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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
[Clear Hits]


There is a vast literature on the nature and mission of
the Church, and on its history. Much of this is from the
point of view of the allegiance of each writer. The following
books may be reasonably regarded as objective studies, and
give extensive bibliographies. Standard reference works
include: Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. J. Hast-
ings, 12 vols. (Edinburgh and New York, 1910), Vol. III,
article “Church” by J. Oman; The Oxford Dictionary of the
Christian Church,
ed. F. J. Cross (London and New York,
1958), many relevant articles; Religion in Geschichte und
3rd ed. (Tübingen, 1959), III, 1296-1339; Real-
lexikon für Antike und Christentum,
ed. T. Klauser (Stutt-
gart, 1959), IV, article “Ekklesia”; Dictionary of the Bible,
rev. ed. J. Hastings (London and New York, 1963), article
“Church”; Dictionary of Comparative Religion, ed. S. G. F.
Brandon (London and New York, 1970), many relevant

Among books, the following are especially pertinent: G.
Barraclough, The Medieval Papacy (London, 1968). S. G. F.
Brandon, The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church,
2nd ed. (Naperville, Ill., 1957); idem, Jesus and the Zealots
(New York, 1967-68); idem, History, Time and Deity (New
York, 1965). A. G. Dickens, Reformation and Society (New
York, 1966). A. A. T. Ehrhardt, Politische Metaphysik von
Solon bis Augustin,
Band II (Tübingen, 1959); idem, The
Apostolic Succession
(London, 1953). M. Goguel, The Birth
of Christianity
(New York, 1953); idem, The Primitive
(New York, 1964). A. Harnack, History of Dogma,
7 vols. (reprint, New York, 1961). F. Heer, Aufgang Europas
(Vienna and Zürich, 1949). N. D. Kelley, Early Christian
(London and New York, 1950). S. Runciman, A
History of the Crusades,
3 vols. (New York, 1954). N. Zernov,
Eastern Christendom (New York, 1961).


[See also Christianity in History; Church, Modernism in
the Christian;
God; Heresy; Hierarchy; Prophecy; Reforma-
tion; Religion, Origins of; Ritual in;
Sin and Salvation.]