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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
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Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm, “Time in the Quantum Theory
and the Uncertainty Relation for Time and Energy,” Physi-
cal Review,
122 (1961), 1649-58; idem, “Answer to Fock
Concerning the Time Energy Indeterminacy Relation,”
Physical Review, 134 (1964), B 1417-18. G. R. Allcock, “The
Time of Arrival in Quantum Mechanics,” Annals of Physics,
53 (1969), 253-85, 286-310, 311-48. Archive for the History
of Quantum Physics
(Philadelphia, Berkeley, Copenhagen,
1961-64). E. Arthurs and J. L. Kelly, “On the Simultaneous
Measurement of a Pair of Conjugate Observables,” The Bell
System Technical Journal,
44 (1965), 725-29. N. Bohr, “Can
Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be
Considered Complete?,” Physical Review, 48 (1935),
696-702; idem, “Discussion with Einstein,” in Albert Ein-
stein: Philosopher-Scientist,
ed. P. A. Schilpp (Evanston, Ill.,
1949), pp. 199-241. L. Boltzmann, Lectures on Gas Theory
(1895), trans. Stephen G. Brush (Berkeley, 1964). M. Born,
“Continuity, Determinism and Reality,” Kgl. Danske
Videnskarb. Selskab. Math.-Fys. Medd.,
30 (1955a), 1-26;
idem, “Ist die klassische Mechanik tatsächlich determin-
istisch?” Physikalische Blätter, 11 (1955b), 49-54. E.
Boutroux, De la contingence des lois de la nature (Paris,
1874). L. Brillouin, Science and Information Theory (New
York, 1956; 1962); idem, Scientific Uncertainty and Infor-
(New York, 1964). E. Cassirer, Determinism and
Indeterminism in Modern Physcis,
trans. O. T. Benfey (1936,
1937; New Haven, 1956). Z. Chyliński, “Uncertainty Rela-
tion between Time and Energy,” Acta Physica Polonica, 28
(1965), 631-38. A. A. Cournot, Essai sur les fondements de
nos connaisances
(Paris, 1851); idem, Traité de l'enchaîne-
ment des idées fondamentales dans les sciences et dans
(Paris, 1861). C. G. Darwin, “Critique of the
Foundations of Physics,” unpublished (1919); manuscript in
the Library of the American Philosophical Society, Phila-
delphia, Pa. G. F. Dear, “Determinism in Classical Physics,”
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 11 (1961),
289-304. A. S. Eddington, “The Decline of Determinism,”
Mathematical Gazette, 16 (1932), 66-80. A. Einstein, B.
Podolsky, and N. Rosen, “Can Quantum-mechanical De-
scription of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?”
Physical Review, 47 (1935), 777-80. F. Engelmann and E.
Fick, “Die Zeit in der Quantenmechanik,” Il Nuovo Cimento
(Suppl.), 12 (1959), 63-72; idem, “Quantentheorie der
Zeitmessung,” Zeitschrift für Physik, 175 (1964), 271-82. F.
Exner, Vorlesungen über die physikalischen Grundlagen der
(Vienna, 1919), pp. 705-06. V. A. Fock,
“Criticism of an Attempt to Disprove the Uncertainty Re-
lation between Time and Energy,” Soviet Physics JETP, 15
(1962), 784-86; idem, “More about the Energy-time Uncer-
tainty Relation,” Soviet Physics Uspekhi, 8 (1965), 628-29.
P. Friedländer, Plato: An Introduction (New York, 1958), p.
251. A. Grünbaum, “Determinism in the Light of Recent
Physics,” The Journal of Philosophy, 54 (1957), 713-27. O.
Halpern, “On the Einstein-Bohr Ideal Experiment,” Acta
Physica Austriaca,
24 (1966), 274-79; idem, “On the
Einstein-Bohr Ideal Experiment, II, ibid., 28 (1968), 356-58.
W. Heisenberg, “Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der
quanten-theoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik,” Zeit-
schrift für Physik,
43 (1927), 172-98. W. Hoering, “Indeter-
minism in Classical Physics,” British Journal for the Philoso-
phy of Science,
20 (1969), 247-55. D. H. Holze and W. T.
Scott, “The Consequences of Measurement in Quantum
Mechanics. II. A Detailed Position Measurement Thought
Experiment,” Annals of Physics, 47 (1968), 489-515. M.
