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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Y. Arieli, Individualism and Nationalism in American
(Cambridge, Mass., 1964). I. Berlin, Two Concepts
of Liberty
(Oxford, 1958). G. Burckhardt, Was ist Individ-
(Leipzig, 1913). H. Dietzel, “Individualismus,”
handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 4th rev. ed.
(Jena, 1923), V, 408-24. L. Dumont, “The Modern Concep-
tion of the Individual: Notes on its Genesis and that of


Concomitant Institutions,” Contributions to Indian Sociol-
8 (1965), 13-61. O. Gierke, Das deutsche Genossen-
(Berlin, 1913) IV, §§14-18, trans. E. Barker as Natural
Law and the Theory of Society: 1500 to 1800,
2 vols.
(Cambridge, 1934). M. Ginsberg, “The Individual and Soci-
ety,” International Social Science Bulletin, 6 (1954), 146-54,
repr. in M. Ginsberg, On the Diversity of Morals (London,
1956). F. A. Hayek, Individualism: True and False (Dublin
and Oxford, 1946), repr. as Ch. I of F. A. Hayek, Individ-
ualism and Economic Order
(London, 1949). R. Koebner,
“Zur Begriffsbildung der Kulturgeschichte, II: Zur Ge-
schichte des Begriffs 'Individualismus' (Jacob Burckhardt,
Wilhelm von Humboldt und die französische Soziologie),”
historische Zeitschrift, 149 (1934), 253-93. F. Koehler,
Wesen und Bedeutung des Individualismus, Eine Studie
(Munich, 1922). A. D. Lindsay, “Individualism,” Encyclo-
pedia of the Social Sciences
(New York, 1930-35), VII,
674-80. S. Lukes, “Methodological Individualism Recon-
sidered,” British Journal of Sociology, 19 (1968), 119-29;
idem, “The Meanings of 'Individualism,'” Journal of the
History of Ideas,
32 (1971), 45-66. C. B. Macpherson, The
Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to
(Oxford, 1962). M. Mauss, “Une catégorie de l'esprit
humaine: la notion de personne, celle de 'Moi,' un plan
de travail,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute,
68 (1938), 263-81, repub. in M. Mauss, Sociologie et anthro-
intro. C. Lévi-Strauss (Paris, 1950), Part V. L.
Moulin, “On the Evolution of the Meaning of the Word
'Individualism,'” International Social Science Bulletin, 7
(1955), 181-85. R. R. Palmer, “Man and Citizen: Appli-
cations of Individualism in the French Revolution,” Essays
in Political Theory presented to G. H. Sabine
(Ithaca, 1948).
H. M. Robertson, Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individ-
(Cambridge, 1933). A. Schatz, L'individualisme
économique et sociale
(Paris, 1907). G. Simmel, Grundfragen
der Soziologie
(Individuum und Gesellschaft) (Berlin and
Leipzig, 1917), Ch. IV: “Individuum und Gesellschaft in
Lebensanschauungen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts (Beispiel
der Philosophischen Soziologie),” in The Sociology of Georg
trans. and ed. K. H. Wolff (Glencoe, Ill., 1950), pp.
58-84. K. W. Swart, “'Individualism' in the Mid-Nineteenth
Century (1826-1860),” Journal of the History of Ideas, 23
(1962), 77-90. R. H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of
(London, 1926), esp. Ch. III, III: “The Growth
of Individualism.” W. Ullmann, The Individual and Society
in the Middle Ages
(Baltimore, 1966; London, 1967). I. Watt,
The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and
(London, 1957), esp. Ch. III: “Robinson Crusoe,
Individualism and the Novel.” M. Weber, Dieprotestant-
ische Ethik und der “Geist” des Kapitalismus
in Archiv für
Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik,
20-21 (1904-05), trans.
T. Parsons as The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capital-
(London, 1930), esp. Part II, Ch. IV(A).

The author provided the translations of Tocqueville,
Schleiermacher, Constant, and Diderot.


[See also Anarchism; Authority; Economic History; Genius;
Progress; Reformation; Renaissance Humanism;
Socialism; Universal Man.]