Fuller bibliographies are contained in F. Wagner's
Geschichtswissenschaft (Freiburg, 1951), and P. Gardiner,
ed., Theories of History (Glencoe, Ill., 1959).
H. B. Acton, The Illusion of an Epoch (London, 1955).
I. Berlin, Karl Marx, 2nd ed. (London, 1948). H. T. Buckle,
History of Civilization in England, 4 vols. (London,
1857-61). J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy (London, 1930).
H. Butterfield, The Origins of Modern Science (London,
1950). I. B. Cohen, The Birth of a New Physics (London,
1961). B. Croce, The Philosophy of Giambattisto Vico, trans.
R. G. Collingwood (New York, 1913). W. Dray, Laws and
Explanation in History (Oxford, 1957). F. Engels, Herrn
Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft (Leipzig,
1878; Stuttgart, 1894), trans. as Anti-Dühring: Herr Eugen
Duhring's Revolution in Science (New York, 1966). G. C.
Field, The Philosophy of Plato (Oxford, 1949). J. N. Findlay,
Hegel: A Re-examination (London, 1958). W. B. Gallie,
Philosophy and the Historical Understanding (London,
1964). C. G. Hempel, Aspects of Scientific Explanation...
(New York, 1965). S. Hook, From Hegel to Marx (London,
1936). S. Körner, Experience and Theory (London, 1967).
A. Koyré, Études galiléennes (Paris, 1939). C. Lévi-Strauss,
Structural Anthropology, trans. C. Jacobson and B. G.
Schoepf (New York, 1963). K. Marx, Das Kapital, 2nd ed.
(Hamburg, 1872), Capital various editions; idem, Zur Kritik
der politischen Oekonomie (Berlin, 1859), trans. as A Contri-
bution to the Critique of Political Economy (New York, 1970).
H. J. Paton, Kant's Metaphysic of Experience (London,
1951). K. R. Popper, Die Logik der Forschung (Vienna, 1935),
trans. as The Logic of Scientific Discovery by the author,
with the assistance of Julius Freed and Lon Freed (London
and Toronto, 1959); idem, The Open Society and its Enemies
(London, 1945); idem, “Prediction and Prophecy in the
Social Sciences,” in Theories of History, ed. P. Gardiner
(Glencoe, Ill., 1959). J. E. Raven, Pythagoreans and Eleatics
(London, 1949). W. D. Ross, Aristotle, 5th ed. (London,
1949). A. Roux, La pensée d'Auguste Comte (Paris, 1920).
N. K. Smith, Studies in Cartesian Philosophy (London, 1902);
The Philosophy of David Hume (London, 1949). P. A.
Sorokin, Social Philosophy of an Age of Crisis (Boston, 1950).
O. Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes (Munich,
1918), trans. as The Decline of the West, 2 vols. (New York,
1926-28). A. E. Taylor, Platonism and its Influence (London,
1932). A. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial (Oxford, 1948).
Giambattista Vico, Principi di una scienza nuova, 1st ed.
(Naples, 1725; repr. Bari, 1942), trans. T. Bergin and M.
Fisch as The New Science (Ithaca, 1948). W. H. Walsh, An
Introduction to the Philosophy of History (London, 1951).
M. de Wulf, History of Medieval Philosophy, 3rd ed., trans.
P. Coffey (London, 1935-38).
[See also Axiomatization; Baconianism; Chance; Cycles;
Determinism; Free Will; Hegelian...; Metaphor in Phi-
losophy; Nationalism; Newton on Method; Organicism;
Platonism; Positivism; Progress; Romanticism.]