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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
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Hermann Abert, DieMusikanschauung des Mittelalters
(Halle, 1905). Rudolf Allers, “Microcosmus: From Anaxi-
mandrus to Paracelsus,” Traditio, 2 (1944), 319-407. A. H.
Armstrong, The Architecture of the Intelligible Universe in
the Philosophy of Plotinus
(Cambridge, 1940). J. B. Bambor-
ough, The Little World of Man (London, 1952). W. H. Bar-
ber, Leibniz in France... (Oxford, 1955), Part III. Otto
Benesch, The Art of the Renaissance in Northern Europe
(Cambridge, Mass., 1945), esp. Ch. III. Theodore Besterman,
Voltaire Essays (London, 1962), Ch. III. William J.
Bouwsma, Concordia mundi (Cambridge, Mass., 1957), esp.
Ch. IV. Richard A. Brooks, Voltaire and Leibniz (Geneva,
1964). Edwin A. Burtt, The Metaphysical Foundations of
Modern Physical Science
(London, 1925). Lily B. Campbell,
Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion (Cambridge,
1930), esp. Ch. V. Ernst Cassirer, The Individual and the
Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy,
trans. M. Domandi (New
York, 1963), esp. Chs. I-II. Albert R. Cirillo, “Giulio Camil-
lo's Idea of the Theater: The Enigma of the Renaissance,”
Comparative Drama, 1 (1967), 19-27. Rosalie L. Colie, Light
and Enlightenment: A Study of the Cambridge Platonists
and the Dutch Arminians
(Cambridge, 1957), Chs. V-VI.
George P. Conger, Theories of Macrocosms and Microcosms
in the History of Philosophy
(New York, 1922). Hardin Craig,
The Enchanted Glass: The Elizabethan Mind in Literature
(New York, 1936), Ch. I. Walter C. Curry, Milton's Ontology,
Cosmogony and Physics
(Lexington, Ky., 1957), Ch. VIII.
Otto Demus, Byzantine Mosaic Decoration (London, 1947),
Part I. Ludwig Edelstein, “The Golden Chain of Homer,”
in Studies in Intellectual History, eds. G. Boas, et al. (Balti-
more, 1953), pp. 48-66. Eirionnach, “Aurea Catena
Homeri,” Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, 3 (1857), 63-65,
81-84, 104-07, and 12 (1861), 161-63, 181-83. Eugenio
Garin, “La 'Dignitas homini' e la letteratura patristica,”
la Rinascita, 1 (1938), §4, 102-46. Giovanni Gentile, Il


pensiero italiano del Rinascimento, 3rd ed. (Florence, 1940),
Ch. III. Théodore Gérold, Les Pères de l'Église et la musique
(Strasbourg, 1931). Bentley Glass, O. Temkin, and W. L.
Straus, eds., Forerunners of Darwin: 1745-1859 (Baltimore,
1959). Sidney Greenberg, The Infinite in Giordano Bruno
(New York, 1950). John C. Greene, The Death of Adam:
Evolution and its Impact on Western Thought
(Ames, Iowa,
1959). Joshua C. Gregory, “The Newtonian Hierarchic Sys-
tem of Particles,” Archives internationales d'histoire des
33 (1954), 243-47. Francis C. Haber, The Age of
the World: Moses to Darwin
(Baltimore, 1959). Stuart
Hampshire, Spinoza (Harmondsworth, 1951). S. K. Heninger,
Jr., “Some Renaissance Versions of the Pythagorean Tetrad,”
Studies in the Renaissance, 8 (1961), 7-35. Désirée Hirst,
Hidden Riches: Traditional Symbolism from the Renaissance
to Blake
(London, 1964). John Hollander, The Untuning of
the Sky: Ideas of Music in English Poetry, 1500-1700

