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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
[Clear Hits]


Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg (Lord Acton),
“German Schools of History,” Historical Essays and Studies
(London, 1919), pp. 344-92. H. Baron, The Crisis of the Early
2 vols. (Princeton, N.J., 1955). B. C. Brundage,
“The Birth of Clio,” Teachers of History: Essays in Honor
of Laurence Bradford Packard,
ed. H. S. Hughes (Ithaca,
N.Y., 1954), pp. 199-230. J. B. Bury, The Ancient Greek
(London, 1909; reprint New York, 1957). H.
Butterfield, Man on his Past (Cambridge, 1955; reprint
Boston, 1960). R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History
(Oxford and New York, 1946). B. Croce, Storia della stori-
ografia italiana nel secolo decimonono
(Bari, 1921). H. C.
Dent, ed., The Idea of History in the Ancient Near East
(New Haven, 1955). M. A. Fitzsimons, et al., The Develop-
ment of Historiography
(Harrisburg, Penna., 1954). Robert
Flint, Historical Philosophy in France and French Belgium
and Switzerland
(London, 1893). E. Fueter, Geschichte der
neueren Historiographie,
3rd ed. (Munich, 1936). F. S.
Fussner, The Historical Revolution... 1580-1640 (London
and New York, 1962). V. H. Galbraith, Historical Research
in Medieval England
(London, 1951). C. S. Gardner, Chinese
Traditional Historiography
(Cambridge, Mass., 1938). G. P.
Gooch, History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century,
2nd ed. (London and New York, 1952). J. Higham, et al.,
History, Princeton Studies of Humanistic Scholarship in
America (Princeton, N.J., 1965). E. Hoemsel, “Das Ethos
der chinesischen Geschichtsschreibung,” Saeculum, 1 (1950),
111-28. G. Hölscher, DieAnfänge der hebraïschen
(Heidelberg, 1942). H. S. Hughes,
Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of European
Social Thought, 1890-1930
(New York, 1958; London, 1959).
Ibn Khaldūn, The Muqaddimah, trans. F. Rosenthal (New
York, 1958). G. G. Iggers, The German Conception of History,
The National Tradition of Historical Thought from Herder
to the Present
(Middletown, Conn., 1968). P. Joachimsen,
Geschichtsauffassung und Geschichtsschreibung in Deutsch-
land unter dem Einfluss des Humanismus,
Teil 1 (Leipzig
and Berlin, 1910). D. Knowles, Great Historical Enterprises
(London, 1963). B. Lasch, Das Erwachen und die
Entwickelung der historischen Kritik im Mittelalter, VI-XIII
(Breslau, 1887). B. Mazlish, The Riddle of His-
tory: The Great Speculators from Vico to Freud
(New York,
1966). F. Meinecke, DieEntstehung des Historismus, 2 vols.
(Munich, 1936). S. Mellon, The Political Uses of History:
A Study of Historians in the French Revolution
1958). R. L. P. Milburn, Early Christian Interpretations of
(London, 1954; reprint New York). L. Pearson, Early
Ionian Historians
(Oxford, 1939). C. H. Philips, ed., Histori-
cal Writing on the Peoples of Asia,
4 vols. (London, 1961-62).
J. G. A. Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal
Law: A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seven-
teenth Century
(Cambridge and New York, 1957). F.
Rosenthal, A History of Muslim Historiography (Leiden,
1952). Saeculum, 8 (1957), and 9 (1958), essays on Hittite
oriental historiography. H. R. von Srbik, Geist und
Geschichte vom deutscher Humanismus bis zur Gegenwart,

2 vols. (Munich and Salzburg, 1950). Social Science Research
Council (Committee on Historiography), Bulletin 54, Theory
and Practice in Historical Study
(1946); idem, Bulletin 64,
The Social Sciences in Historical Study (1954). P. Stad-
ler, Geschichtsschreibung und historischen Denken in
Frankreich, 1789-1871
(Zurich, 1958). J. W. Thompson, et
al., A History of Historical Writing, 2 vols. (New York, 1940).
H. Vyverberg, Historical Pessimism in the French Enlighten-
(Cambridge, Mass., 1958). F. X. von Wegele,
Geschichte der deutschen Historiographie seit dem Auftreten
des Humanismus
(Munich, 1885). E. Weis, Geschichts-
schreibung und Staatsauffassung in der französische
(Wiesbaden, 1956).


[See also Ancients and Moderns; Causation in History;
Christianity in History;
Historical; Historicism; Historiog-
raphy, Influence of Ideas on Greek;
Islamic Conception;
Nationalism; Periodization in History; Progress; Renais-
sance Literature and Historiography;