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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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A bibliography is included in T. R. Henn, The Harvest
of Tragedy
(London, 1956), pp. 295-98, and in W. Kerr,
Tragedy and Comedy (New York, 1967), pp. 343-50. R. B.
Sewall, The Vision of Tragedy (New Haven, 1959), pp. 148f.
includes other listings. In addition see the following: W.
Arrowsmith, “The Criticism of Greek Tragedy,” Tulane
Drama Review,
3 (1957), 31-57. E. G. Ballard, Art and
(The Hague, 1957), pp. 154-84. J. L. Duchemin,
L'AΤΩN dns la tragédie grecque (Paris, 1945). M. Esslin,
The Theater of the Absurd (New York, 1961). W. C. Greene,
Moira: Fate, Good and Evil in Greek Thought (Cambridge,
Mass., 1944). K. Jaspers, Tragedy is not Enough, trans.
H. A. Reiche, T. Moore, and W. H. Deutsch (Boston, 1952).
J. W. Krutch, The Modern Temper (New York and London,
1930). A. C. Mahr, Origin of the Greek Tragic Form (New
York, 1938). O. Mandel, A Definition of Tragedy (New York,
1961). G. Nebel, Weltangst und Götterzorn, eine Deutung
der Griechischen Tragödie
(Stuttgart, 1957). Friedrich
Nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der
(1872), trans. from 1886 ed. as The Birth of Tragedy
(1910), several versions. Anne and H. Paolucci, eds., Hegel
on Tragedy
(New York, 1962). M. Peckham, Beyond the
Tragic Vision
(New York, 1962). D. D. Raphael, The Paradox
of Tragedy
(Bloomington, Ind., 1960). P. Ricoeur, The
Symbolism of Evil,
trans. E. Buchanan (New York, 1967),
pp. 218-31. M. Scheler, “Zum Phaenomen des Tragischen,”
Vom Umsturz des Werte; Abhandlungen und Aufsätze, 4th
ed. (Bern, 1955). K. A. Telford, Aristotle's Poetics (Chicago,
1965), trans. and analysis. R. Wellek, A History of Modern
Vols. I and II (New Haven and London, 1955),
Vols. III and IV (1965).


[See also Catharsis; Dualism; Empathy; Evil; Irony;
Mimesis; Necessity;