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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
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The most comprehensive view of Italian humanism with
which the author agrees on most points may be found (with
excellent bibliographies) in P. O. Kristeller, Studies in
Renaissance Thought and Letters
(Rome, 1956; reprint
1969); idem, Renaissance Thought, 2 vols. (New York,

Other major studies are: F. Chabod, Machiavelli and the
(London, 1958). W. F. Ferguson, The Renais-
sance in Historical Thought
(Boston, 1948). E. Garin,
L'umanesimo italiano, 2nd ed. (Bari, 1965), trans. P. Munz
as Italian Humanism (Oxford, 1967). F. Gilbert, Niccolò
Machiavelli e la vita culturale del suo tempo
(Bologna, 1964).
B. L. Ullman, Studies in the Italian Renaissance (Rome,

All discussions of Italian Renaissance humanism still have
to start with two nineteenth-century works: J. Burckhardt,
DieKultur der Renaissance in Italien, 2nd ed. (Basel, 1869);
critical edition by W. Kaegi (Berlin and Leipzig, 1930);
several English editions; and G. Voight, DieWiederbelebung
des classischen Alterthums oder das erste Jahrhundert des
3rd ed. by M. Lehnerdt, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1893;
reprint 1960).

Other relevant works include: H. Baron, The Crisis of
the Early Italian Renaissance,
rev. ed. (Princeton, 1966);
idem, Humanistic and Political Literature in Florence and
Venice at the Beginning of the Quattrocento
... (Cambridge,
Mass., 1955; reprint New York, 1968); idem, From Petrarch
to Leonardo Bruni
(Chicago and London, 1968). G. Billano-
vich, Petrarca letterato, Vol. I (Rome, 1947). M. F. Bukofzer,
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music (New York,
1950). K. Burdach, Vom Mittelalter zur Reformation, 9 vols.
(Berlin 1912-39); idem, Reformation, Renaissance, Human-
2nd ed. (Berlin and Leipzig, 1926; reprint Darmstadt,
1963). G. Cammelli, I dotti bizantini e le origini dell'umane-
3 vols. (Florence, 1941-54). A. Campana, “The Origin
of the Word 'Humanist',” Journal of the Warburg and
Courtauld Institutes,
9 (1946), 60-73. E. Cassirer, P. O.
Kristeller, J. H. Randall, Jr., eds., The Renaissance Philoso-
phy of Man
(Chicago, 1948). E. Cassirer, Individuum und
Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance
(Leipzig and
Berlin, 1927), trans. M. Domandi as The Individual and the
Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy
(New York, 1964). A.
Chastel, Art et humanisme à Florence au temps de Laurent
le Magnifique
(Paris, 1959). C. Dionisotti, Gli umanisti e
il volgare fra Quattro e Cinquencento
(Florence, 1968). P.
Duhem, Études sur Léonard de Vinci, 3 vols. (Paris,
1906-13). E. Garin, la cultura filosofica del Rinascimento
(Florence, 1961). D. J. Geanakoplos, Greek Scholars
in Venice
(Cambridge, Mass., 1962). F. Gilbert, “The
Renaissance Interest in History,” Art, Science and History
in the Renaissance,
ed. C. S. Singleton (Baltimore, 1968),
pp. 373-87; idem, Machiavelli and Guicciardini (Princeton,
1965). M. P. Gilmore, Humanists and Jurists (Cambridge,
Mass., 1963). E. H. Harbison, The Christian Scholar in the
Age of the Reformation
(New York, 1956). C. H. Haskins,
The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century (Cambridge, Mass.,
1927). H. Haydn, The Counter-Renaissance (New York,
1950). P. Herde, “Politik und Rhetorik in Florenz am
Vorabend der Renaissance,” Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 47
(1965), 141-220. A. Hyma, The Christian Renaissance (New
York, 1924). G. Kisch, humanismus und Jurisprudenz (Basel,
1955). A. Koyré, Études Galiléennes, 3 vols. (Paris, 1939).
P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum: A Finding List of Uncata-
logued or Incompletely Catalogued Humanistic Manuscripts
of the Renaissance in Italian and other Libraries,
2 vols.
(London and Leyden, 1963-67; to be completed); idem,
Renaissance Philosophy and the Medieval Tradition (Latrobe,
Pa., 1966); idem, “The European Diffusion of Italian
Humanism,” Italica, 39 (1962), 1-26; is also found in
Renaissance Thought, Vol. II (New York, 1965; also reprint);
idem, Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance (Stan-
ford, 1964). S. Kuttner, Harmony from Dissonance: An
Interpretation of Medieval Canon Law
(Latrobe, Pa., 1956).
D. Maffei, Gli inizi dell'umanesimo giuridico (Milan, 1956).
A. Maier, DieVorläufer Galileis im 14. Jahrhundert (Rome,
1949); idem, An der Grenze von Scholastik und Naturwis-
2nd ed. (Rome, 1952). L. Martines, The Social


