George S. Brett, History of Psychology, ed. R. S. Peters
(London, 1962; New York, 1963). John Cohen, Human
Robots in Myth and Science (London, 1966; South
Brunswick, N.J., and New York, 1967). K. Gunderson, Men-
tality and Machines (Garden City, 1971). Heikki Kirkinen,
Les Origines de la conception moderne de l'Homme-Machine
(Helsinki, 1960). F. A. Lange, The History of Materialism
(New York, 1950; original German edition, 1865). Leonora
C. Rosenfeld, From Beast-Machine to Man-Machine: Animal
Soul in French Letters from Descartes to La Mettrie (New
York, 1941). Aram Vartanian, Diderot and Descartes: A Study
of Scientific Naturalism in the Enlightenment (Princeton,
1953); esp. Ch. IV; idem, La Mettrie's L'Homme Machine:
A Study in the Origins of an Idea, critical edition with
an introductory monograph and notes (Princeton, 1960).
The translations for Descartes are by the author of the
[See also
Behaviorism; Dualism;
Epicureanism and Free
Will; Historical and Dialectical Materialism; Necessity;
Organicism; Positivism;
Psychological Ideas in Antiquity;
Pythagorean...; Unity of Science.]