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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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H. Arens, Sprachwissenschaft (Freiburg and Munich,
1955). A. Borst, Der Turmbau von Babel (Stuttgart, 1957-63).
B. Delbrück, Einleitung in das Studium der indogermani-
schen Sprachen,
6th ed. (Leipzig, 1919). P. Diderichsen,
Rasmus Rask og den grammatiske tradition, Hist. Filos.
Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 38, no. 2 (Copenhagen, 1960). F.
Edgerton, “Sir William Jones: 1746-1794,” Journal of the
American Oriental Society,
66 (1946), 230-39; reprinted in
Portraits of Linguists, ed. T. A. Sebeok (Bloomington and
London, 1966), I, 1-18. R. A. Hall, Jr., Introductory Linguis-
(Philadelphia and New York, 1964). Harry Hoijer, ed.,
Language in Culture (Chicago, 1954). Also published as
Memoir No. 79 of the American Anthropological Associa-
tion. S. N. Kramer, “The Babel of Tongues: A Sumerian
Version,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88
(1968), 108-11. A. Meillet, La méthode comparative en
linguistique historique
(Paris, 1924); trans. G. B. Ford as
The Comparative Method in Historical Linguistics (Paris,
1967); idem, Introduction à l'étude comparative des langues
8th ed. (Paris, 1937); idem, Linguistique
històrique et linguistique générale,
latest ed. (Paris, 1958).


G. Mounin, Histoire de la linguistique des origines au XXe
(Paris, 1967). H. Pedersen, Sprogvidenskaben i det
nittende aarhundrede
(Copenhagen, 1924); trans. J. W.
Spargo, as Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century
(Cambridge, Mass., 1931); reissued as The Discovery of
(Bloomington, 1962). R. Pfeiffer, History of Clas-
sical Scholarship
(Oxford, 1968). M. Pohlenz, “Zeno von
Kition und die Tempora,” Neue Jahrbücher für Wissenschaft
und Jugendbildung,
2 (1926), 259-60. E. Prokosch, A Com-
parative Germanic Grammar
(Philadelphia, 1939). R. H.
Robins, A Short History of Linguistics (Bloomington and
London, 1967, 1968). T. A. Sebeok, ed., Portraits of Linguists
(Bloomington and London, 1966). H. Steinthal, Geschichte
der Sprachwissenschaft bei den Griechen und Römern,
ed. (Berlin, 1890, 1891). G. W. Stocking, Jr., “On the Limits
of 'Presentism' and 'Historicism' in the Historiography of
the Behavioral Sciences,” Journal of the History of the
Behavioral Sciences,
1 (1965), 211-18. V. Thomsen, Sprog-
videnskabens historie
(Copenhagen, 1902); trans. H. Pollak,
as Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft (Halle, 1927). W. von
Humboldt, Werke in fünf Bänden, ed. A. Flitner and K.
Giel (Darmstadt, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1964, —).

Several of the works cited make good introductory read-
ing, especially those by Meillet (Introduction, Appendix I),
Mounin, Pedersen, Robins, Sebeok, Steinthal, and Thomsen.


[See also Evolutionism; Language; Linguistic Theories;
Myth; Primitivism; Romanticism; Structure; Uniformitar-