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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
[Clear Hits]


F. H. Bradley, Appearance and Reality, A Metaphysical
(Oxford and New York, 1930). Dorothy M. Emmet,
The Nature of Metaphysical Thinking (New York, 1945;
London, 1949). N. Frye, Fearful Symmetry, A Study of
William Blake
(Princeton, N. J., 1947). G. M. Harper, The
Neoplatonism of William Blake
(Chapel Hill, N. C., 1961).
G. W. F. Hegel, The Phenomenology of Mind, trans. J. B.
Baillie (London, 1931). R. J. Hirst, The Problems of Percep-
(London and New York, 1959). J. H. Muirhead, The
Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy
1931). J.-P. Sartre, Being and Nothingness, trans. H. Barnes
(London, 1966). G. Vlastos, “Degrees of Reality in Plato,”
in New Essays on Plato and Aristotle, ed. R. Bambrough
(London and New York, 1965), pp. 1-19. W. H. Walsh,
Metaphysics (London and New York, 1964). J. W. Yolton,
Metaphysical Analysis (Toronto, 1967).


[See also Atomism; Causation; Cosmic Images; Creativity
in Art; Deism; Existentialism; Neo-Platonism; Platonism;
Romanticism; Structuralism.]