik S. Houthakker,
“Revealed Preference and the Utility Function,” Eco-
N.S., 17 (1950), 159-74; John Law, Money and Trade
Considered with a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with
(1705), reprinted in Oeuvres complètes, 3 vols. (Paris,
1934) I, 4; William F. Lloyd, “A Lecture on the Notion
of Value as Distinguishable Not Only From Utility But Also
From Value in Exchange” (1833), Economic History, 1
(1927), 170-83; Alfred Marshall, The Pure Theory of Domes-
tic Value
(1879), Reprints of Scarce Tracts in Economics
and Political Science, No. 1 (London, 1930); Oskar
Morgenstern and John von Neumann, Theory of Games and
Economic Behavior
(New York, 1944); Vilfredo Pareto,
Manuel d'économie politique (Paris, 1909), an expanded
version of his Manuale di economia politica (Milan), pub-
lished in 1905 but dated 1906; Frank P. Ramsey, The Foun-
dations of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays
(1926; New
York, 1950); Paul A. Samuelson, “A Note on Pure Theory
of Consumer's Behavior,” Economica, N.S., 5 (1938), 61-71
and 353-54; Jean Ville, “The Existence-conditions of a Total
Utility Function” (1946), Review of Economic Studies, 19
(1951-52), 123-28.

General surveys of the technical aspects of the problem
of utility are: Kenneth J. Arrow, “Utilities, Attitudes,
Choices: A Review Article,” Econometrica, 26 (1958), 1-23;
John S. Chipman, “The Foundations of Utility,” Economet-
28 (1960), 193-224; Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen,
“Utility,” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,
17 vols. (New York, 1968), 16, 236-67 (it includes a substan-
tial bibliography); George J. Stigler, “The Development of
Utility Theory” (1950), reprinted in J. J. Spengler and
W. R. Allen, eds., Essays in Economic Thought: Aristotle to
(Chicago, 1960), 606-55, from Journal of Political
18 (1950), 307-27, 373-96.


[See also Economic History; Economic Theory of Natural
Liberty; Happiness and Pleasure; Social Welfare; Util-