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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
[Clear Hits]


A.-M. Ampère, Essai sur la philosophie des sciences, ou
Exposition analytique d'une classification de toutes les
connaissances humaines
(Paris, 1834). F. Bacon, De dignitate
et augmentis scientiarum
(London, 1623); Advancement of
(1605), Novum Organum (1620); rev. English ed.
with Introduction by J. E. Creighton (London and New
York, 1900). R. Bacon, The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon, ed.
J. H. Bridge, Vols. I and II (Oxford, 1897), Vol. III with
revisions (London, 1900); idem, The Opus Majus of Roger
trans. R. B. Burke (Philadelphia, 1928). L. Baur, ed.,
“Die philosophischen Werke des Robert Grosseteste,
Bischofs von Lincoln,” in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philos-
ophie des Mittelalters
(Münster, 1912). J. Bentham, “Essay
on the Nomenclature and Classification of Arts and Sci-
ences,” in Works, 11 vols. (New York, 1962), VIII, 63-128.
A. Comte, Cours de philosophie positive (Paris, 1830-42).
A.-A. Cournot, Essai sur les fondements de nos connaissances
(Paris, 1851); idem, Des méthodes dans les sciences de rai-
(Paris, 1865). Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Discours
préliminaire de l'Encyclopédie
(Paris, 1751). Stewart C.
Easton, Roger Bacon and His Search for a Universal Science
(New York, 1952), has an extensive bibliography. G. Goblot,


Essai sur la classification des sciences (Paris, 1898); idem,
Le système des sciences (Paris, 1922). H. von Helmholtz,
Über das Verhältnis der Naturwissenschaften zur Gesamtheit
der Wissenschaften
(Brunswick, 1862). A. Hill, Introduction
to Science
(London, 1911). B. M. Kedrov, “La classification
des sciences,” Actes du IIe Congrès de philosophie scien-
(Zurich, 1954). G. W. Leibniz, Nouveaux essais sur
l'entendement humain,
Book IV, Ch. XXI, “De la division
des sciences,” in Oeuvres philosophiques... (Amsterdam
and Leipzig, 1765), pp. 489-96. A. O. Lovejoy, “The Unity
of Science,” University of Missouri Bulletin (1912). R. P.
McKeon, Selections from Medieval Philosophers, 2 vols.
(New York, 1929), I, 259-314, contains excerpts from Gros-
seteste. A. Naville, Classification des sciences (Paris, 1920).
K. Pearson, The Grammar of Science (London, 1911).
C. S. Peirce, Collected Papers, ed. C. Hartshorne and P.
Weiss, 6 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1935), I, 77-137. J. Piaget,
“Classification des sciences et principaux courants épisté-
mologiques contemporains,” Logique et connaissance scien-
(Paris, 1967), esp. pp. 1149-1271. E. C. Richardson,
Classification, Theoretical and Practical (New York, 1901).
H. Spencer, The Classification of the Sciences (London,
1864). Paul Tillich, Das System der Wissenschaften nach
Gegenständen und Methoden
(Göttingen, 1923). UNESCO,
Cahiers d'histoire mondiale (Journal of World History), 9,
3 (1965); this number is devoted to encyclopedias from
antiquity to the present in Europe and in other parts of
the world. W. Whewell, The Philosophy of the Inductive
(London, 1847). T. Whittaker, The Metaphysics of
Evolution, with other essays
(London, 1926).


[See also Axiomatization; Classification of the Arts; Lin-
guistics; Pragmatism; Unity of Science.]