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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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Bibliographical Works. J. A. Trinius, Freidenkers Lexicon
(Leipzig and Bernburg, 1759); many attributions are wrong
but Trinius' work is useful as a guide not only to European
deists but to the freethinking background from which they
stemmed. U. G. Thorschmidt, Versuch einer Vollständigen
Engelländischen Freydenker-Bibliothek,
3 vols. (Halle,
1765-66). N. R. Burr, A Critical Bibliography of Religion
in America
(Princeton, 1961), Parts I and II, pp. 184-237.

General Works Bearing on the History of Deism Con-
taining Bibliographical Information. D. C. Allen, Doubt's
Boundless Sea
(Baltimore, 1964). H. Busson, Les Sources et
le développement du rationalisme dans la littérature
française de la Renaissance,
rev. ed. (Paris, 1957). E. Cas-
sirer, Die Philosophie der Aufklärung (Tübingen, 1932),
trans. as The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (Princeton,
1951). J.-R. Charbonnel, La Pensée italienne au XVIe siècle
et le courant libertin
(Paris, 1919). P. Gay, The Enlighten-
ment: An Interpretation
(New York, 1966); contains a useful
bibliographical essay. P. Hazard, La Crise de la conscience
(Paris, 1935), trans. as The European Mind
(Cleveland, 1963); idem, La Pensée européenne
au XVIIIe siècle
(Paris, 1946), European Thought in the
Eighteenth Century
(New Haven, 1954). A. O. Lovejoy, “The
Parallel of Deism and Classicism,” Modern Philology, 29
(1932), 281-99, reprinted in idem, Essays in the History of
(Baltimore, 1948). R. Pintard, Le Libertinage érudit
dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle
(Paris, 1943). R.
Popkin, The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Des-
Part I (Assen, 1960). T. S. Spink, French Free Thought
from Gassendi to Voltaire
(Bristol, 1960). L. Stephen, History
of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century,
3rd ed.
(London, 1902). R. N. Stromberg, Religious Liberalism in
Eighteenth Century England
(Oxford, 1954).

Studies of Deism and Deists. R. F. Birn, “Pierre Rousseau
and the philosophes of Bouillon,” Studies on Voltaire and
the Eighteenth Century,
29 (1964), 170-79; a summary of
the views of a typical deist, 1756-93. F. Brie, “Deismus
und Atheismus in der Englishen Renaissance,” Anglia Zei-
48 (1924), 54-98, 105-68. R. L. Colie, “Spinoza and
the Early English Deists,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
20 (1959), 23-46. G. Gawlick, “Cicero and the Enlighten-
ment,” Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 25
(1963), 657-79; idem, Moralität und Offenbarungsglaube:
Studien zum englischen Deismus
(Stuttgart, 1965). F. H.
Heineman, “John Toland and the Age of Reason,” Archiv
für Philosophie,
4 (1950), 33-66. G. V. Lechler, Geschichte
des Englischen Deismus
(Tübingen, 1841). D. R. McKee,
“Isaac de la Peyrère, A Precursor of Eighteenth Century
Critical Deists,” PMLA, 59 (1944), 456-85. H. M. Morais,
Deism in Eighteenth Century America (New York, 1934).
G. L. Mosse, “Puritan Radicalism and the Enlightenment,”
Church History, 29 (1960), 33-66. E. C. Mossner, “Deism,”
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 8 vols. (New York and London,
1967), II, 326-36.


[See also Agnosticism; Enlightenment; God; Nature; Reli-