Dictionary of the History of Ideas Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas |
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VI. |
VI. |
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III. |
VI. |
Dictionary of the History of Ideas | ||
The principal texts are discussed in G. E. R. Lloyd,
Polarity and Analogy: two types of argumentation in
Greek thought (Cambridge, 1966), which includes an exten-
sive bibliography. See also
especially H. Diller, “ὄψισ
,” Hermes,
67 (1932), 14-42; H.
Gomperz, “Problems
and Methods of Early Greek Science,”
Journal of the History of Ideas,
4 (1943), 161-76; W. K. C.
“Man's Role in the Cosmos,” The
Living Heritage
of Greek Antiquity (The Hague, 1967), pp.
56-73; C. W.
Müller, Gleiches zu Gleichem:
ein Prinzip frühgriechischen
Denkens (Wiesbaden,
1965); O. Regenbogen, Eine For-
schungsmethode antiker
Naturwissenschaft, Quell. u. Stud.
zur Gesch. der Mathematik,
Astronomie u. Physik, B I, 2
(Berlin, 1930); F. Solmsen,
“Nature as Craftsman in Greek
Thought,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
24 (1963), 473-96.
[See also Atomism; Balance of Power; Cosmology; Creation;Nature; Pythagorean Doctrines to 300 B.C.; Stoicism.]
Dictionary of the History of Ideas | ||