(Princeton, 1961). Francis R. Johnson, Astronomical Thought
in Renaissance England
(Baltimore, 1937), Ch. VI. Paul H.
Kocher, Science and Religion in Elizabethan England (San
Marino, Calif., 1953), esp. Chs. VII-IX. Arthur Koestler, The
Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the
(London, 1959). Alexandre Koyré, From the Closed
World to the Infinite Universe
(Baltimore, 1957). Paul O.
Kristeller, The Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino, trans. V. Co-
nant (New York, 1943), esp. Ch. VI; idem, “Ficino and
Pomponazzi on the Place of Man in the Universe,” Renais-
sance Thought II
(New York, 1965), Ch. V. Thomas S. Kuhn,
The Copernican Revolution (Cambridge, Mass., 1957).
Auguste Laneau, L'Histoire du Salut chez les Pères de
l'Église: La doctrine des âges du monde
(Paris, 1964). Émile
Lasbax, la Hiérarchie dans l'univers chez Spinoza, rev. ed.
(Paris, 1926). Pierre Lévêque, urea catena Homeri:...
(Paris, 1959). C. S. Lewis, A Preface to 'Paradise Lost' (Lon-
don, 1942), Ch. XI. M. Lot-Borodine, “La doctrine de la
'déification' dans l'Église grecque jusqu'au XIe siècle,”
Revue de l'histoire des religions, 106 (1932), 5-43, 525-74,
and 107 (1933), 8-55. Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Great Chain
of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea
Mass., 1936). Dietrich Mahnke, Unendliche Sphäre und
(Halle, 1937). Joseph A. Mazzeo, Medieval
Cultural Tradition in Dante's 'Comedy'
(Ithaca, N.Y., 1960),
esp. Ch. I. Paul-Henri Michel, la cosmologie de Giordano
(Paris, 1962). P. A. Michelis, An Aesthetic Approach
to Byzantine Art,
trans. S. Xydis and M. Moschona (London,
1955). Samuel I. Mintz, The Hunting of Leviathan (Cam-
bridge, 1962). Theodor E. Mommsen, “Petrarch's Concep-
tion of the 'Dark Ages',” Speculum, 17 (1942), 226-42.
Marjorie H. Nicolson, The Breaking of the Circle, rev. ed.
(New York, 1960). Anders Nygren, Agape and Eros, trans.
P. S. Watson (London, 1938-39), esp. Part II. Erwin Panof-
sky, Galileo as a Critic of the Arts (The Hague, 1954), esp.
pp. 22-31; idem, Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism
(Latrobe, Pa., 1951). C. A. Patrides, Milton and the Christian
(Oxford, 1966), Ch. III; idem, “Renaissance
Thought on the Celestial Hierarchy: The Decline of a
Tradition,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 20 (1959), 155-66,
and 23 (1962), 265-67; idem, The Phoenix and the Ladder:
The Rise and Decline of the Christian View of History

(Berkeley, 1964); idem, The Cambridge Platonists (London
and Cambridge, Mass., 1969). W. Pauli, “The Influence of
Archetypal Ideas on the Scientific Theories of Kepler,”
trans. Priscilla Silz, in The Interpretation of Nature and the
(London, 1955), pp. 147-240. James E. Phillips, Jr.,
The State in Shakespeare's Greek and Roman Plays (New
York, 1940). Georges Poulet, Les Métamorphoses du cercle
(Paris, 1961). René Roques, L'Univers dionysien: structure
hiérarchique du monde selon le Pseudo-Denys
(Paris, 1954).
Laurence J. Rosán, The Philosophy of Proclus (New York,
1949). Edward Rosen, “A Full Universe,” Scientific Monthly,
63 (1946), 213-17. Leon Roth, Spinoza (London, 1929). H.
H. Rowley, Darius the Mede and the Four World Empires
in the Book of Daniel
(Cardiff, 1959). Arieh Sachs, “Samuel
Johnson and the Cosmic Hierarchy,” in Scripta Hierosolym-
Vol. XVII: Studies in English Language and Literature,
ed. A. Shalvi and A. A. Mendilow (Jerusalem, 1966), 137-54.
Fritz Saxl, Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer
illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters,
II: DieHandschriften der National-Bibliothek in Wien
(Heidelberg, 1927), Ch. IV. Cecil J. Schneer, The Search
for Order
(London, 1960). Gershom G. Scholem, Major
Trends in Jewish Mysticism,
2nd rev. ed. (New York, repr.
1961). Jean Seznec, The Survival of the Pagan Gods, trans.
B. F. Sessions (New York, 1953), pp. 64-69. Paul E. Sigmund,
Nicholas of Cusa and Medieval Political Thought (Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1963), esp. Chs. III, V. Otto von Simson, The
Gothic Cathedral:
... (London, 1956). Robert Southey, The
Life of Wesley,
3rd ed. (London, 1846), II, 88. H. Spangen-
berg, “Die Perioden der Weltgeschichte,” historische
127 (1923), 1-49. Theodore Spencer, Shakespeare
and the Nature of Man,
2nd ed. (New York, 1951). Leo
Spitzer, Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony,
ed. A. G. Hatcher (Baltimore, 1963). E. M. W. Tillyard, The
Elizabethan World Picture
(London, 1943). S. I. Vavilov,
“Newton and the Atomic Theory,” in The Royal Society
Newton Tercentenary Celebrations
(Cambridge, 1947), pp.
43-55. C. F. von Weizsäcker, The History of Nature, trans.
F. D. Wieck (London, 1951); idem, The World View of
trans. M. Greene (London, 1952). Basil Willey, The
Eighteenth Century Background
(London, 1940), Ch. III.
F. P. Wilson, Elizabethan and Jacobean (Oxford, 1945), Ch.
I. James Winny, ed., The Frame of Order:... (London,
1957). Rudolf Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age
of Humanism
(London, 1949). Emil Wolff, Diegoldene
... (Hamburg, 1947). John H. Wright, The Order of
the Universe in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas

A number of relevant texts have been brought together
by Milton K. Munitz in Theories of the Universe (Glencoe,
Ill., 1957). The most comprehensive study of the background
is Pierre Duhem, le système du monde: histoire des doc-
trines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic,
10 vols. (Paris,


[See also Chain of Being; Infinity; Macrocosm...; Na-
ture; Neo-Platonism;
Perfectibility; Platonism; Renais-