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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
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The literature on the history of the concept of disease
is very great, and the items listed below are but a very
small selection. The books of Berghoff, Riese, Sigerist,
Edelstein (for Greco-Roman antiquity) deserve particular

Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Rudolf Virchow: Doctor, States-
man, Anthropologist
(Madison, 1953), p. 127; idem, A Short
History of Medicine
(New York, 1955). Atharva-Veda
trans. William Dwight Whitney, rev. ed. Charles
Rockwell Lanman, Harvard Oriental Series, Vols. VII, VIII
(Cambridge, 1905), VII, 361. John Bellers, An Essay Towards
the Improvement of Physick. In Twelve Proposals. By which
the Lives of many Thousands of the Rich, as well as of the
Poor, may be Saved Yearly
(London, 1714), p. 3. Emanuel
Berghoff, Entwicklungsgeschichte des Krankheitsbegriffes,
2nd ed. (Vienna, 1947). Claude Bernard, An Introduction
to the Study of Experimental Medicine,
trans. Henry Copley
Greene (New York, 1927), p. 67. Robert Boyle, “A Free
Inquiry into the Vulgar Notion of Nature,” The Philosophical
3 vols. abridged, ed. Peter Shaw (London, 1725), II,
106-49, esp. 143. The Caraka Samhitā (Jamnagar, India,
1949), II, 4, 13. Julius Cohnheim, Vorlesungen über all


Gemeine Pathologie (Berlin, 1877), I, 8, 12. Erich Ebstein,
“Die Entwicklung der klinischen Thermometrie,” Ergeb-
nisse der inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde,
33 (1928),
407-505, esp. 462, 482. Ludwig Edelstein, Ancient Medicine:
Selected Essays,
ed. Owsei Temkin and C. Lilian Temkin
(Baltimore, 1967). The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, with
translation and commentary by James Henry Breasted, 2
vols. (Chicago, 1930). Ernst Feise, “Goethes Werther als
nervöser Charakter” (1926), reprinted in Xenion: Themes,
Forms, and Ideas in German Literature
(Baltimore, 1950),
pp. 1-65. Iago Galdston, “Humanism and Public Health,”
Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 8 (1940), 1032-39.
Hermann Grapow, Kranker, Krankheiten und Arzt.
Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter, III (Berlin, 1956).
Gerald J. Gruman, A History of Ideas About the Prolongation
of Life,
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
56, 9, new series (Philadelphia, 1966). Raymond Klibansky,
Fritz Saxl, and Erwin Panofsky, Saturn and Melancholy
(London, 1964). The Dhammapada, translated from the Pali
by P. Lal (New York, 1967). René Labat, Traité akkadien
de diagnostics et pronostics médicaux
(Paris and Leiden,
1951), pp. 157, xxiii. Claudius Mayer, “Metaphysical Trends
in Modern Pathology,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine,
26 (1952), 71-81. A. Leo Oppenheim, “Mesopotamian Med-
icine,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 36 (1962),
97-108. Walter Pagel and Marianne Winder, “Harvey and
the 'Modern' Concept of Disease,” Bulletin of the History
of Medicine,
42 (1968), 496-509; this article contains refer-
ences to Dr. Pagel's important works on Paracelsus and van
Helmont. Gustav Ricker, Wissenschaftstheoretische Aufsätze
für Ärzte,
2nd ed. (Stuttgart, 1951), p. 48. Walther Riese,
The Conception of Disease, its History, its Versions and its
(New York, 1953). George Rosen, A History of Public
(New York, 1958). Charles E. Rosenberg, The Cholera
(Chicago, 1962). Jean Jacques Rousseau, Discours sur
les sciences et les arts,
ed. George R. Havens (New York,
1946), p. 104. Henry E. Sigerist, Civilization and Disease
(Ithaca, N.Y., 1943); idem, A History of Medicine, 2 vols.
(New York, 1951-61); idem, “Kultur und Krankheit,” Kyklos,
1 (1928), 60-63; idem, On the Sociology of Medicine, ed.
Milton I. Roemer (New York, 1960). Bruno Snell, The Dis-
covery of the Mind,
trans. T. G. Rosenmeyer (Cambridge,
Mass., 1953), p. 162. Robert O. Steuer, “Wḫdw, Aetiological
Principle of Pyaemia in Ancient Egyptian Medicine,” Sup-
plements to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine,
No. 10
(Baltimore, 1948). Lloyd G. Stevenson, “Science Down the
Drain,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 29 (1955), 1-26.
Edward A. Suchman, Sociology and the Field of Public
(New York, 1963). M. W. Susser and W. Watson,
Sociology in Medicine (London, 1962). Thomas Sydenham,
Opera omnia, ed. G. A. Greenhill, Sydenham Society
(London, 1844), pp. 30, 16; idem, The Works, trans. R. G.
Latham, 2 vols. (London, 1848), I, 19. Owsei Temkin, “The
Scientific Approach to Disease: Specific Entity and Individ-
ual Sickness,” Scientific Change, ed. A. C. Crombie (New
York, 1963), pp. 629-47. Rudolf Virchow, in Medicinische
No. 8 (25 August 1848), reprinted in Gesammelte
Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der öffentlichen Medicin
und der Seuchenlehre
(Berlin, 1879), I, 22. Rudolf Virchow,
“Über Akklimatisation,” (1885) and “Über die heutige
Stellung der Pathologie,” (1869), in Karl Sudhoff, Rudolf
Virchow und die deutschen Naturforscherversammlungen

(Leipzig, 1922), pp. 221, 93. Henry R. Zimmer, Hindu
(Baltimore, 1948), pp. 33f.


[See also Behaviorism; Death; Demonology; Enlightenment;
Genetic Continuity; Macrocosm and Microcosm; Primitiv-
ism; Romanticism, Stoicism.]