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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
[Clear Hits]


Works on jurisprudence, political theory, social philoso-
phy, and those of particular authors mentioned contain
discussions of justice. Of special interest are the following,
most of which also contain references or bibliographies.

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, and Plato, Republic, and
their other works, any edition. E. K. Allen, Aspects of Justice
(London, 1958). O. A. Bird, The Idea of Justice (New York,
1967). E. Bodenheimer, Jurisprudence (New York, 1940), p.
47. A. Brecht, Political Theory (Princeton, N.J., 1959), pp.
136, 155. E. N. Cahn, The Sense of Injustice (New York,
1940). H. Cairns, Legal Philosophy from Plato to Hegel
(Baltimore, 1949), p. 551. T. N. Carver, Essays in Social
(Cambridge, Mass., 1932). L. Duguit, Law in the
Modern State,
trans. F. and H. Laski (New York, 1919). D. E.
Emmet, “Justice and Equality,” Philosophy, 14 (1939),
46-58. E. N. Garlan, Legal Realism and Justice (New York,
1941). D. R. Hillers, Covenant: The History of a Biblical
(Baltimore, 1969). L. T. Hobhouse, Elements of Social
(London, 1922). R. Jaffe, “The Pragmatic Conception
of Justice,” Univ. of California Publications in Philosophy,
34 (Berkeley, 1960). W. Kaufmann, “The Origin of Justice,”
Review of Metaphysics, 23 (1969), 209-39. H. Kelsen, What
is Justice?
(Berkeley, 1957). H. D. F. Kitto, The Greeks, rev.
ed. (New York, 1957; reprint, 1965), p. 176. J. H. Muirhead,
The Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy (London,
1931). H. J. Muller, trilogy of Freedom in the Ancient World
(1961); Western World (1963); and Modern World (New York,
1966). F. A. Olfason, ed., Justice and Social Policy (Engle-
wood Cliffs, N.J., 1961). C. Perelman, The Idea of Justice
and the Problem of Argument,
trans. J. Petrie (London,
1963); idem, Justice (New York, 1967). Plato, Republic, trans.
B. Jowett, 3rd ed. (Oxford, 1888; New York, 1901). H. Potter,
The Quest for Justice (London, 1951). R. Pound, “Social
Justice and Legal Justice,” Century Law Journal, 75 (1912),
455-63. J. H. Randall, Jr., “Plato's Treatment of the Theme
of the Good Life...,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
28 (1967), 307, 319. A. Ross, On Law and Justice (London,
1958). H. Spencer, Justice (New York, 1891). R. Stammler,
“The Idea of Justice,” Univ. of Pennsylvania Law Review,
71 (1923), 303-17; idem, The Theory of Justice, trans. I.
Husik (New York, 1925), pp. 89f. F. M. Stawell, “The Mod-
ern Conception of Justice,” International Journal of Ethics,
19 (1908), 44-60. J. Stone, The Province and Function of
(Cambridge, Mass., 1950); idem, Human Law and
Human Justice
(Stanford, 1965). G. del Vecchio, Justice,
trans. Lady Guthrie, ed. A. H. Campbell (New York, 1953).
A. Verdross, Abendländische Rechtsphilosophie (Vienna,
1958). J. H. Wigmore, A Panorama of the World's Legal
3 vols. (St. Paul, Minn., 1928). E. Zeller, Outlines
of the History of Greek Philosophy,
trans. L. R. Palmer, 13th
ed., rev. (London, 1931; reprints, 1948, 1955).


[See also Equity; Law, Ancient Greek, Due Process, Equal
Protection, Natural
; Platonism; Pre-Platonic Conceptions.]