The peace movement has been traced by A. C. F. Beales,
The History of Peace: A Short Account of the Organised
Movements for International Peace (New York, 1931). Amer-
ican efforts appear in Peter Brock, Pacifism in the United
States: From the Colonial Era to the First World War
(Princeton, 1968), in Merle Curti, Peace or War: The Ameri-
can Struggle, 1636-1936 (Boston, 1936), and in Lawrence
S. Wittner, Rebels Against War: The American Peace Move-
ment, 1941-60 (New York, 1969). Accounts of developments
toward an international organization can be found on
Sylvester J. Hemleben, Plans for World Peace through Six
Centuries (Chicago, 1943); Warren F. Kuehl, Seeking World
Order: The United States and International Organization to
1920 (Nashville, Tenn., 1969); Christian L. Lange, Histoire
de l'internationalisme, 2 vols. (Kristiana, 1919; New York,
1954); F. S. L. Lyons, Internationalism in Europe, 1815-1914
(Leyden, 1963); Gerard J. Mangone, A Short History of
International Organization (New York, 1954); Jacob ter
Meulen, Der Gedanke der internationalen Organisation in
seiner Entwicklung, 2 vols. (The Hague, 1917-29); Edith
Wynner and Georgia Lloyd, Searchlight on Peace Plans
(New York, 1944).
The following specialized studies are also useful:
Raymond Aron, Peace and War: A Theory of International
Relations (New York, 1966); Herbert Butterfield and Martin
Wight, eds., Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory
of International Politics (London, 1966); Inis L. Claude, Jr.,
Swords into Plowshares: The Problems and Progress of Inter-
national Organization (New York, 1959); Arthur H. Dean,
Test Ban and Disarmament: The Path of Negotiation (New
York, 1966); Clark M. Eichelberger,
UN: The First Twenty
Years (New York, 1965); Stephen D. Kertesz,
The Quest for
Peace Through Diplomacy (New York, 1967); Wilfred F.
A History of War and Peace, 1939-1965 (New York,
1967); Arthur Nussbaum,
A Concise History of the Law of
Nations (New York, 1954); M. Stuyt,
Survey of Interna-
tional Arbitrations, 1794-1938 (The Hague, 1939); F. P.
A History of the League of Nations (New York,
1952; reprint 1960).
[See also
Balance of Power; Enlightenment; Ideology; Law,
Concept of; Millenarianism;
Nationalism; Peace, Ethics of;
War and Militarism.]