World of the Florentine Humanists, 1390-1460 (Princeton,
1963). B. Migliorini, Storia della lingua italiana, 2nd ed.
(Florence, 1960). E. Panofsky, Renaissance and Renascences
in Western Art
(Uppsala, 1965). A. Pertusi, Storiografia
umanista e mondo bizantino
(Palermo, 1967). J. H. Randall,
The School of Padua and the Emergence of Modern Science
(Padua, 1961). G. Reese, Music in the Renaissance, rev. ed.
(New York, 1959). V. Rossi, Il Quattrocento, 5th ed. (Milan,
1953). R. Sabbadini, le scoperte dei codici latini e greci nei
secoli XIV e XV,
2 vols. (Florence, 1905-14). F. Saxl, Lec-
2 vols. (London, 1957). E. Seidlmayer, Wege und
Wandlungen des Humanismus
(Göttingen, 1965). J. E.
Seigel, Rhetoric and Philosophy in Renaissance Humanism:
... (Princeton, 1968). K. M. Setton, “The Byzantine Back-
ground to the Italian Renaissance,” Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society,
100 (1956), 1-76. J. Seznec,
The Survival of the Pagan Gods, trans. B. F. Sessions (New
York, 1953). M. Tafuri, L'architettura dell'umanesimo (Bari,
1969). L. Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental
8 vols. (New York, 1923-58). G. Toffanin, Storia
3 vols. (Bologna, 1950); idem, la religione
degli umanisti
(Bologna, 1950). C. Trinkaus, “Humanism,”
in Encyclopedia of World Art (New York, 1959-64); idem,
In Our Image and Likeness: Humanity and Divinity in
Italian Humanist Thought,
2 vols. (London, 1970). B. L.
Ullman, The Origin and Development of Humanistic Script
(Rome, 1960). A. von Martin, Sociology of the Renaissance
(London, 1944; reprint New York, 1963). D. P. Walker, Der
musikalische Humanismus
(Kassel and Basel, 1949). A.
Warburg, Gesammelte Schriften, ed. G. Bing, 2 vols.
(Leipzig, 1932). B. Weinberg, A History of Literary Criticism
in the Italian Renaissance,
2 vols. (Chicago, 1961). R. Weiss,
The Dawn of Humanism in Italy (London, 1947); idem, Il
primo secolo dell'umanesimo, Studi e Testi
(Rome, 1949);
idem, The Spread of Italian Humanism (London, 1964);
The Renaissance Discovery of Classical Antiquity (Oxford,
1969). E. H. Wilkins, Studies in the Life and Works of
(Cambridge, Mass., 1955); idem, Life of Petrarch
(Chicago, 1961). E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renais-
(New Haven, 1958). R. Wittkower, Architectural Prin-
ciples in the Age of Humanism
(London, 1952).


[See also Classicism in Literature; Cosmology; Myth;
Periodization; Platonism; Renaissance Humanism; Ren-
aissance Literature;
Universal Man; Virtù.]