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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
[Clear Hits]


H. Arvon, Ludwig Feuerbach, ou la tranformation du
(Paris, 1957). S. Avineri, The Social and Political
Thought of Karl Marx
(Cambridge, 1968). H. Barth, Wahr-
heit und Ideologie
(Zurich, 1945). J.-Y. Calvez, La Pensée
de Karl Marx
(Paris, 1956). L. Dupré, The Philosophical
Foundations of Marxism
(New York, 1966). L. Feuerbach,
The Essence of Christianity (London, 1853). J. Findlay,
Hegel: A Re-examination (London, 1958). E. Fromm, Marx's
Concept of Man
(New York, 1961). G. Hegel, Phenomenology
of Mind
(London and New York, 1910). J. Hyppolite, Genèse
et Structure da la phénoménologie de l'esprit de Hegel
1947). E. Kamenka, The Ethical Foundations of Marxism
(London, 1962). W. Kaufmann, Hegel (New York, 1965). A.
Kojève, Introduction à la lecture de Hegel (Paris, 1947). J.
Loewenberg, Hegel's Phenomenology (La Salle, 1965). H.
Marcuse, Reason and Revolution (London, 1941). K. Marx,
Capital, 3 vols. (Moscow, 1961-62); idem, Selected Writings
in Sociology and Social Philosophy,
ed. T. Bottomore and
M. Rubel (London, 1956); idem, The Early Texts, ed. D.


McLellan (Oxford, 1971); idem, Writings of the Young Marx
on Philosophy and Society,
ed. L. Easton and K. Guddat
(New York, 1967). D. McLellan, Marx before Marxism (New
York, 1970), with extensive bibliography on the early Marx;
idem, Marx's Grundrisse (New York, 1971); idem, The
Thought of Karl Marx
(New York, 1971), with extensive
bibliography on Marxist thought as a whole; idem, The
Young Hegelians and Karl Marx
(London, 1969). B. Ollman,
Alienation: Marx's Concept of Man in Capitalist Society
(Cambridge, 1971). J. Plamenatz, Man and Society, Vol. 2
(London, 1963). S. Rawidowicz, Ludwig Feuerbachs Philo-
(Berlin, 1931). R. Tucker, Philosophy and Myth in
Karl Marx
(Cambridge, 1961).


[See also Alienation in Western Theology; Economic His-
tory; Economic Theory of Natural Liberty; Hegelian Politi-
cal and Religious Ideas; Historical and Dialectical Materi-
alism; Marxism;