Jammer, The Conceptual Development of Quantum Me-
(New York, 1966); idem, The Interpretations of
Quantum Mechanics
(New York, 1972). N. S. Krylov and
V. A. Fock, “On the Uncertainty Relation between Time
and Energy,” Journal of Physics (USSR), 11 (1947), 112-20.
P. S. Kudrjawzew, “Aus der Geschichte der Unschärferela-
tion,” NTM: Schriftenreihe für Geschichte der Naturwis-
senschaften, Technik und Medizin,
2 (1965), 20-22. L. D.
Landau and E. M. Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics (Reading,
Mass., 1958). L. D. Landau and R. Peierls, “Erweiterung
des Unbestimmtheitsprinzips für die relativistische Quan-
tentheorie,” Zeitschrift für Physik, 69 (1931), 56-69. M. von
Laue, “Zu den Erörterungen über Kausalität,” DieNatur-
20 (1932), 915-16; idem, “Ist die klassische
Physik wirklich deterministisch?,” Physikalische Blätter, 11
(1955), 269-70. A. Maier, DieVorläufer Galileis im 14.
(Rome, 1949), pp. 219-50. L. I. Mandelstam
and I. Tamm, “The Uncertainty Relation between Energy
and Time in Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics,” Journal
of Physics
(USSR), 9 (1945), 249-54. H. Margenau, “Critical
Points in Modern Physical Theory,” Philosophy of Science,
4 (1937), 337-70; idem, The Nature of Physical Reality (New
York, 1950), pp. 375-77. H. Margenau and L. Cohen, “Prob-
abilities in Quantum Mechanics,” in Quantum Theory and
ed. M. Bunge (New York, 1967), pp. 71-89. H.
Margenau and R. N. Hill, “Correlation between Measure-
ments in Quantum Theory,” Progress of Theoretical Physics,
26 (1961), 722-38. J. L. Park and H. Margenau, “Simulta-
neous Measurement in Quantum Theory,” International
Journal of Theoretical Physics,
1 (1968), 211-83. H. Paul,
“Über quantenmechanische Zeitoperatoren,” Annalen der
9 (1962), 252-61. W. Pauli, “Die allgemeinen
Prinzipien der Wellenmechanik,” in handbuch der Physik,
ed. H. Geiger and K. Scheel (Berlin, 1930), Vol. 24. C. S.
Peirce, Collected Papers, 8 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1935),
Vol. 6, paragraph 46. Henri Poincaré, Dernières pensées
(Paris, 1913). K. R. Popper, “Zur Kritik der Ungenauigkeits-
relationen,” DieNaturwissenschaften, 22 (1934), 807-08;
idem, Logik der Forschung (Vienna, 1935), p. 184; The Logic
of Scientific Discovery
(New York, 1959), p. 249; idem,


“Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical
Physics,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1
(1950), 117-33, 173-95. E. Prugovečki, “On a Theory of
Measurement of Incompatible Observables in Quantum
Mechanics,” Canadian Journal of Physics, 45 (1967),
2173-2219. Ch. Renouvier, Les principes de la nature (Paris,
1864). D. M. Rosenbaum, “Super Hilbert Space and the
Quantum Mechanical Time Operator,” Journal of Mathe-
matical Physics,
10 (1969), 1127-44. L. I. Schiff, Quantum
(New York, 1968), pp. 7-14. M. Schlick, “Die
Kausalität in der gegenwärtigen Physik,” DieNaturwissen-
19 (1931), 145-62. W. T. Scott, “The Consequences
of Measurement in Quantum Mechanics; I. An Idealized
Trajectory Determination,” Annals of Physics, 46 (1968),
577-92. E. Schrödinger, “Zum Heisenbergschen Unschärfe-
prinzip,” Berliner Sitzungsberichte (1930), pp. 296-303;
idem, Uber Indeterminismus in der Physik—2 Vortäge
(Leipzig, 1932). C. Y. She and H. Heffner, “Simultaneous
Measurement of Noncommuting Observables,” Physical
152 (1966), 1103-10. H. Weiss, Kausalität und
Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles
(Basel, 1942).


[See also Atomism; Causation; Determinism; Entropy;