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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary_of_the_History_of_Ideas
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Stanislaw Ossowski's seminal work, Class Structure in the
Social Consciousness
(New York, 1963) is a basic source,
especially for the first part of this article. Other books
covering aspects of the subject: Goetz A. Briefs, The Pro-
(New York, 1937); Ernst Troeltsch, The Social
Teachings of the Christian Churches,
2 vols. (London, 1931);
Ralf Dahrendorf, Essays in the Theory of Society (Stanford,
1969), esp. Chs. 6 and 7; Raymond Williams, Culture and
(New York, 1963); Frank E. Manuel, The New World
of Henri Saint-Simon
(Cambridge, Mass., 1956); Michael
Young, The Rise of the Meritocracy (New York, 1959); Hans
Gerth and C. Wright Mills, trans. and eds., From Max Weber:
Essays in Sociology
(New York, 1946); Reinhard Bendix and
Seymour M. Lipset, eds., Class, Status and Power, 2nd rev.
ed. (New York, 1966). Cf. also K. Davis and W. E. Moore,
“Some Principles of Stratification,” American Sociological
10, 2 (1945); Melvin Tumin, “Some Principles of
Stratification: A Critical Analysis,” American Sociological
18, 4 (1953), and “On Inequality,” American Socio-
logical Review,
28, 1 (1963). Also useful are the entries under
“Stratification, Social” by Bernard Barber and Seymour M.
Lipset, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
(New York, 1968), Vol. 15.


[See also Economic History; Education; Equality; Hierar-
chy; Ideology; Marxism; Property; Socialism; Utopia.]