For early ideas of music see Warren D. Anderson, Ethos
and Education in Greek Music (Cambridge, Mass., 1966);
Edward A. Lippman, Musical Thought in Ancient Greece
(New York, 1964); Leo Spitzer, “Classical and Christian
Ideas of World Harmony,” Traditio, 2 (1944), 409-64 and
3 (1945), 307-64; Eric Werner and Isaiah Sonne, “The
Philosophy and Theory of Music in Judaeo-Arabic Litera-
ture,” Hebrew Union College Annual, 16 (1941), 251-319
and 17 (1942-43), 511-72. On Ficino and music see D. P.
Walker, Spiritual and Demonic Magic from Ficino to Cam-
panella (London, 1958). For reflection of philosophical ideas
of music in Renaissance verse see Gretchen Ludke Finney,
Musical Backgrounds for English Literature 1580-1650 (New
Brunswick, N.J., 1962); John Hollander, The Untuning of
the Sky (Princeton, 1961); James Hutton, “Some English
Poems in Praise of Music,” English Miscellany, 2 (1951).
Humanistic trends in music, especially on the Continent,
are discussed by Edward Lowinsky, “Music in the Culture
of the Renaissance,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 15
(1954), 509-53; D. P. Walker, “Musical Humanism in the
Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries,” The Music
Review, 2 (1941), 1-13, 111-21, 220-27, 288-308 and 3
(1942), 55-71. For music in England consult Morrison
Comegys Boyd, Elizabethan Music and Musical Criticism
(Philadelphia, 1940); Gustave Reese, Music in the Renais-
sance (New York, 1954), pp. 763-883; Walter L. Woodfill,
Musicians in English Society (Princeton, N.J., 1953). Primary
sources not completed in the text include: Heinrich
Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, De occulta philosophia
(1631), trans. as Three Books of Occult Philosophy (London,
1651); Francis Bacon, Sylva sylvarum in Works, ed. James
Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, Douglas Denon Heath (New
York, 1864), IV, 231; Stephen Batman, Batman uppon
Bartholome (London, 1582), Addition to Book XIX, fol. 424
verso; Edward Benlowes, “Poetic Descant,” in Minor Poets
of the Caroline Period, ed. George Saintsbury (Oxford, 1921),
I, 483; Jean Bodin, Les six livres de la République (1576),
trans. Richard Knolles as The Six Books of a Commonweale
(London, 1606); Richard Crashaw, “Musick's Duell,” The
Delights of the Muses, in The Poems, ed. L. C. Martin
(Oxford, 1927), pp. 149-53; Guillaume du Bartas de Salluste,
la Sepmaine; ou Création du monde (1578), trans. Joshua
Sylvester as Du Bartas, his Divine Weekes and Workes
(London, 1621), “The columnes. The IIII. Part of the Sec-
ond Day of the II. Week”; Macrobius, Commentary on the
Dream of Scipio, Book II, Chs. 1-5, trans. William Harris
Stahl (New York, 1952), pp. 185-200; Philip Stubbes, The
Anatomie of Abuses (London, 1583), “Of Musick.”
[See also Alchemy; Chain of Being; Demonology; Love;
Macrocosm and Microcosm;
Music as Divine Art; Nature;
Neo-Platonism; Platonism;
Pythagorean Harmony.]