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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Don Cameron Allen, Doubt's Boundless Sea: Skepticism
and Faith in the Renaissance
(Baltimore, 1964). Samuel
Atlas, From Critical to Speculative Idealism: The Philosophy
of Salomon Maimon
(The Hague, 1964). Christian
Bartholmèse, Huet, évêque d'Avranches, ou le scepticisme
(Paris, 1850). George Boas, Dominant Themes
of Modern Philosophy
(New York, 1957). Tullio Gregory,
Scetticismo ed empirismo: Studio su Gassendi (Bari, 1961).
Marcellino Menendez Pelayo, Obras completas, Vol. XLIII,
Ensayos de critica filosofica (Santander, 1948), Ch. 2, “De
los origenes del criticismo y del escepticismo y especial-
mente de los precursores españoles de Kant,” pp. 117-216.
Arne Naess, Skepticism (New York, 1969), contains an ex-
tensive bibliography. Charles G. Nauert, Agrippa and the
Crisis of Renaissance Thought
(Urbana, 1955). John Owen,
Evening With the Skeptics (London, 1881); idem, The Skep-
tics of the French Renaissance
(London and New York, 1893).
Richard H. Popkin, “David Hume: His Pyrrhonism and His
Critique of Pyrrhonism,” Philosophical Quarterly, 1
(1950-51), 385-407; idem, The History of Scepticism From
Erasmus to Descartes
(Assen, Netherlands, 1960; New York,
1964, 1968). Contains lengthy bibliography on skepticism
from 1500 to 1650; idem, “Scepticism in the Enlighten-
ment,” in T. Bestermann, ed., Studies on Voltaire and the
18th Century,
Vol. XXVI (Geneva, 1963), pp. 1321-45; idem,
“The High Road to Pyrrhonism,” American Philosophical
2 (1965), 1-15; idem, “Scepticism, Theology and
the Scientific Revolution in the Seventeenth Century,”
Problems in the Philosophy of Science, ed. Lakatos and
Musgrave, Vol. III (Amsterdam 1968), 1-39. Karl Popper,
Conjectures and Refutations, 2nd ed. (New York, 1968).
George Santayana, Scepticism and Animal Faith (New York,
1923; reprint 1955). Charles B. Schmitt, Gianfrancesco Pico
della Mirandola
(The Hague, 1967). Henry G. Van Leeuwen,
The Problem of Certainty in English Thought 1630-1690
(The Hague, 1963). Richard A. Watson, The Downfall of
(The Hague, 1966).


[See also Agnosticism; Authority; Certainty; Faith; Irra-
tionalism; Machiavellism; Positivism; Probability;Refor-
mation; 1">Relativism;Renaissance Humanism.]