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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Aristotle, Generation of Animals, trans. A. L. Peck, Loeb
Classical Library (Cambridge, Mass., 1943). Aristotle, His-
toria animalium,
trans. D'Arcy Thompson (Oxford, 1910).
R. Barthelmess, Vererbungswissenschaft (Munich, 1952). C.
Bonnet, Palingénésie philosophique, Oeuvres, 24 vols. (Neu-
chatel, 1783), Vol. VII. Y. Delage, L'Hérédité et les grands
problèmes de la biologie générale
(Paris, 1903). L. C. Dunn,
A Short History of Genetics (New York, 1965). B. Glass,
“Evolution and Heredity in the Nineteenth Century,” in
L. G. Stevenson and R. P. Multhauf, eds., Medicine, Science,
and Culture
(Baltimore, 1968), pp. 209-46. B. Glass, O.
Temkin, and W. Straus, Jr., eds., Forerunners of Darwin
(Baltimore, 1959), Chs. 2, 3, 6. É. Guyénot, Les Sciences
de la vie aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
(Paris, 1941). A. van
Leeuwenhoek, Brieven (seu Werken), Deel II, Letter 83
(various dates and places); also in Latin, Opera Omnia
(Lugduni Batavorum [Leyden] 1722), Vol. II. P. L. M. de
Maupertuis, Vénus physique (1745), in Oeuvres, 4 vols.
(Lyon, 1756). C. Nägeli, Mechanisch-physiologische Theorie
der Abstammungslehre
(Munich-Leipzig, 1884). E. Norden-
skiöld, The History of Biology (New York, 1942). H. Stubbe,
Kurze Geschichte der Genetik bis zur Wiederentdeckung der
Vererbungsregeln Gregor Mendels,
2nd ed. (Jena, 1965). J.
H. Taylor, ed., Selected Papers on Molecular Genetics (New


York and London, 1965), for papers by J. D. Watson and
F. H. C. Crick; M. Meselson and F. W. Stahl; A. Kornberg;
J. H. Taylor. H. de Vries, Intracellulare Pangenesis (Jena,
1889). J. D. Watson, Molecular Biology of the Gene (New
York and Amsterdam, 1965). A. Weismann, Ueber die Verer-
(Jena, 1883), trans. as Essays upon Heredity and Kin-
dred Biological Problems,
2nd ed. (London, 1891), I, 67-106.
E. B. Wilson, The Cell in Development and Inheritance (New
York, 1900).


[See also Biological Conceptions, Homologies; Inheritance;
Man-Machine; Spontaneous Generation.]