Selections from the relevant eighteenth-century texts are
in L. A. Selby-Bigge, British Moralists, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1897),
and D. D. Raphael, British Moralists 1650-1800, 2 vols.
(Oxford, 1969). The former does not include Hume, Hartley,
or Reid; the latter does not include Kames. For commentary
on the development of the idea of a moral sense in Shaftes-
bury, Hutcheson, and Hume, see especially: Thomas Fowler,
Shaftesbury and Hutcheson (London, 1882); William Robert
Scott, Francis Hutcheson (Cambridge, 1900); Norman Kemp
Smith, The Philosophy of David Hume (London, 1941).
James Bonar, Moral Sense (London, 1930), surveys the his-
tory of the notion from Shaftesbury to Kant. D. D. Raphael,
The Moral Sense (London, 1947), discusses Hutcheson,
Hume, Price, and Reid.
[See also Law, Natural; Rationality;
Right and Good.]