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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
7 occurrences of Dictionary_of_the_History_of_Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary_of_the_History_of_Ideas
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The term “crisis” in its economic sense is discussed by
H. Herkner in the article “Krisen,” Handwörterbuch der
3rd ed. (Leipzig, 1910), VI, 253-76;
and by J. Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis (New
York, 1955). Jakob Burckhardt's theory is presented in Welt-
geschichtliche Betrachtungen,
Vol. VII (Berlin and Leipzig,
1929); trans. J. Hastings Nichols as Force and Freedom,
Reflections on History
(Boston, 1964). See also: H. Baron,
The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance, 2 vols. (Prince-
ton, 1955); E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur und Latein-
isches Mittelalter,
2nd ed. (Bern, 1954), trans. as European
Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
(Princeton, 1953); Paul
Hazard, La Crise de la conscience européene (Paris, 1935),
trans. as The European Mind (reprint New York); H. S.
Hughes, Consciousness and Society (New York, 1958); J.
Huizinga, The Waning of the Middle Ages (London, 1948;
New York, 1954); Gerhard Masur, Prophets of Yesterday
(New York, 1961); E. Rosenstock-Huessy, Die europäischen
Revolutionen und der Charakter der Nationen,
3rd ed.


(Stuttgart, 1961); G. M. Trevelyan, British History in the
Nineteenth Century and After
(1782-1919) (London, 1946),
p. 292.


[See also Cycles; Economic History; Historicism; Marxism; Revolution; Romanticism; War and Militarism.]