J. Seznec's The Survival of the Pagan Gods (New York,
1953) brings bibliographical information up to that date.
R. R. Bolgar's The Classical Heritage and its Beneficiaries
(New York, 1954) gives a survey of the transmission and
absorption of ancient culture up to the end of the Renais-
sance. H. Hunger's Lexikon der griechischen und römischen
Mythologie, mit Hinweisen auf das Fortwirken antiker Stoffe
und Motive in der bildenden Kunst, Literatur und Musik
des Abendlandes bis zur Gegenwart (Vienna, 1953) provides
a useful repertory.
Especially important among recent studies are: for late
antiquity, A. Momigliano, ed., Conflict Between Paganism
and Christianity in the Fourth Century (New York, 1963).
For the medieval period: F. Munari,
Ovid im Mittelalter
(Zurich and Stuttgart, 1960); P. Renucci,
Dante disciple et
juge du monde gréco-latin (Clermont-Ferrand, 1954); S.
La survie d'Ovide dans la littérature scientifique du
12e et 13e siècles (Paris, 1966). For the Renaissance period:
A. Chastel,
Marsile Ficin et l'art, Travaux d'Humanisme
et Renaissance, XIV (Lille and Geneva, 1954); E. Garin,
with M. Brini, C. Vasoli, and C. Zambelli,
Testi umanistici
su l'ermetismo (Rome, 1955); E. Iversen,
The Myth of Egypt
and its Hieroglyphs in European Tradition (New York, 1961);
R. Klibansky, E. Panofsky, and F. Saxl,
Saturn and Melan-
choly (New York, 1964); DeW. T. Starnes and E. W. Talbert,
Classical Myth and Legend in Renaissance Dictionaries
(Durham, N.C., 1956); E. Wind,
Pagan Mysteries in the
Renaissance (New York, 1958).
Monographs have been dedicated to individual myths,
such as: A. Buck, Der Orpheus Mythos in der italienischen
Renaissance (Krefeld, 1961); R. Trousson, Le thème de
Prométhée dans la littérature européenne (Geneva, 1964); L.
Vinge, The Narcissus Theme in Western European Literature
up to the XIXth Century (Lund, 1967).
[See also
Allegory; Astrology; Christianity in History;
Hermeticism; Iconography;