The major classical texts are: T. Hobbes, Leviathan
(London, 1962); B. Spinoza, Tractatus theologico-politicus
(1670); S. Pufendorf, De jus naturae et gentium (Of the Law
of Nature and of Nations), trans. Basil Kennett (London,
1729); J. Locke, Two Treatises of Government (Cambridge,
1962); D. Hume, Theory of Politics, ed. F. Watkins (London,
1951); T. Paine, The Rights of Man (London, 1958). J. J.
Rousseau, The Social Contract, trans. and Introduction
Maurice Cranston (Harmondsworth, 1968).
The secondary material includes: F. Atger, Essai sur
l'histoire des doctrines du Contrat Social (Nêmes, 1906);
C. E. Vaughan, Studies in the History of Political Philosophy
before and after Rousseau, 2 vols. (Manchester, 1925); idem,
The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, 2 vols.
(Cambridge, 1915; Oxford, 1962); O. Gierke, The Develop-
ment of Political Theory (London, 1939); E. Barker, Social
Contract (London and New York, 1948); J. W. Gough, The
Social Contract (Oxford, 1963); M. Levin, “Uses of the Social
Contract Method: Vaughan's Interpretation of Rousseau,”
Journal of the History of Ideas, 28, 4 (October-December,
1967). For Clarke, see his Papers, ed. C. H. Firth, Vol. I,
Camden Society, N.S. 19 (1891), 301.
[See also
Balance of Power; Conservatism; Democracy;
General Will; Law, Ancient Greek, Ancient
Roman; Liberalism; Nature; Primitivism; Progress;
lution; State; Stoicism; Totalitarianism; Utopia.]