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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
[Clear Hits]

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170 occurrences of ideology
[Clear Hits]


Leon Battista Alberti, “Libri della famiglia,” Opere
ed. Cecil Grayson (Bari, 1960), I, 31. Jacob Boehme,
Six Theosophic Points (Ann Arbor, 1958), pp. 12, 16, 27.
Norman O. Brown, Hermes the Thief (Madison, 1947), pp.
6-21, 53. Giordano Bruno, The Expulsion of the Triumphant
trans. Arthur D. Imerti (New Brunswick, N.J., 1964),
p. 89. J. Everard, trans., The Divine Pymander of Hermes
1650 (New York, 1953) by Rosicrucian Society.
Blossom Feinstein, “The Faerie Queene and Cosmogonies
of the Near East,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 29 (1968).
A. L. Frothingham, “Babylonian Origin of Hermes the
Snake-God, and of the Caduceus,” Archaeological Institute
of America,
20 (1916), 175. Paul O. Kristeller, ed. Catalogus
... (Washington, D.C., 1960), I, 137-56. D. H.
Lawrence, “Chaos in Poetry” (1928), in Selected Literary
ed. Anthony Beal (New York, 1932). Arthur O.
Lovejoy, The Great Chain of Being (Cambridge, Mass.,
1936). Gian Francesco Pico, “Hymn to Christ” (Hymnus
ad Christum,
Milan, 1507), English trans. Eve Adler from
the Latin. Bernard Silvestris, De mundi universitate, eds.
Carl S. Barach and Johann Wrobel, (Frankfurt am Main,
1964 reprint), Book I, iv, 25-29; II, xiii, 1-2. F. Sherwood
Taylor, The Alchemists (New York, 1962), p. 175. E. M. W.
Tillyard, The Elizabethan World Picture (New York, 1959).
D. P. Walker, “Orpheus the Theologian and Renaissance
Platonists,” Journal of the Warburg Institute, 16 (1953),
105-07. Frances A. Yates, The Art of Memory (Chicago,
1966), p. 146.

The most penetrating studies of Bruno and Vaughan are
Frances A. Yates, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradi-
(Chicago, 1964), Ch. 1, and passim; Elizabeth Holmes,
Henry Vaughan and the Hermetic Philosophy (London,
1932); of alchemy in general, C. G. Jung, Psychology and
and Mysterium coniunctionis, Collected Works,
trans. R. F. C. Hull, Vols. 12 and 14 (New York, 1953 and
1963); and John Read, Prelude to Chemistry, An Outline
of Alchemy
(Cambridge, Mass., 1966), pp. 51-55; and of
English alchemy in particular, Allen G. Debus, The English
(New York, 1966).


[See also Alchemy; Creation in Religion; Hierarchy;
Macrocosm and Microcosm; Neo-Platonism; Renaissance